Publications from 2025
Climate Change Litigation in New York, Michael B. Gerrard
Existential Threats and Deterrence: Japan’s Legal Pathway to Enhanced Collective Security in Asia, Nobuhisa Ishizuka
Regionalism and the Federal Reserve Banks, Kathryn Judge and Lev Menand
Managing the Trade-Climate Policy Interface Through Open Plurilateral Agreements: Learning from the EU Deforestation Regulation Experience, Bernard M. Hoekman and Charles F. Sabel
The Common Law of Constitutional Conventions, David E. Pozen
Law for the Rich, Alex Raskolnikov
Loper Bright and the Great Writ, Anthony G. Amsterdam and James S. Liebman
New York Environmental Legislation in 2024, Michael B. Gerrard
In Search of a State, Maeve Glass
Publications from 2024
Interactional Ordering: Reconstructing Lon Fuller's Theory of Private Law, Shyamkrishna Balganesh
The Applicable Law in Investor-State Arbitration, George A. Bermann
Contesting and Controlling Abortion in China’s Courts, Molly Bodurtha, Benjamin L. Liebman, Li Chenquian, and Xiaohan Wu
Framing Indian Federalism, Madhav Khosla
Constitutional and Administrative Innovation Through State Labor Law, Kate Andrias
Fatherhood, Family Law, and the Crisis of Boys and Men, June Carbone and Clare Huntington
Environmental Law in Trump’s Second Term, Michael B. Gerrard
The Demise of Deference — And the Rise of Delegation to Interpret?, Thomas W. Merrill
Should I Call Child Protection? — Guidelines for Clinicians, Mical Raz, Joshua Gupta-Kagan, and Andrea G. Asnes
Addressing Energy Insecurity Upstream: Electric Utility Ratemaking and Rate Design as Levers for Change, Emma Shumway, Diana Hernández, Qëndresa Krasniqi, Vivek Shastry, Abigail Austin, and Michael B. Gerrard
Performing Legality: When and Why Chinese Government Leaders Show Up in Court, Rachel E. Stern, Jieun Kim, and Benjamin L. Liebman
Speaking Collectively: The First Amendment, The Public Sector, and the Right to Bargain and Strike, Kate Andrias
Regulating Shipping of Carbon Dioxide for Sequestration, Carolina Arlota and Michael B. Gerrard
The International Legal Framework of Oceanic Shipping of Carbon Dioxide for Permanent Storage, Carolina Arlota and Michael B. Gerrard
The International Court of Justice: New Challenges in The Hague for Adjudication of Interstate Disputes, John Bellinger, Catherine Amirfar, Sarah H. Cleveland, and Juan Manuel Gómez-Robledo Verduzco
Opening Dialogue, Lee C. Bollinger and Geoffrey R. Stone
The False Choice Between Digital Regulation and Innovation, Anu Bradford
Public Financing of Election Campaigns, Richard Briffault
The 2023 Merger Guidelines: An Assessment, Herbert Hovenkamp, Tim Wu, and James Keyte
Taxing the Ten Percent, Alex Raskolnikov
Commercial Boilerplate: A Review and Research Agenda, Robert E. Scott, Stephen J. Choi, and Mitu Gulati
Going "Beyond" Mere Transformation: Warhol and Reconciliation of the Derivative Work Right and Fair Use, Shyamkrishna Balganesh and Peter S. Menell
Dynamic Diffusion, Anu Bradford, Adam S. Chilton, and Katerina Linos
The Surprising Survival – So Far – of the Corporate Contribution Ban, Richard Briffault
Optimal Regulatory Enforcement, Giuseppe Dari‐Mattiacci and Alex Raskolnikov
New York Falling Behind in Implementing Bold Climate Law, Michael B. Gerrard
The Chain and the Rope, Maeve Glass
The Influence of the Race of Defendant and the Race of Victim on Capital Charging and Sentencing in California, Catherine M. Grosso, Jeffrey A. Fagan, and Michael Laurence
From the Bench, Pierre Leval, M. Margaret McKeown, and Jane C. Ginsburg
Wrong-Person Error in Capital Cases, James S. Liebman
The National Security Exception at the WTO: Should It Just Be a Matter of When Members Can Avail of It? What About How?, Mona Pinchis-Paulsen, Kamal Saggi, and Petros C. Mavroidis
“Kindred to Treason”: Conspiracy Laws in the United States, Sarah Seo
Labour and Democracy, Kate Andrias
On Critical Genealogy, Bernard E. Harcourt
Is John Stuart Mill's On Liberty Obsolete?, Vincent A. Blasi
The Prohibition of Annexations and the Foundations of Modern International Law, Ingrid Brunk and Monica Hakimi
Obscure Contract Terms: An Inadvertent Pricing Experiment, Stephen J. Choi, Mitu Gulati, Ugo Panizza, Robert E. Scott, and Mark C. Weidemaier
Do Private Actors Have Rights under the WTO? The Motivation for and (Inadequate) Implementation of GATT Article X, Adeet Dobhal, Petros C. Mavroidis, Lucas Moreira Jiminez, Sunayana Sasmal, and Robert Wolfe
