Publications from 1993
Report of the Commission of Enquiry into Certain Allegations of Cruelty and Human Rights Abuse Against ANC Prisoners and Detainees by ANC Members, Motsuenyane Commission of Inquiry, Margaret A. Burnham, Bernard E. Harcourt, David E. Loftis, Samuel M. Motsuenyane, and David M. Zamchiya
Private Insurance, Social Insurance, and Tort Reform: Toward a New Vision of Compensation for Illness and Injury, Kenneth S. Abraham and Lance Liebman
The Political Economy of the Wagner Act: Power, Symbol, and Workplace Cooperation, Mark Barenberg
The Political Economy of Female Violent Street Crime, Deborah Baskin, Ira Sommers, and Jeffrey A. Fagan
Subsidiarity and the European Community, George Bermann
A Commentary on the Harmonization of European Private Law, George A. Bermann
Columbia University and a New European Law Chair, George A. Bermann
Regulatory Cooperation with Counterpart Agencies Abroad: The FAA's Aircraft Certification Experience, George A. Bermann
Challenges to the Doctrine of Free Trade, Jagdish N. Bhagwati
The Mind in the Major American Law School, Lee C. Bollinger
Why There Should Be an Independent Decennial Commission on the Press, Lee C. Bollinger
The Item Veto in State Courts, Richard Briffault
Who Rules at Home: One Person/One Vote and Local Governments, Richard Briffault
New Myths and Old Realities: The American Law Institute Faces the Derivative Action, John C. Coffee Jr.
Reel Time/Real Justice, Kimberlé W. Crenshaw
The Role of the Great Powers in United Nations Peace-Keeping, Lori Fisler Damrosch
Blackmail: The Paradigmatic Crime, George P. Fletcher
Constitutional Identity, George P. Fletcher
Corrective Justice for Moderns, George P. Fletcher
Cunning Stunts: From Hegemony to Desire a Review of Madonna's Sex, Katherine M. Franke
Finessing the Siting Conundrum, Michael B. Gerrard
The Dynamics of Secrecy in the Environmental Impact Statement Process, Michael B. Gerrard
Investment Companies as Guardian Shareholders: The Place of the MSIC in the Corporate Governance Debate, Ronald J. Gilson and Reinier Kraakman
Understanding the Japanese Keiretsu: Overlaps Between Corporate Governance and Industrial Organization, Ronald J. Gilson and Mark J. Roe
Conflicts of Copyright Ownership Between Authors and Owners of Original Artworks: An Essay in Comparative and International Private Law, Jane C. Ginsburg
Copyright Without Walls?: Speculations on Literary Property in the Library of the Future, Jane C. Ginsburg
Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death: Political Asylum and the Global Persecution of Lesbians and Gay Men, Suzanne B. Goldberg
Tax Policy at the Beginning of the Clinton Administration, Michael J. Graetz
Grounds for Political Judgment: The Status of Personal Experience and the Autonomy and Generality of Principles of Restraint, Kent Greenawalt
Equality and Diversity: The Eighteenth-Century Debate About Equal Protection and Equal Civil Rights, Philip A. Hamburger
Natural Rights, Natural Law, and American Constitutions, Philip A. Hamburger
For Mert Bernstein, Inventor of a Field, Lance Liebman
Judicial Opinions as Binding Law and as Explanations for Judgments, Thomas W. Merrill
Pluralism, The Prisoner's Dilemma, and the Behavior of the Independent Judiciary, Thomas W. Merrill
A Vigil for Thurgood Marshall, Eben Moglen
The Incompleat Burkean: Bruce Ackerman's Foundation for Constitutional History, Eben Moglen
The Transformation of Morton Horwitz, Eben Moglen
What He Was For, Eben Moglen
The Protective Power of the Presidency, Henry Paul Monaghan
Anti-Lesbian and -Gay Right Wing Initiatives: A Strategy for Response, Mary Newcombe and Suzanne B. Goldberg
A Tribute to Justice Byron R. White, Lewis F. Powell Jr., Rhesa H. Barksdale, David M. Ebel, Lance Liebman, and Charles Fried
A Morality Fit for Humans, Joseph Raz
Editing, Carol Sanger
Feminism and Disciplinarity: The Curl of the Petals, Carol Sanger
He's Gotta Have It, Carol Sanger
Chaos Theory and the Justice Paradox, Robert E. Scott
Sectoral Strategies and Participant Commitments: The Keys to Effective Trade and Industrial Policies, Robert E. Scott
What Difference Does it Make Whether Corporate Managers Have Public Responsibilities?, William H. Simon
Further Reflections on Libertarian Criminal Defense, William H. Simon
The Prospects of Pension Fund Socialism, William H. Simon
Lawyers at the Prison Gates: Organizational Structure and Corrections Advocacy, Susan Sturm
Legacy and Future of Corrections Litigation, Susan P. Sturm
The Promise of Participation, Susan P. Sturm
The Eclipse of Reason: A Rhetorical Reading of Bowers v. Hardwick, Kendall Thomas
Publications from 1992
Six Conservatives in Search of the First Amendment: The Revealing Case of Nude Dancing, Vincent A. Blasi
The Third Man, Philip C. Bobbitt
Foreword, Lee C. Bollinger
The End of New York Times v Sullivan: Reflections on Masson v New Yorker Magazine, Lee C. Bollinger
The Role of Local Control in School Finance Reform, Richard Briffault
Voting Rights, Home Rule, and Metropolitan Governance: The Secession of Staten Island As a Case Study in the Dilemmas of Local Self-Determination, Richard Briffault
Paradigms Lost: The Blurring of the Criminal and Civil Law Models – And What Can Be Done About It, John C. Coffee Jr.
