Publications from 2023
Navigating Between "Politics As Usual" and Sacks of Cash, Daniel C. Richman
The (Immediate) Future of Prosecution, Daniel C. Richman
The Rise and Fall of a Reproductive Right: Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, Carol Sanger
Red White and Blue – and Also Green: How Energy Policy Can Protect Both National Security and the Environment, David M. Schizer
Lawyerless Law Development, Colleen F. Shanahan, Jessica K. Steinberg, Alyx Mark, and Anna E. Carpenter
Liability Beyond Law: Conceptions of Fairness in Chinese Tort Cases, Rachel E. Stern, Benjamin L. Liebman, Wenwa Gao, and Xiaohan Wu
Tribute to R. Kent Greenawalt: A Common-Law Thinker in a Text Driven Age, Peter L. Strauss
Debt Textualism and Creditor-on-Creditor Violence: A Modest Plea to Keep the Faith, Eric L. Talley and Sneha Pandya
Practicing Queer Legal Theory Critically, Kendall Thomas
Publications from 2022
Comments on Preliminary Draft 8 [black letter and comments], Jane C. Ginsburg
A Theory of Constitutional Norms, Ashraf Ahmed
Democracy and Disenchantment, Ashraf Ahmed
Class, Care, and the Equal Rights Amendment, Kate Andrias
Credit, Crises and Infrastructure: The Differing Fates of Large and Small Businesses, Todd Baker, Kathryn Judge, and Aaron Klein
Of Autonomy, Sacred Rights, and Personal Marks, Shyamkrishna Balganesh
Relying on Restatements, Shyamkrishna Balganesh
The Genius of Common-Law Intellectual Property, Shyamkrishna Balganesh
The Institutionalist Turn in Copyright, Shyamkrishna Balganesh
The In Rem/In Personam Distinction and Partitioning for Persistence, Shyamkrishna Balganesh and Leo Katz
Proving Copying, Shyamkrishna Balganesh and Peter S. Menell
Criminalized Students, Reparations, and the Limits of Prospective Reform, Amber Baylor
The Contribution of International Commercial Arbitration to Investment Arbitration, George A. Bermann
A Tale of Two Civil Procedures, Pamela K. Bookman and Colleen F. Shanahan
International Bureaucracies: Extraterritorial Reach of the European Commission’s Legal Expertise, Anu Bradford
Election Law Localism and Democracy, Richard Briffault
An Attack on Local Authority, Richard Briffault and Kim Haddow
Russia, Ukraine, and the Future World Order, Ingrid (Wuerth) Brunk and Monica Hakimi
Federalism and Equal Citizenship: The Constitutional Case for D.C. Statehood, Jessica Bulman-Pozen and Olatunde C.A. Johnson
Countering the New Election Subversion: The Democracy Principle and the Role of State Courts, Jessica Bulman-Pozen and Miriam Seifter
The Field of State Civil Courts, Anna E. Carpenter, Alyx Mark, Colleen F. Shanahan, and Jessica K. Steinberg
America's Lawyerless Courts: Legal Scholars Work to Recommend Large-Scale Changes in Lawyerless Civil Courts, Anna E. Carpenter, Colleen F. Shanahan, Jessica K. Steinberg, and Alyx Mark
Judges in Lawyerless Courts, Anna E. Carpenter, Colleen F. Shanahan, Jessica K. Steinberg, and Alyx Mark
Intellectual Property, Independent Creation, and the Lockean Commons, Mala Chatterjee
Crime and the Corporation: Making the Punishment Fit the Corporation, John C. Coffee Jr.
This Is Not a Drill: The War Against Antiracist Teaching in America, Kimberlé W. Crenshaw
ASIL Hudson Medal Conversation "Songs My Mother Taught Me: A Very Personal Account": Remarks by Lori Fisler Damrosch, Lori Fisler Damrosch
Principles for Responsibility Sharing: Proximity, Culpability, Moral Accountability, and Capability, Michael W. Doyle, Janine Prantl, and Mark J. Wood
Law’s Contributions to the Mindfulness Revolution, Elizabeth F. Emens
Mindful Debiasing: Meditation as a Tool to Address Disability Discrimination, Elizabeth F. Emens
The Disability Cost Narrative: A Roundtable Discussion, Elizabeth F. Emens, Kaaryn S. Gustafson, and Jasmine E. Harris
Tributes to Family Law Scholars Who Helped Us Find Our Path, Ann Laquer Estin, Melissa Murray, June Carbone, Barbara A. Atwood, Paul M. Kurtz, J. Thomas Oldham, Bruce M. Smyth, Brian H. Bix, Elizabeth S. Scott, R.A. Lenhardt, Jessica Dixon Weaver, Solangel Maldonado, and Sacha M. Coupet
No Runs, Few Hits and Many Errors: Street Stops, Bias and Proactive Policing, Jeffrey A. Fagan
Getting to Death: Race and the Paths of Capital Cases after Furman, Jeffrey A. Fagan, Garth Davies, and Ray Paternoster
The Future of Board Time and Priorities, Janet Foutty, Eric L. Talley, Carey Oven, Erica Mitnick Klein, Maureen Bujno, Katherine Waldock, Molly Calkins, Lyssa Bantleon Little, and Caroline Schoenecker
Remarks from the 2022 Symposium: The Equal Rights Amendment: A New Guarantee of Sex Equality in the U.S. Constitution, Katherine M. Franke
ERA Project OLC Letter, Katherine M. Franke, David E. Pozen, Erwin Chemerinsky, Melissa Murray, Laurence H. Tribe, Martha Minow, Geoffrey C. Stone, Cary Franklin, Michael C. Dorf, and Victoria Nourse
