Author ORCID Identifier

Nobuhisa Ishizuka 0009-0003-2553-2142

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Publication Date



During the three years leading up to this year ’s 60th anniversary of the signing of the 1960 U.S.-Japan Security Treaty, a series of workshops were held under the joint sponsorship of Columbia Law School’s Center for Japanese Legal Studies and the National Defense Academy of Japan’s Center for Global Security. Bringing together experts in international law and political science primarily from the United States and Japan, the workshops examined how differing approaches to use of force and understandings of individual and collective self-defense in the two countries might adversely affect their alliance.

The workshop participants explored the underlying causes of the gap in understanding between the United States and Japan with respect to these issues, and they considered the alliance in the conte xt of each state’s interpretation of international law and policy positions regarding its rights and obligations under such law. In doing so, they also examined how the differing approaches could be applied to possible crisis situations of current concern in East Asia, and what that might mean for alliance relations.


Constitutional Law | International Law | International Relations | Law | Law and Politics | Military, War, and Peace | Political Science | Social and Behavioral Sciences


Center for Japanese Legal Studies


National Security Law Program
