Publications from 1977
Constitutional Limits on Aid to Sectarian Universities, Kent Greenawalt
Policy, Rights, and Judicial Decision, Kent Greenawalt
Vietnam Amnesty – Problems of Justice and Line-Drawing, Kent Greenawalt
Government by Judiciary: The Transformation of the Fourteenth Amendment, Gerard E. Lynch
Of "Liberty" and "Property", Henry Paul Monaghan
Processes of Constitutional Decisionmaking: Cases and Materials, Henry Paul Monaghan
Monrad Paulsen: An Affectionate Appreciation, Michael I. Sovern
Publications from 1976
International Trade and Finance, Jagdish N. Bhagwati
Freedom of the Press and Public Access: Toward a Theory of Partial Regulation of the Mass Media, Lee C. Bollinger
Class Actions, Richard Briffault
The Metamorphosis of Larceny, George P. Fletcher
Search and Seizure of the Media: A Statutory, Fourth Amendment and First Amendment Analysis, James S. Liebman
The Definition of Disability in Social Security and Supplemental Security Income: Drawing the Bounds of Social Welfare Estates, Lance Liebman
First Amendment Protection for Commercial Advertising: The New Constitutional Doctrine, Thomas W. Merrill
Regulation of Electroconvulsive Therapy, Carol Sanger
A Better Prepared Bar – The Wrong Approach, Michael I. Sovern
Publications from 1975
The Future of Sentencing Reform: Emerging Legal Issues in the Individualization of Justice, John C. Coffee Jr.
The Right Deed for the Wrong Reason: A Reply to Mr. Robinson, George P. Fletcher
Disclosure of Hidden Energy Demands: A New Challenge for NEPA, Michael B. Gerrard
Assessing the Distributional Effects of Income Tax Revision: Some Lessons from Incidence Analysis, Michael J. Graetz
Discretion and Judicial Decision: The Elusive Quest for the Fetters That Bind Judges, Kent Greenawalt
Judicial Scrutiny of "Benign" Racial Preference in Law School Admissions, Kent Greenawalt
New York's Right of Privacy – The Need for Change, Kent Greenawalt
Constitutional Common Law, Henry Paul Monaghan
Constitutional Regulation of Provisional Creditor Remedies: The Cost of Procedural Due Process, Robert E. Scott
Walter Gellhorn, Michael I. Sovern
Publications from 1974
The Individualization of Excusing Conditions, George P. Fletcher
Institutional Change and the Quasi-Invisible Hand, Victor P. Goldberg
Hart and Wechsler's The Federal Courts and Federal System, Henry Paul Monaghan
Abusive Debt Collection – A Model Statute for Virginia, Robert E. Scott and Diane M. Strickland
2-1-1: The 4th Revolution in Legal Education, Michael I. Sovern
A Welcome, Michael I. Sovern
Changing Directions at Columbia, Michael I. Sovern
Mr. Justice Douglas, Michael I. Sovern
On Reanalyzing the Harris-Todaro Model: Policy Rankings in the Case of Sector-Specific Sticky Wages, T.N. Srinivasan and Jagdish N. Bhagwati
Beyond the Best Interests of the Child, Joanna B. Strauss and Peter Strauss
Mining Claims on Public Lands: A Study of Interior Department Procedures, Peter L. Strauss
Rules, Adjudications, and Other Sources of Law in an Executive Department: Reflections on the Interior Department's Administration of the Mining Law, Peter L. Strauss
Publications from 1973
General Equilibrium Theory and International Trade, Jagdish N. Bhagwati
Exchange Control, Liberalization, and Economic Development, Jagdish N. Bhagwati and Anne O. Krueger
The Espionage Statutes and Publication of Defense Information, Harold Edgar and Benno C. Schmidt Jr.
Taxation of Unrealized Gains at Death – An Evaluation of the Current Proposals, Michael J. Graetz
Constitutional Adjudication: The Who and When, Henry Paul Monaghan
Julius Goebel, Jr.: In Fond Recollection, Michael I. Sovern
Militants, Moderates, and Social Change, Michael I. Sovern
Professor Milton Handler, Michael I. Sovern
Publications from 1972
The Heckscher-Ohlin Theorem in the Multi-Commodity Case, Jagdish N. Bhagwati
Privacy Versus Parens Patriae the Role of Police Records in the Sentencing and Surveillance of Juveniles, John C. Coffee Jr.