Annual SEQRA Review: Project Applicants Winning More Cases, Michael B. Gerrard
Fund Kinship Caregivers to Help Keep Families Together, Not Separate Them, Joshua Gupta-Kagan
The Unraveling of the Federal Home Loan Banks, Kathryn Judge
Capitalism and the Challenge of Inequality, Andrzej Rapaczynski
Disclosure Is an Essential Component of Ethical Practice: “I Am the Child Abuse Pediatrician”, Mical Raz, Joshua Gupta-Kagan, and Andrea G. Asnes
The Making of Presidential Administration, Ashraf Ahmed, Lev Menand, and Noah Rosenblum
Perspectives on The Constitution of the War on Drugs: A Collection of Posts from the Balkinization Blog, Douglas A. Berman, Rachel Barkow, Louis Michael Seidman, Kimani Paul-Emile, Jennifer D. Oliva, Shaun Ossei-Owusu, Katherine Shaw, Paul Butler, and David E. Pozen
Gateway and Non-Gateway Issues in The Enforcement of Agreements to Arbitrate, George A. Bermann
D-Hacking, Emily Black, Talia B. Gillis, and Zara Hall
Sect and Superstition: The Protestant Framework of American Codification, Kellen R. Funk
Unstable Personalized Law, Talia B. Gillis
Operationalizing the Search for Less Discriminatory Alternatives in Fair Lending, Talia B. Gillis, Vitaly Meursault, and Berk Ustun
Transforming the Welfare State, One Case at a Time: How Utrecht Makes Customized Social Care Work, Charles F. Sabel, Jonathan Zeitlin, and Jan-Kees Helderman
Bail at the Founding, Kellen R. Funk and Sandra G. Mayson
California and Europe Require Scope 3 Climate Disclosures Despite SEC Retreat, Michael B. Gerrard
Distinguishing Family Poverty from Child Neglect, Joshua Gupta-Kagan
The Remedial Rationale After SFFA, Olatunde C.A. Johnson
The Chicken-and-Egg of Law and Organizing: Enacting Policy for Power Building, Kate Andrias and Benjamin I. Sachs
Legal Issues in Oceanic Transport of Carbon Dioxide for Sequestration, Carolina Arlota, Michael B. Gerrard, and Pria Deanna Mahadevan
Patient Access to Health Device Data: Toward a Legal Framework, Charles Duan and Christopher J. Morten
Common Ownership and the Merger Guidelines, Merritt B. Fox and Manesh S. Patel
Racing Dobbs, Katherine M. Franke and Ria Tabacco Mar
Urban Flooding: Legal Tools to Address a Growing Crisis, Michael B. Gerrard
The Will to Chaos and Disorder: The Behemoth as a Model of Political Economy, Bernard E. Harcourt
The Foreshadow Docket, Bert I. Huang
The Missing Half: Revisiting Monetary Remedies To Redress Racial Segregation, Olatunde C.A. Johnson
Brandeisian Banking, Kathryn Judge
Financial Regulation Beyond Stability, Kathryn Judge
Democracy and Defections, Madhav Khosla and Milan Vaishnav
Rebuilding Banking Law: Banks as Public Utilities, Lev Menand and Morgan Ricks
Big Property, Thomas W. Merrill
Researcher Access to Social Media Data: Lessons from Clinical Trial Data Sharing, Christopher J. Morten, Gabriel Nicholas, and Salomé Viljoen
Congress's Untapped Authority to Certify U Visas, Elora Mukherjee, Fatma Marouf, and Sabrineh Ardalan
Orders Without Law, Thomas P. Schmidt
Black Girls Youth Participatory Action Research & Pedagogies, Kimberlé W. Crenshaw and Venus E. Evans-Winters
New York City Relaxing Environmental Review Rules for Housing Construction, Michael B. Gerrard
Orthogonalizing Inputs, Talia B. Gillis
AI Image Outputs "in the style of ...", Jane C. Ginsburg
Fair Use in the US Redux: Reformed or Still Deformed?, Jane C. Ginsburg
Government Counterspeech, Jamal Greene
Nudging Improvements to the Family Regulation System, Joshua Gupta-Kagan
Parental Rights: Rhetoric Versus Doctrine, Clare Huntington
(How) Can Litigation Advance Multiracial Democracy?, Olatunde C.A. Johnson
Standing Between Private Parties, Thomas P. Schmidt
Restating the Law in a Child Wellbeing Framework, Elizabeth S. Scott
War Powers Reform: A Skeptical View, Matthew C. Waxman
Applicable Law and the Civil and Common Law Divide, George A. Bermann
The Administrative State, Financial Regulation, and the Case for Commissions, Kathryn Judge and Dan Awrey
The Crusade for the Holy Grail of Competitive Balance, Mislav Mataija and Petros C. Mavroidis
Constitutional Clash: Labor, Capital, and Democracy, Kate Andrias
Delegation Run Amok, George A. Bermann
Transaction-Specific Tax Reform in Three Steps: The Case of Constructive Ownership, Thomas J. Brennan and David M. Schizer
Manipulating Citadel: Profiting at the Expense of Retail Stock Traders' Market Makers, Merritt B. Fox, Lawrence R. Glosten, and Sue S. Guan