Publications from 2018
Legal Tools for Cities to Cope With Extreme Heat, Michael B. Gerrard and Edward McTiernan
New York Environmental Legislation in 2017, Michael B. Gerrard and Edward McTiernan
Patterns of Climate Change Litigation During Trump Era, Michael B. Gerrard and Edward McTiernan
State Authority to Preempt Local Laws Regulating Renewable Energy Projects, Michael B. Gerrard and Edward McTiernan
Sequestering Carbon Dioxide Undersea in the Atlantic: Legal Problems and Solutions, Michael B. Gerrard and Romany M. Webb
From Corporate Law to Corporate Governance, Ronald J. Gilson
Foreign Authors' Enforcement of U.S. Reversion Rights, Jane C. Ginsburg
Intellectual Property As Seen by Barbie and Mickey: The Reciprocal Relationship of Copyright and Trademark Law, Jane C. Ginsburg
Liability for Providing Hyperlinks to Copyright-Infringing Content: International and Comparative Law Perspectives, Jane C. Ginsburg and Luke Ali Budiardjo
Citizens of the State, Maeve Glass
Geological Storage of CO2 in Sub-Seafloor Basalt: The CarbonSAFE Pre-Feasibility Study Offshore Washington State and British Columbia, David Goldberg, Lara Aston, Alain Bonneville, Inci Demirkanli, Curtis Evans, Andrew Fisher, Helena Garcia, Michael B. Gerrard, Martin Heesemann, Ken Hnottavange-Telleen, Emily Hsu, Cristina Malinverno, Kate Moran, Ah-Hyung Alissa Park, Martin Scherwath, Angela Slagle, Martin Stute, Tess Weathers, Romany M. Webb, Mark White, Signe White, and CarbonSAFE Cascadia Project Team
Free Expression on Campus: Mitigating the Costs of Contentious Speakers, Suzanne B. Goldberg
Consequential Damages and Exclusion Clauses, Victor P. Goldberg
Reckoning Contract Damages: Valuation of the Contract as an Asset, Victor P. Goldberg
Remedies in the UCC: Some Critical Thoughts, Victor P. Goldberg
The Lost Volume Seller in English Law, Victor P. Goldberg
The MacPherson-Henningsen Puzzle, Victor P. Goldberg
The Middleman’s Damages Revisited, Victor P. Goldberg
Is Corporate Governance a First Order Cause of the Current Malaise?, Jeffrey N. Gordon
The Origins of a Capital Market Union in the United States, Jeffrey N. Gordon and Kathryn Judge
Foreword – The 2017 Tax Cuts: How Polarized Politics Produced Precarious Policy, Michael J. Graetz
Mutual Tolerance and Sensible Exemptions, Kent Greenawalt
A Private Law Court in a Public Law System, Jamal Greene
Rights as Trumps?, Jamal Greene
Trump as a Constitutional Failure, Jamal Greene
Comparative Approaches to Constitutional History, Jamal Greene and Yvonne Tew
Religious Liberty for a Select Few, Sharita Gruberg, Frank J. Bewkes, Elizabeth Reiner Platt, Katherine M. Franke, and Claire Markham
Rethinking Family-Court Prosecutors: Elected and Agency Prosecutors and Prosecutorial Discretion in Juvenile Delinquency and Child Protection Cases, Joshua Gupta-Kagan
The Intersection Between Young Adult Sentencing and Mass Incarceration, Joshua Gupta-Kagan
The Jus ad Bellum's Regulatory Form, Monica Hakimi
The Theory and Practice at the Intersection Between Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Monica Hakimi
The Use of Force Against Non-State Actors: Introductory Remarks by Monica Hakimi, Monica Hakimi
Chevron on Stilts: A Response to Jonathan Siegel, Philip A. Hamburger
The Administrative Evasion of Procedural Rights, Philip A. Hamburger
The Administrative Threat to Civil Liberties, Philip A. Hamburger
The Systems Fallacy: A Genealogy and Critique of Public Policy and Cost-Benefit Analysis, Bernard Harcourt
Counter-Critical Theory: An Intervention in Contemporary Critical Thought and Practice, Bernard E. Harcourt
Critique & Praxis: A Pure Theory of Illusions, Values, and Tactics, and An Answer to the Question: "What is to Be Done?", Bernard E. Harcourt
Sparking King's Revolution, Bernard E. Harcourt
Fiscal Pressures and Discriminatory Policing: Evidence from Traffic Stops in Missouri, Allison P. Harris, Elliott Ash, and Jeffrey A. Fagan
Sexual Harassment and Corporate Law, Daniel Hemel and Dorothy S. Lund
Going Negative: The Next Horizon in Climate Engineering Law, Tracy Hester and Michael B. Gerrard
Promoting International Cybersecurity Cooperation: Lessons from the Proliferation Security Initiative, Duncan B. Hollis and Matthew C. Waxman
Family Law's Exclusions, Clare Huntington
The Empirical Turn in Family Law, Clare Huntington
Expectations as Property: Histories, Contexualizations, Critiques, Freya Irani and Katharina Pistor
Regulation and Deregulation: The Baseline Challenge, Kathryn Judge
A Multi-Decade Joinpoint Analysis of Firearm Injury Severity, Bindu Kalesan, Yi Zuo, Ziming Xuan, Michael B. Siegel, Jeffrey A. Fagan, Charles Branas, and Sandro Galea
The Search for an Egalitarian First Amendment, Jeremy K. Kessler and David E. Pozen