Fairness and Utility in Tort Theory, George P. Fletcher
Reflections on the Tax Legislative Process: Prelude to Reform, Michael J. Graetz
Legal Principles and the Limits of Law, Joseph Raz
The Reality of Procedural Due Process – A Study of the Implementation of Fair Hearing Requirements by the Welfare Caseworker, Robert E. Scott
Professor Paul R. Hays, Michael I. Sovern
The Relationship Between Promise and Performance in State Intervention in Family Life, Peter L. Strauss, Millard L. Midonick, Nanette Dembitz, Harriet F. Pilpel, and David J. Rothman
Publications from 1971
Bringing the Vagueness Doctrine on Campus, George A. Bermann and Ballard Jamieson Jr.
The Theory of Criminal Negligence: A Comparative Analysis, George P. Fletcher
Marginal Cost Pricing, Investment Theory and CATV, Victor P. Goldberg
All or Nothing at All: The Defeat of Selective Conscientious Objection, Kent Greenawalt
Criminal Law and Population Control, Kent Greenawalt
The Identity of Legal Systems, Joseph Raz
Chief Judge Stanley H. Fuld, Michael I. Sovern
Dean William C. Warren, Michael I. Sovern
Publications from 1970
Public Support and the Sectarian University, Walter Gellhorn and Kent Greenawalt
A Contextual Approach to Disobedience, Kent Greenawalt
First Amendment "Due Process", Henry Paul Monaghan
Presidential War-Making, Henry Paul Monaghan
On Lawful Governments, Joseph Raz
Decision Trees, Peter L. Strauss and Michael R. Topping
Publications from 1969
Optimal Policies and Immiserizing Growth, Jagdish N. Bhagwati
Contributions to Indian Economic Analysis: A Survey, Jagdish N. Bhagwati and Sukhamoy Chakravarty
Domestic Distortions, Tariffs, and the Theory of Optimum Subsidy: Some Further Results, Jagdish N. Bhagwati, V.K. Ramaswami, and T.N. Srinivasan
"Uncontrollable" Actions and the Eighth Amendment: Implications of Powell v. Texas, Kent Greenawalt
The Regulation and Administration of the Welfare Hearing Process – The Need for Administrative Responsibility, Robert E. Scott
Publications from 1968
More on the Equivalence of Tariffs and Quotas, Jagdish N. Bhagwati
The Presumption of Innocence in the Soviet Union, George P. Fletcher
Two Kinds of Legal Rules: A Comparative Study of Burden-of-Persuasion Practices in Criminal Cases, George P. Fletcher
The Truth-in-Negotiations Act – An Examination of Defective Pricing in Government Contracts, Michael J. Graetz
The Consent Problem in Wiretapping & Eavesdropping: Surreptitious Monitoring with the Consent of a Participant in a Conversation, Kent Greenawalt
On Interpreting the Ethiopian Penal Code, Peter L. Strauss
Publications from 1967
Non-Economic Objectives and the Efficiency Properties of Trade, Jagdish N. Bhagwati
Prolonging Life, George P. Fletcher
Wiretapping and Bugging: Striking a Balance between Privacy and Law Enforcement, Kent Greenawalt
Compensation for Victims of Violent Crimes: An Analysis, Robert E. Scott
Publications from 1966
Constitutional Law, Kent Greenawalt
Criminal Law and Procedure, Henry Paul Monaghan
Obscenity, 1966: The Marriage of Obscenity Per Se and Obscenity Per Quod, Henry Paul Monaghan
Publications from 1965
Gideon's Army: Student Soldiers, Henry Paul Monaghan
Publications from 1964
Law and the Negro Revolution; Ten Years Later, Henry Paul Monaghan
Publications from 1963
Section 301 and the Primary Jurisdiction of the NLRB, Michael I. Sovern
Publications from 1962
The National Labor Relations Act and Racial Discrimination, Michael I. Sovern
Publications from 1961
The Constitution and Occupational Licensing in Massachusetts, Henry Paul Monaghan
Publications from 1960
Constructive Trust and Equitable Lien: Status of the Conscious and the Innocent Wrongdoer in Equity, Henry P. Monaghan
Proposed Revision of New York Civil Practice, Jack B. Weinstein, Michael I. Sovern, Daniel H. Distler, and Stanley H. Fuld
Publications from 1959
Delay and the Dynamics of Personal Injury Litigation, Maurice Rosenberg and Michael I. Sovern
Publications from 1958
International Trade and Economic Expansion, Jagdish N. Bhagwati
Publications from 1957
Section 4 of the Bankruptcy Act: The Excluded Corporations, Michael I. Sovern
Publications from 1956
"Public Policy" in the Conflict of Laws, Monrad G. Paulsen and Michael I. Sovern