Publications from 2021
International Law Association's Guidelines on Intellectual Property and Private International Law ("Kyoto Guidelines"): Applicable Law, Marie-Elodie Ancel, Nicolas Binctin, Josef Drexl, Mireille van Eechoud, Jane C. Ginsburg, Toshiyuki Kono, Gyooho Lee, Rita Matulionyte, Edouard Treppoz, and Dário Moura Vicente
Constructing Countervailing Power: Law and Organizing in an Era of Political Inequality, Kate Andrias
Power Struggles – The Tyranny of Merit and the Degredation of Work: Comment on M. Sandel's The Tyranny of Merit, Kate Andrias
Ending At-Will Employment: A Guide for Just Cause Reform, Kate Andrias and Alexander Hertel-Fernandez
Leading Through Learning: Using Evolutionary Learning to Develop, Implement, and Improve Strategic Initiatives, Kimberly Austin, Amanda Cahn, Elizabeth Chu, Andrea Clay, and James S. Liebman
Authoring the Law, Shyamkrishna Balganesh
Long Live the Common Law of Copyright!: Georgia v. Public.Resource.Org., Inc. and the Debate over Judicial Role in Copyright, Shyamkrishna Balganesh
The Past, Present, and Future of the Restatement of Copyright, Shyamkrishna Balganesh and Jane C. Ginsburg
Restatements of Statutory Law: The Curious Case of the Restatement of Copyright, Shyamkrishna Balganesh and Peter S. Menell
The Use of Technical Experts in Software Copyright Cases: Rectifying the Ninth Circuit’s “Nutty” Rule, Shyamkrishna Balganesh and Peter S. Menell
Legal Internalism In Modern Histories of Copyright, Shyamkrishna Balganesh and Taisu Zhang
A New Labor for Deep Democracy: From Social Democracy to Democratic Socialism, Mark Barenberg
Design Justice in Municipal Criminal Regulation, Amber Baylor
After First Options: Delegation Run Amok, George A. Bermann
General Aspects of Investor-State Dispute Settlement, George A. Bermann
In Memoriam: Emmanuel Gaillard, George A. Bermann
Procedures for the Enforcement of New York Convention Awards, George A. Bermann
The Future of International Commercial Arbitration, George A. Bermann
The Classic Arguments for Free Speech 1644-1927, Vincent A. Blasi
Do Legal Origins Predict Legal Substance?, Anu Bradford, Yun-chien Chang, Adam S. Chilton, and Nuno Garoupa
Regulating Antitrust Through Trade Agreements, Anu Bradford and Adam S. Chilton
Validation Capital, Alon Brav, Dorothy S. Lund, and Edward B. Rock
Elected-Official-Affiliated Nonprofits: Closing the Public Integrity Gap, Richard Briffault
Preemption: The Continuing Challenge, Richard Briffault
The Promise and Peril of Local Election Administration, Richard Briffault
The Democracy Principle in State Constitutions, Jessica Bulman-Pozen and Miriam Seifter
Investigating the Contract Production Process, Stephen J. Choi, Robert E. Scott, and G. Mitu Gulati
A Human Rights Agenda for the Biden Administration, Sarah H. Cleveland
Banning the Full-Face Veil: Freedom of Religion and Non-Discrimination in the Human Rights Committee and the European Court of Human Rights, Sarah H. Cleveland
The Coming Shift in Shareholder Activism: From "Firm-Specific" to "Systematic Risk" Proxy Campaigns (and How to Enable Them), John C. Coffee Jr.
The Future of Disclosure: ESG, Common Ownership, and Systematic Risk, John C. Coffee Jr.