Corporate Law: What Is the Impact of New ALI Proposals on Shareholder Litigation, John C. Coffee Jr. and Michael P. Dooley
Race, Gender, and Sexual Harassment, Kimberlé W. Crenshaw
GATT Membership in a Changing World Order: Taiwan, China, and the Former Soviet Republics, Lori Fisler Damrosch
Law as Discourse, George P. Fletcher
Searching for the Rule of Law in the Wake of Communism, George P. Fletcher
Insider Trading in a Globalizing Market: Who Should Regulate What?, Merritt B. Fox
Conference on the Federal Sentencing Guidelines, Panel 3: The Allocation of Discretion Under the Guidelines, Daniel J. Freed, Gerard E. Lynch, Steven M. Salky, Maria Rodriguez McBride, and Vincent L. Broderick
Institutional Reform in Eastern Europe: Evolution or Design?, Roman Frydman and Andrzej Rapaczynski
Procedural Due Process Rights of Incarcerated Parents in Termination of Parental Rights Proceedings: A Fifty State Analysis, Philip Genty
Cleaning House: Environmental Hazards Can Undermine a Property's Use and Value, Michael B. Gerrard
The Political Ecology of Takeovers: Thoughts on Harmonizing the European Corporate Governance Environment, Ronald J. Gilson
No "Sweat"? Copyright and Other Protection of Works of Information after Feist v. Rural Telephone, Jane C. Ginsburg
Reproduction of Protected Works for University Research or Teaching, Jane C. Ginsburg
Hungarian Legal Reform for the Private Sector, Cheryl W. Gray, Rebecca J. Hanson, and Michael A. Heller
The Legal Framework for Private Sector Development in a Transitional Economy: The Case of Poland, Cheryl W. Gray, Rebecca J. Hanson, Michael A. Heller, Peter G. Ianachkov, and Daniel T. Ostas
Free Speech in the United States and Canada, Kent Greenawalt
A Constitutional Right of Religious Exemption: An Historical Perspective, Philip A. Hamburger
Natural Rights and Positive Law: A Comment on Professor McAffee's Paper, Philip A. Hamburger
Computer Programs in Europe: A Comparative Analysis of the 1991 EC Software Directive, Jerome Huet and Jane C. Ginsburg
The International Code of Marketing of Breast-Milk Substitutes: Survey of Legislation and Other Measures Adopted (1981-1991), Gillian L. Lester
Apocalypse Next Time?: The Anachronistic Attack on Habeas Corpus/Direct Review Parity, James S. Liebman
The Individualized-Consideration Principle and the Death Penalty as Cruel and Unusual Punishment, Ronald J. Mann
Surveillance Schemes: The GATT's New Trade Policy Review Mechanism, Petros C. Mavroidis
Judicial Deference to Executive Precedent, Thomas W. Merrill
The Constitutional Principle of Separation of Powers, Thomas W. Merrill
The Judicial Prerogative, Thomas W. Merrill
The Role of Institutional Factors in Protecting Individual Liberties, Thomas W. Merrill
Zero-Sum Madison, Thomas W. Merrill
The Relevance of Coherence, Joseph Raz
M is for the Many Things, Carol Sanger
The Reasonable Woman and the Ordinary Man, Carol Sanger
Minor Changes: Emancipating Children in Modern Times, Carol Sanger and Eleanor Willemsen
Benign Restraint: The SEC's Regulation of Execution Systems, David M. Schizer
Judgment and Reasoning in Adolescent Decisionmaking, Elizabeth S. Scott
Pluralism, Parental Preference, and Child Custody, Elizabeth S. Scott
A Reply: Imperfect Bargains, Imperfect Trials, and Innocent Defendants, Robert E. Scott
Getting it Right, Robert E. Scott
Plea-Bargaining as a Social Contract, Robert E. Scott and William J. Stuntz
Social-Republican Property, William H. Simon