Publications from 1989
Cessation of Family Violence: Deterrence and Dissuasion, Jeffrey Fagan
The Meaning of Morality, George P. Fletcher
Delaware's Intermediate Standard for Defensive Tactics: Is There Substance to Proportionality Review?, Ronald J. Gilson and Reinier Kraakman
Coming of Age in a Corporate Law Firm: The Economics of Associate Career Patterns, Ronald J. Gilson and Robert H. Mnookin
French Copyright Law: A Comparative Overview, Jane C. Ginsburg
Corruption, Legal Education and Change in West Africa: A Broader View of Human Rights, Suzanne B. Goldberg
The Mandatory Structure of Corporate Law, Jeffrey N. Gordon
Retirement Security and Tax Policies: A Reply, Michael J. Graetz
Free Speech Justifications, Kent Greenawalt
Reflections on Holding and Dictum, Kent Greenawalt
The Constitution's Accommodation of Social Change, Philip A. Hamburger
The Development of the Nineteenth-Century Consensus Theory of Contract, Philip A. Hamburger
On the Nature of Bankruptcy: An Essay of Bankruptcy Sharing and the Creditor's Bargain, Thomas H. Jackson and Robert E. Scott
Independent Agencies – Independent from Whom?, Sally Katzen, Edward Markey, James Miller, Joseph Grundfest, R. Gaull Silberman, and Peter L. Strauss
Evaluating Child Care Legislation: Program Structures and Political Consequences, Lance Liebman
Some Comments on Professor Neuborne's Paper, Henry Paul Monaghan
Administrative Law Symposium: Question & Answer with Professors Elliott, Strauss, and Sunstein, Dick Pierce, Donald Elliott, Peter L. Strauss, and Cass Sunstein
Facing Up: A Reply, Joseph Raz
Seasoned to the Use, Carol Sanger
Rethinking the Regulation of Coercive Creditor Remedies, Robert E. Scott
Sharing the Risks of Bankruptcy: Timbers, Ahlers, and Beyond, Robert E. Scott
Considering Political Alternatives to "Hard Look" Review, Peter L. Strauss
Legislative Theory and the Rule of Law: Some Comments on Rubin, Peter L. Strauss
A House Divided Against Itself: A Comment on "Mastery, Slavery, and Emancipation", Kendall Thomas
Publications from 1988
The Hague Evidence Convention in the Supreme Court: A Critique of the Aérospatiale Decision, George A. Bermann
An Astonishing Political Innovation: The Origins of Judicial Review, Barbara Aronstein Black
The First Amendment and the Ideal of Civic Courage: The Brandeis Opinion in Whitney v. California, Vincent A. Blasi
Lessons of the Iran-contra Affair: Are They Being Taught?, Philip C. Bobbitt
The Committee on the Constitutional System Proposals: Coherence and Dominance, Philip Chase Bobbitt
Hush: The Criminal Status of Confidential Information after McNally and Carpenter and the Enduring Problem of Overcriminalization, John C. Coffee Jr.
No Exit?: Opting Out, The Contractual Theory of the Corporation, and the Special Case of Remedies, John C. Coffee Jr.
The Uncertain Case for Takeover Reform: An Essay on Stockholders, Stakeholders and Bust-Ups, John C. Coffee Jr.
Corporate Takeovers: Who Wins; Who Loses; Who Should Regulate, John C. Coffee Jr., Joseph A. Grundfest, Roberta Romano, and Murray L. Weidenbaum
Standards for Organizational Probation: A Proposal to the United States Sentencing Commission, John C. Coffee Jr., Richard Gruner, and Christopher D. Stone
Foreword, Kimberlé W. Crenshaw
Race, Reform, and Retrenchment: Transformation and Legitimation in Antidiscrimination Law, Kimberlé W. Crenshaw
Toward a Race-Conscious Pedagogy in Legal Education, Kimberlé W. Crenshaw
Mistake in the Model Penal Code: A False False Problem, George P. Fletcher
The Role of the Market Model in Corporate Law Analysis: A Comment on Weiss and White, Merritt B. Fox
Drafting an Effective Greenmail Prohibition, Ronald J. Gilson
Colors in Conflicts: Moral Rights and the Foreign Exploitation of Colorized U.S. Motion Pictures, Jane C. Ginsburg
One Hundred and Two Years Later: The U.S. Joins the Berne Convention, Jane C. Ginsburg and John M. Kernochan
Nicaragua: United States Assistance to the Nicaraguan Human Rights Association and the Nicaraguan Resistance, Suzanne B. Goldberg, Lee Crawford, Kevin Reed, and John Tennant
Accountable Accountants: Is Third-Party Liability Necessary?, Victor P. Goldberg
Clarifying the Record: A Comment, Victor P. Goldberg
Impossibility and Related Excuses, Victor P. Goldberg
Ties that Bond: Duel Class Common Stock and the Problem of Shareholder Choice, Jeffrey N. Gordon
The Truth About Tax Reform, Michael J. Graetz
A Vice of Its Virtues: The Perils of Precision in Criminal Codification, as Illustrated by Retreat, General Justification, and Dangerous Utterances, Kent Greenawalt
