Publications from 2020
The Case for "Unfair Methods of Competition" Rulemaking, Rohit Chopra and Lina M. Khan
Petition for Rulemaking on Short and Distort, John C. Coffee Jr., Joshua Mitts, James D. Cox, Peter Molk, Edward Greene, Randall S. Thomas, Meyer-Eisenberg, Robert B. Thompson, Colleen Honigsberg, Andrew Verstein, Donald C. Langevoort, and Charles K. Whitehead
Discrete Rent-Seeking Games with an Application to Evidence Production, Giuseppe Dari-Mattiacci and Lewis A. Kornhauser
Federal Legislative and Administrative Framework, John C. Dernbach and Michael B. Gerrard
Global Investor Protection: Securities Law Enforcement Around the World, Matthew Diller, Martin Gelter, Eugenio J. Cardenas, Merritt B. Fox, Geoffrey Jarvis, Pierre-Henri Conac, Todd Cosenza, Jill Fisch, Yuliya Guseva, Elad Roisman, and Sean Griffith
Restructuring vs. Bankruptcy, Jason Roderick Donaldson, Edward R. Morrison, Giorgia Piacentino, and Xiaobo Yu
On Trust, Law, and Expecting the Worst, Elizabeth F. Emens
The Art of Access: Innovative Protests of an Inaccessible City, Elizabeth F. Emens
Furman's Legacy: New Challenges to the Overbreadth of Capital Punishment, Jeffrey A. Fagan
Race and Reasonableness in Police Killings, Jeffrey A. Fagan and Alexis D. Campbell
Profiling and Consent: Stops, Searches, and Seizures after Soto, Jeffrey A. Fagan and Amanda Geller
Stakeholder Preferences and Priorities for the Next WTO Director General, Matteo Fiorini, Bernard Hoekman, Petros C. Mavroidis, Douglas Nelson, and Robert Wolfe
WTO Dispute Settlement and the Appellate Body Crisis: Insider Perceptions and Members’ Revealed Preferences, Matteo Fiorini, Bernard M. Hoekman, Petros C. Mavroidis, Maarja Saluste, and Robert Wolfe
The Paradox of Legal Training and Leadership: A Conversation between Akilah Folami and Susan Sturm, Akilah Folami and Susan P. Sturm
The Handmaid of Justice: Power and Procedure in the Inferior Courts, Kellen R. Funk
Copyright and Economic Viability: Evidence from the Music Industry, Kristelia A. Garcia, James Hicks, and Justin McCrary
An Environmental Lawyer's Fraught Quest for Legal Tools to Hold Back the Seas, Michael B. Gerrard
Direct Air Capture: An Emerging Necessity to Fight Climate Change, Michael B. Gerrard
Emergency Exemptions From Environmental Laws, Michael B. Gerrard
New York Can Lead World in Fighting Climate Change, Michael B. Gerrard
The Role of Lawyers in Decarbonizing Society, Michael B. Gerrard
Biden Administration Will Reverse Many Trump Environmental Policies, Michael B. Gerrard and Edward McTiernan
New York Environmental Legislation in 2019, Michael B. Gerrard and Edward McTiernan
New York’s New Statute on Siting Renewable Energy Facilities, Michael B. Gerrard and Edward McTiernan
The Perils of Relying on FEMA Flood Maps in Real Estate Transactions, Michael B. Gerrard and Edward McTiernan
Picking the Low-Hanging Fruit: A Short Essay for Michael Klausner, Ronald J. Gilson
A United States Perspective on Digital Single Market Directive Art. 17, Jane C. Ginsburg
Copyright Protection for Applied Art and Works of Artistic Craftsmanship after Star Athletica, Jane C. Ginsburg
Fair Use Factor Four Revisited: Valuing the "Value of the Copyrighted Work", Jane C. Ginsburg
Fair Use in the United States: Transformed, Deformed, Reformed?, Jane C. Ginsburg
Letter to Council Members Regarding Council Draft 4, Jane C. Ginsburg
Minimum and Maximum Protection Under International Copyright Treaties, Jane C. Ginsburg
People Not Machines: Authorship and What It Means in International Copyright Law, Jane C. Ginsburg
Overlapping Copyright and Trademark Protection in the United States: More Protection and More Fair Use?, Jane C. Ginsburg and Irene Caboli
Fixing America's Founding, Maeve Glass
COVID-19 and LGBT Rights, Suzanne B. Goldberg
Harassment, Workplace Culture, and the Power and Limits of Law, Suzanne B. Goldberg
Deals, Victor P. Goldberg
Some Issues on the Law of Direct Damages (US and UK), Victor P. Goldberg
Corporate Control, Dual Class, and the Limits of Judicial Review, Zohar Goshen and Assaf Hamdani
Democracy & Religion: Some Variations & Hard Questions, Kent Greenawalt
War Powers: Congress, the President, and the Courts – A Model Casebook Section, Stephen M. Griffin and Matthew C. Waxman
A Mission Statement for Mutual Funds in Shareholder Litigation, Sean J. Griffith and Dorothy S. Lund
America's Hidden Foster Care System, Joshua Gupta-Kagan
Making Sense of Customary International Law, Monica Hakimi
The Integrative Effects of Global Legal Pluralism, Monica Hakimi
Why Should We Care About International Law?, Monica Hakimi
The Promise and Limits of Cyber Power in International Law: Remarks, Monica Hakimi, Ann Väljataga, Zhixiong Huang, Charles Allen, Sue Robertson, and Doug Wilson
