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If we were to count the great changes in legal education from Charles Evans Hughes' day to this, we would find ourselves with a short list. The shift from apprenticeship to school was already well begun by the time Mr. Hughes was graduated from the Columbia School of Law in 1884. The case method was a new idea, but it would become the orthodox methodology in a startlingly short time. By the turn of the century, a number of law schools had moved from two- to three-year programs, but two years was still enough for admission to the bar in many states until after the First World War. The period between the wars was marked by interest in what other disciplines might have to teach us and the onslaught of the legal realists.

Nonetheless, if you will join me in imagining a student who went off to fight World War I and then delayed his return to law school until after World War II, I believe it fair to say that he would have found his new teachers and their methods not much different from those he left behind.


Education Law | Law | Legal Education


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