Equity's Federalism, Kellen R. Funk
A Time for Triage, Michael B. Gerrard
Who Decides Where the Renewables Should Go?: A Response to Danielle Stokes’ Renewable Energy Federalism, Michael B. Gerrard
Legislature Expands State’s Jurisdiction Over Freshwater Wetlands, Michael B. Gerrard and Edward McTiernan
New York Environmental Legislation in 2021, Michael B. Gerrard and Edward McTiernan
Regulation of Polyfluoroalkyl Chemicals in New York, Michael B. Gerrard and Edward McTiernan
Three New Federal Laws Aid New York’s Compliance With Climate Goals, Michael B. Gerrard and Edward McTiernan
West Virginia v. Environmental Protection Agency: The Agency's Climate Authority, Michael B. Gerrard, Joanne Spalding, Jill Tauber, and Keith Matthews
The Input Fallacy, Talia B. Gillis
Corporate Governance versus Real Governance, Ronald J. Gilson
Shifting Influences on Corporate Governance: Capital Market Completeness and Policy Channeling, Ronald J. Gilson and Curtis J. Milhaupt
Authors’ Remuneration: Reforms To Wish For, Jane C. Ginsburg
Copyright, Creativity, Big Media and Cultural Value: Incorporating the Author, Jane C. Ginsburg
Floors and Ceilings in International Copyright Treaties: Berne/TRIPS/WCT Minima and Maxima, Jane C. Ginsburg
Comments on Council Draft 6 [black letter and comments], Jane C. Ginsburg and June M. Besek
Systemic Stewardship, Jeffrey N. Gordon
The Rejected Threat of Corporate Vote Suppression: The Rise and Fall of the Anti-Activist Pill, Jeffrey N. Gordon
Agents of Inequality: Common Ownership and the Decline of the American Worker, Zohar Goshen and Doron Levit
Barbarians Inside the Gates: Raiders, Activists, and the Risk of Mistargeting, Zohar Goshen and Reilly S. Steel
Structural Biases in Structural Constitutional Law, Jonathan S. Gould and David E. Pozen
Epilogue: The Elephant in the Room, Jamal Greene
Accommodating Parents, Joshua Gupta-Kagan
Confronting Indeterminacy and Bias in Child Protection Law, Joshua Gupta-Kagan
Creating a Strong Legal Preference for Kinship Care, Joshua Gupta-Kagan
Ending CPS Home Searches' Evasion of the Fourth Amendment, Joshua Gupta-Kagan
Establishing New Permanent Family Relationships in United States and Nordic Child Protection Systems, Joshua Gupta-Kagan
Approvals and Timing of New Formulations of Novel Drugs Approved by the US Food and Drug Administration Between 1995 and 2010 and Followed Through 2021, Ravi Gupta, Christopher J. Morten, Angela J. Zhu, Reshma Ramachandran, Nilay D. Shah, and Joseph S. Ross
Education Is Speech: Parental Free Speech in Education, Philip A. Hamburger
Evaluating Legal Needs, Luz Herrera, Amber Baylor, Nandita Chaudhuri, and Felipe Hinojosa
A Court of Two Minds, Bert I. Huang
The Institutions of Family Law, Clare Huntington
The Enduring Importance of Parental Rights, Clare Huntington and Elizabeth S. Scott
Contractual Evolution, Matthew Jennejohn, Julian Nyarko, and Eric L. Talley
How Agencies Can Better Regulate for Racial Justice, Olatunde C.A. Johnson
Stress Testing During Times of War, Kathryn Judge
Panel: Climate Change and Climate Justice, Alice Kaswan, Michael B. Gerrard, Monica Esparza, and J.B. Ruhl
“Black First, Children Second”: Why Juvenile Life Without Parole Violates the Equal Protection Clause, Avery W. Katz
Illiberalism and Administrative Government, Jeremy K. Kessler
The Legal Origins of Catholic Conscientious Objection, Jeremy K. Kessler
Is a Science of Comparative Constitutionalism Possible?, Madhav Khosla
Courts, Constitutionalism, and State Capacity: A Preliminary Inquiry, Madhav Khosla and Mark Tushnet
The Three Faces of the Indian State, Madhav Khosla and Milan Vaishnav
Valid t-Ratio Inference for IV, David S. Lee, Justin McCrary, Marcelo J. Moreira, and Jack Porter
The Banker Removal Power, Da Lin and Lev Menand
Twitter v. Musk: The "Trial of the Century" That Wasn't, Ann M. Lipton and Eric L. Talley
Asset Managers as Regulators, Dorothy S. Lund
In Search of Good Corporate Governance, Dorothy S. Lund
Toward a Fair and Sustainable Corporate Governance System: Reflections on Leo Strine, Jr.'s Writing on Institutional Investors, Dorothy S. Lund
Assessing the Influence of Amici on Supreme Court Decision Making, Ronald J. Mann and Michael Fronk
Judge Williams on Administrative Law, Thomas W. Merrill
Public Nuisance as Risk Regulation, Thomas W. Merrill
The Essential Meaning of the Rule of Law, Thomas W. Merrill
What Does Effective Government Have to Do With the Constitution?, Gillian E. Metzger
Doctrinal Conflict in Foreign Investment Regulation in India: NTT Docomo vs. Tata Sons and the Case for “Downside Protection”, M. P. Ram Mohan, Nobuhisa Ishizuka, and Sidharth Sharma