The Rule of Recognition and the Constitution, Kent Greenawalt
Reflections on Fuller and Perdue's The Reliance Interest in Contract Damages: A Positive Economic Framework, Avery W. Katz
A Reply to Michael Goldsmith, Gerard E. Lynch
The Scope of Consular Immunity under the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations: Towards a Principled Interpretation, Curtis J. Milhaupt
Stare Decisis and Constitutional Adjudication, Henry Paul Monaghan
The Confirmation Process: Law or Politics?, Henry Paul Monaghan
The Ninth Amendment and the Unwritten Constitution: The Problems of Constitutional Interpretation, Andrzej Rapaczynski
Children's Preference in Adjudicated Custody Decisions, Elizabeth S. Scott, N. Dickon Reppucci, and Mark Aber
Ethical Discretion in Lawyering, William H. Simon
Publications from 1987
The Global Correspondence Principle: A Generalization, Jagdish N. Bhagwati, Richard A. Brecher, and Tatsuo Hatta
Introduction, Barbara Aronstein Black
The Teaching Function of the First Amendment, Vincent A. Blasi
The Court's Role in Congressional Federalism: A Play with (at Least) Three Acts, Philip C. Bobbitt
Wade H. McCree, Jr., Lee C. Bollinger
State-Local Relations and Constitutional Law, Richard Briffault
Rethinking the Class Action: A Policy Primer on Reform, John C. Coffee Jr.
The Future of Corporate Federalism: State Competition and the New Trend toward De Facto Federal Minimum Standards, John C. Coffee Jr.
The Regulation of Entrepreneurial Litigation: Balancing Fairness and Efficiency in the Large Class Action, John C. Coffee Jr.
Congress and the Executive: Who Calls the Shots for National Security? – Remarks by Lori Fisler Damrosch, Lori Fisler Damrosch
Foreign States and the Constitution, Lori Fisler Damrosch
Are We a Nation of Tax Cheaters? New Econometric Evidence on Tax Compliance, Jeffrey A. Dubin, Michael J. Graetz, and Louis L. Wilde
Contributions of Victimization to Delinquency in Inner Cities, Jeffery Fagan, Elizabeth S. Piper, and Yu-Teh Cheng
Law and Morality: A Kantian Perspective, George P. Fletcher
The Universal and the Particular in Legal Discourses, George P. Fletcher
The Unmet Challenge of Criminal Theory, George P. Fletcher
Why Kant, George P. Fletcher
Evaluating Dual Class Common Stock: The Relevance of Substitutes, Ronald J. Gilson
Quantity and Price Adjustment in Long-Term Contracts: A Case Study of Petroleum Coke, Victor P. Goldberg and John R. Erickson
Bargaining in the Shadow of Eminent Domain: Valuing and Apportioning Condemnation Awards Between Landlord and Tenant, Victor P. Goldberg, Thomas W. Merrill, and Daniel Unumb
The Puzzling Persistence of the Constrained Prudent Man Rule, Jeffrey N. Gordon
Troubled Marriage of Retirement Security and Tax Policies, Michael J. Graetz
Church-State Relations and Religious Convictions, Kent Greenawalt
Constitutional Decisions and the Supreme Law, Kent Greenawalt
Chernobyl Fallout: Recent IAEA Conventions Expand Transboundary Nuclear Pollution Law, Michael A. Heller
RICO: The Crime of Being a Criminal Parts I and II, Gerard E. Lynch
RICO: The Crime of Being a Criminal Parts III and IV, Gerard E. Lynch
Public Contracts, Private Contracts, and the Transformation of the Constitutional Order, Thomas W. Merrill
Rent Seeking and the Compensation Principle, Thomas W. Merrill
Immigration Reform and Control of the Undocumented Family, Carol Sanger
Conflict and Cooperation in Long-Term Contracts, Robert E. Scott
Social Theory and Political Practice: Unger's Brazilian Journalism, William H. Simon
Formal and Functional Approaches to Separation-of-Powers Questions – A Foolish Inconsistency?, Peter L. Strauss
One Hundred Fifty Cases Per Year: Some Implications of the Supreme Court's Limited Resources for Judicial Review of Agency Action, Peter L. Strauss
Publications from 1986
Economic Perspectives on Trade in Professional Services, Jagdish N. Bhagwati
The Role of Strategic Reasoning in Constitutional Interpretation: In Defense of the Pathological Perspective Comments, Vincent A. Blasi
Shareholders Versus Managers: The Strain in the Corporate Web, John C. Coffee Jr.
Understanding the Plaintiff's Attorney: The Implications of Economic Theory for Private Enforcement of Law Through Class and Derivative Actions, John C. Coffee Jr.
Rethinking the Theory of Legal Rights, Jules S. Coleman and Jody S. Kraus
Banning the Bomb: Law and Its Limits, Lori Fisler Damrosch
The Iran-United States Claims Tribunal 1981-1983, Lori Fisler Damrosch