The Search for an Egalitarian First Amendment, Jeremy K. Kessler and David E. Pozen
Amazon – An Infrastructure Service and Its Challenge to Current Antitrust Law, Lina M. Khan
Sources of Tech Platform Power, Lina M. Khan
The Ideological Roots of America's Market Power Problem, Lina M. Khan
Trauma, Depression, and Burnout in the Human Rights Field: Identifying Barriers and Pathways to Resilient Advocacy, Sarah Knuckey, Margaret Satterthwaite, and Adam Brown
The State's Role in the Regulation and Provision of Legal Services in South Africa and the United States: Supporting, Nudging or Interfering?, Helen Kruuse and Philip Genty
Aggressive Policing and the Educational Performance of Minority Youth, Joscha Legewie and Jeffrey A. Fagan
The Case Against Passive Shareholder Voting, Dorothy S. Lund
Reliable Perfection of Security Interests in Crypto-Currency, Ronald J. Mann
All Quiet in the Western (European Football) Front: Regulation of Football in the European Continent, Petros C. Mavroidis
Last Mile for Tuna (to a Safe Harbor): What is the TBT Agreement All About?, Petros C. Mavroidis
Another One BITes the Dust: The Distance between Luxembourg and the World is Growing after Achmea, Petros C. Mavroidis and Carlo M. Cantore
Dissenting Opinions in the WTO Appellate Body: Drivers of Their Issuance & Implications for the Institutional Jurisprudence, Petros C. Mavroidis and Evan Y. Kim
Things Have Changed (or Have They?): Tariff Protection and Environmental Concerns in the WTO, Petros C. Mavroidis and Damien J. Neven
Die Another Day: Zeroing in on Targeted Dumping: Did the AB Hit the Mark in US – Washing Machines?, Petros C. Mavroidis and Thomas J. Prusa
Interpreting an Unamendable Text, Thomas W. Merrill
Learned Hand on Statutory Interpretation: Theory and Practice, Thomas W. Merrill
The Supreme Court's Regulatory Takings Doctrine and the Perils of Common Law Constitutionalism, Thomas W. Merrill
Text over Intent and the Demise of Legislative History, Thomas W. Merrill, Michael S. Paulsen, Saikrishna Prakash, Lawrence B. Solum, and Sandra Segal Ikuta
Standing with a Bundle of Sticks: The All Substantial Rights Doctrine in Action, Christopher J. Morten
Bridging the Safe Drinking Water Gap for California’s Rural Poor, Camille Pannu
The Legacy of Civil Rights and the Opportunity for Transactional Law Clinics, Lynnise E. Pantin
The Wealth Gap and the Racial Disparities in the Startup Ecosystem, Lynnise E. Pantin
Can Restitution Save Fragile Spiderless Networks?, Ariel Porat and Robert E. Scott
Transparency's Ideological Drift, David E. Pozen
Transparency's Ideological Drift, David E. Pozen
Introduction: Troubling Transparency, David E. Pozen and Michael Schudson
Beyond the Bosses' Constitution: The First Amendment and Class Entrenchment, Jedediah S. Purdy
The Long Environmental Justice Movement, Jedediah S. Purdy
Whose Lands? Which Public? The Shape of Public-Lands Law and Trump's National Monument Proclamations, Jedediah S. Purdy
Economic Individualism and Preference Formation, Andrzej Rapaczynski
Identity and Social Bonds, Joseph Raz
On Waldron's Critique of Raz on Human Rights, Joseph Raz
Review: Ralph Wedgwood, The Value of Rationality, Joseph Raz
The Democratic Deficit, Joseph Raz
The Law's Own Virtue, Joseph Raz
The Lopsided Harms of Reproductive Negligence, Carol Sanger
Charitable Subsidies and Nonprofit Governance: Comparing the Charitable Deduction with the Exemption for Endowment Income, David M. Schizer
Brain Development, Social Context and Justice Policy, Elizabeth S. Scott, Natasha Duell, and Laurence Steinberg
The Case for Dropping Preferential Rules of Origin, Jeffrey Selbin, Justin McCrary, and Joshua Epstein
Unmarked? Criminal Record Clearing and Employment Outcomes, Jeffrey Selbin, Justin McCrary, and Joshua Epstein
The Keys to the Kingdom: Judges, Pre-Hearing Procedure, and Access to Justice, Colleen F. Shanahan
Measuring Law School Clinics, Colleen F. Shanahan, Jeffrey Selbin, Alyx Mark, and Anna E. Carpenter
Bearing Faith: The Limits of Catholic Health Care for Women of Color, Kira Shepherd, Elizabeth Reiner Platt, Katherine M. Franke, and Elizabeth Boylan
Righting Research Wrongs: An Empirical Study of How U.S. Institutions Resolve Grievances Involving Human Subjects, Kristen Underhill
Fulfilling States’ Duty to Evaluate Medicaid Waivers, Kristen Underhill, Atheendar Venkataramani, and Kevin G. Volpp
Presidents and War Powers, Matthew C. Waxman
The Caroline Affair in the Evolving International Law of Self-Defense, Matthew C. Waxman
What's So Great About the Declare War Clause?, Matthew C. Waxman
After Consumer Welfare, Now What? The "Protection of Competition" Standard in Practice, Tim Wu