Delegating or Divesting?, Philip A. Hamburger
Contre-/Counter-, Bernard E. Harcourt
For Coöperation and the Abolition of Capital, Or, How to Get Beyond Our Extractive Punitive Society and Achieve a Just Society, Bernard E. Harcourt
Nascent Competitors, C. Scott Hemphill and Tim Wu
Preventing the Bad from Getting Worse: The End of the World (Trade Organization) As We Know It?, Bernard Hoekman and Petros C. Mavroidis
To AB or Not to AB?: Dispute Settlement in WTO Reform, Bernard M. Hoekman and Petros C. Mavroidis
Patently Risky: Framing, Innovation and Entrepreneurial Preferences, Elizabeth Hoffman, David L. Schwartz, Matthew L. Spitzer, and Eric L. Talley
Coordinating Injunctions, Bert I. Huang
Judicial Credibility, Bert I. Huang
Lessons from the Prekindergarten Movement, Clare Huntington
Conceptualizing Legal Childhood in the Twenty-First Century, Clare Huntington and Elizabeth S. Scott
The New Restatement of Children and the Law: Legal Childhood in the Twenty-First Century, Clare Huntington and Elizabeth S. Scott
Strengthening the U.S.-Japan Alliance: Pathways for Bridging Law and Policy, Columbia Law School, 2020, Nobuhisa Ishizuka, Masahiro Kurosaki, and Matthew C. Waxman
COVID-19 as a Force Majeure in Corporate Transactions, Matthew Jennejohn, Julian Nyarko, and Eric L. Talley
AFFH and the Challenge of Reparations in the Administrative State, Olatunde C.A. Johnson
An Opening: Advocating for Equity in a Polarized America, Olatunde C.A. Johnson
The New "Essential": Rethinking Social Goods in the Age of Covid-19, Olatunde C.A. Johnson
The New Mechanisms of Market Inefficiency, Kathryn Judge
Why the Fed Should Issue a Policy Framework for Credit Policy, Kathryn Judge
The End of Antitrust History Revisited, Lina M. Khan
Democracy and Decolonization: How India Was Made, Madhav Khosla
India’s First Period: Constitutional Doctrine and Constitutional Stability, Madhav Khosla
Power in Human Rights Advocate and Rightsholder Relationships: Critiques, Reforms, and Challenges, Sarah Knuckey, Benjamin Hoffman, Jeremy Perelman, Gulika Reddy, Alejandra Ancheita, and Meetali Jain
The Proportionality Rule and Mental Health Harm in War, Sarah Knuckey, Alex Moorehead, Audrey McCalley, and Adam Brown
The Case Against Equity in American Contract Law, Jody S. Kraus and Robert E. Scott
Ordinary Tort Litigation in China: Law versus Practical Justice?, Benjamin L. Liebman
Mass Digitization of Chinese Court Decisions: How to Use Text as Data in the Field of Chinese Law, Benjamin L. Liebman, Margaret Roberts, Rachel E. Stern, and Alice Z. Wang
Privacy and Pandemics, Clarisa Long
Complexity, Judgment, and Restraint, Gerard E. Lynch
Recovering the Lost History of Presidential Removal Law, Jane Manners and Lev Menand
Driver for Contactless Payments, Ronald J. Mann
Making Sense of the Arbitrator’s Ruling in DS 316 EC and Certain Member States – Measures Affecting Trade in Large Civil Aircraft (Article 22.6-EC): A Jigsaw Puzzle with (at Least) a Couple Missing Pieces, Petros C. Mavroidis and Kamal Saggi
Legitimate Interpretation – Or Legitimate Adjudication?, Thomas W. Merrill
Private and Public Law, Thomas W. Merrill
The Eagle Theory, Thomas W. Merrill
The Economics of Leasing, Thomas W. Merrill
Considering Legitimacy, Gillian E. Metzger
Legislatures, Executives and Political Control of Government, Gillian E. Metzger
Symposium: The Puzzling and Troubling Grant in Kisor, Gillian E. Metzger
The Roberts Court and Administrative Law, Gillian E. Metzger
Short and Distort, Joshua Mitts
Race and Bankruptcy: Explaining Racial Disparities in Consumer Bankruptcy, Edward R. Morrison, Belisa Pang, and Antoine Uettwiller
Bankruptcy’s Role in the COVID-19 Crisis, Edward R. Morrison and Andrea C. Saavedra
Who’s Afraid of Section 1498? A Case for Government Patent Use in Pandemics and Other National Crises, Christopher J. Morten and Charles Duan
Rule by Data: The End of Markets?, Katharina Pistor
All Faiths & None: A Guide to Protecting Religious Liberty for Everyone, Elizabeth Reiner Platt, Katherine M. Franke, Keisha E. McKenzie, and Katharine Rhodes Henderson
Political Wine in a Judicial Bottle: Justice Sotomayor's Surprising Concurrence in Aurelius, Christina D. Ponsa-Kraus
Beholding Law: Amadeo on the Argentine Constitution, Christina D. Ponsa-Kraus and Erin F. Delaney
Seeing Transparency More Clearly, David E. Pozen
The Shrinking Constitution of Settlement, David E. Pozen
Executive Underreach, in Pandemics and Otherwise, David E. Pozen and Kim Lane Scheppele
Building a Law-and-Political-Economy Framework: Beyond the Twentieth-Century Synthesis, Jedediah S. Purdy, David Singh Grewal, Amy Kapczynski, and K. Sabeel Rahman