FedAccounts: Digital Dollars, John Crawford, Lev Menand, and Morgan Ricks
Unexpected Effects of Expected Sanctions, Giuseppe Dari‐Mattiacci and Alex Raskolnikov
Extending Postpartum Medicaid: State and Federal Policy Options During and After COVID-19, Jamie R. Daw, Emily Eckert, Heidi Allen, and Kristen Underhill
Making America A Better Place for All: Sustainable Development Recommendations for the Biden Administration, John C. Dernbach, Scott E. Schang, Robert W. Adler, Karol Boudreaux, John Bouman, Claire Babineaux-Fontenot, Kimberly Brown, Mikhail Chester, Michael B. Gerrard, Stephen Herzenberg, Samuel Markolf, Corey Malone-Smolla, Jane Nelson, Uma Outka, Tony Pipa, Alexandra Phelan, LeRoy Paddock, Jonathan D. Rosenbloom, William Snape, Anastasia Telesetsky, Gerald Torres, Elizabeth Ann Kronk Warner, and Audra Wilson
A Practical Proactive Proposal for Dealing with Attrition: Alternative Approaches and an Empirical Example, John DiNardo, Jordan Matsudaira, Justin McCrary, and Lisa Sanbonmatsu
Transparency of Regulatory Data across the European Medicines Agency, Health Canada, and US Food and Drug Administration, Alexander C. Egilman, Amy Kapczynski, Margaret E. McCarthy, Anita T. Luxkaranayagam, Christopher J. Morten, Matthew Herder, Joshua D. Wallach, and Joseph S. Ross
Disability Admin: The Invisible Costs of Being Disabled, Elizabeth F. Emens
Getting It: The ADA After Thirty Years, Elizabeth F. Emens
Distributed Ledger Technology and the Securities Markets of the Future: A Stakeholder Survey, Merritt B. Fox, Lawrence R. Glosten, Edward F. Greene, and Sue Guan
Spoofing and Its Regulation, Merritt B. Fox, Lawrence R. Glosten, and Sue S. Guan
Common Ownership: Do Managers Really Compete Less?, Merritt B. Fox and Manesh S. Patel
Cleaning Corporate Governance, Jens Frankenreiter, Cathy Hwang, Yaron Nili, and Eric L. Talley
Propertied Rites, Kellen R. Funk
Legal Pathways to Biden's Climate Goals, Michael B. Gerrard
Presidential Progress on Climate Change: Will the Courts Interfere With What Needs to Be Done to Save Our Planet?, Michael B. Gerrard
Tribute to Dave Markell, Michael B. Gerrard
Emerging State-Level Environmental Justice Laws, Michael B. Gerrard and Edward McTiernan
How Biden’s Environmental Policies Will Affect New York, Michael B. Gerrard and Edward McTiernan
Next Mayor Will Inherit Job of Implementing 2019 Law Setting Building Emissions Caps, Michael B. Gerrard and Edward McTiernan
Potential Tensions Between New York’s Climate Change Laws and Historic Preservation Laws, Michael B. Gerrard and Edward McTiernan
Review of 2020 Cases Under SEQRA, Michael B. Gerrard and Edward McTiernan
An Efficiency Analysis of Defensive Tactics, Ronald J. Gilson and Alan Schwartz
Comment on Andy Warhol Found. for the Visual Arts, Inc. v. Goldsmith, 992 F.3d 99 (2d Cir. 2021), Jane C. Ginsburg
Conundra of the Berne Convention Concept of the Country of Origin, Jane C. Ginsburg
US Second Circuit Court of Appeals Tames 'Transformative’ Fair Use; Rejects ‘Celebrity-Plagiarist Privilege’; Clarifies Protectable Expression in Photographs, Jane C. Ginsburg
Letter to Council Members Regarding Council Draft 5, Jane C. Ginsburg and June M. Besek
Slavery's Constitution: Rethinking the Federal Consensus, Maeve Glass
Theorizing Constitutional History, Maeve Glass
A Major Simplification of the OECD’s Pillar 1 Proposal, Michael J. Graetz
Religion, Conscience, and the Law: Reasons, Bases, and Limits for Exemptions, Kent Greenawalt
A Ringing Endorsement of Lawyers, and the Most Important Development in Child Protection Law, Joshua Gupta-Kagan
Beyond "Children Are Different": The Revolution in Juvenile Intake and Sentencing, Joshua Gupta-Kagan
Arguing about the Jus ad Bellum, Monica Hakimi
Foucault’s Keystone: Confessions of the Flesh, Bernard E. Harcourt
“Let those who have an experience of prison speak”: The Critique & Praxis of the Prisons Information Group (1970-1980), Bernard E. Harcourt
On Cooperationism: An End to the Economic Plague, Bernard E. Harcourt
The Critique and Praxis of Rights, Bernard E. Harcourt
The Fight Ahead, Bernard E. Harcourt
Reimagining Schools’ Role Outside the Family Regulation System, Brianna Harvey, Joshua Gupta-Kagan, and Christopher Church
The Healthcare System and Pandemics: Where Is the Market Failure?, Sophia S. Helland and Edward R. Morrison
Property Transitions, Michael A. Heller
Informing WTO Reform: Dispute Settlement Performance, 1995-2020, Bernard M. Hoekman, Petros C. Mavroidis, and Maarja Saluste
Plurilateral Cooperation as an Alternative to Trade Agreements: Innovating One Domain at a Time, Bernard M. Hoekman and Charles F. Sabel
The Equity E.O.: Building a Regulatory Infrastructure of Inclusion, Olatunde C.A. Johnson
Towards a Law of Inclusive Planning: A Response To “Fair Housing for a Non-Sexist City”, Olatunde C.A. Johnson
Vaccination Equity by Design, Olatunde C.A. Johnson and Kristen Underhill
The Uncertain Future of Administrative Law, Jeremy K. Kessler and Charles F. Sabel
Advancing Socioeconomic Rights Through Interdisciplinary Factfinding: Opportunities and Challenges, Sarah Knuckey, Joshua D. Fisher, Amanda M. Klasing, Tess Russo, and Margaret Satterthwaite
Should Human Rights Practice Be Rights-Based?, Sarah Knuckey and Margaret Satterthwaite
Nowhere to Run to, Nowhere to Hide, Praveen Kosuri and Lynnise E. Pantin
William P. Alford: Kindness, Integrity, and Insight, Benjamin L. Liebman
Mine the Gap: Using Racial Disparities to Expose and Eradicate Racism, James S. Liebman, Kayla C. Butler, and Ian Buksunski
Disadvantaged Unincorporated Communities and the Struggle for Water Justice in California, Jonathan K. London, Amanda L. Fencl, Sara Watterson, Yasmina Choueiri, Phoebe Seaton, Jennifer Jarin, Mia Dawson, Alfonso Aranda, Aaron King, Peter Nguyen, Camille Pannu, Laurel Firestone, and Colin Bailey
Corporate Finance for Social Good, Dorothy S. Lund
The Corporate Governance Machine, Dorothy S. Lund and Elizabeth Pollman
Corporate Crime and Punishment: An Empirical Study, Dorothy S. Lund and Natasha Sarin
The Three Permissions: Presidential Removal and the Statutory Limits of Agency Independence, Jane Manners and Lev Menand
Trade Integration in Turbulent Times, Petros C. Mavroidis
The Federal Reserve and the 2020 Economic and Financial Crisis, Lev Menand
Why Supervise Banks? The Foundations of the American Monetary Settlement, Lev Menand
Federal Corporate Law and the Business of Banking, Lev Menand and Morgan Ricks
Classical Liberal Property and the Question of Institutional Choice, Thomas W. Merrill
Re-Reading Chevron, Thomas W. Merrill
The Compensation Constraint and the Scope of the Takings Clause, Thomas W. Merrill
Taking Appropriations Seriously, Gillian E. Metzger
Should the U.S. Government Actively Assert its Own Patents?, Christopher J. Morten, Barry Datlof, Amy Kapczynski, Donna Meuth, and Zain Rizvi
The Big Data Regulator, Rebooted: Why and How the FDA Can and Should Disclose Confidential Data on Prescription Drugs and Vaccines, Christopher J. Morten and Amy Kapczynski
Populist Prosecutorial Nullification, Kerrel Murray
Race and Equity in the Age of Unicorns, Lynnise E. Pantin