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Equitably educating students requires effective differentiation of services based on students’ strengths and needs. Doing so reliably at scale is difficult given the diversity of students and contexts in our public school systems and the diversity of needs created by historical and institutionalized discrimination against people of color, immigrants, and other populations.

Still, a number of systems and organizations have succeeded in advancing equity at scale. They have done so by finding new ways to design, lead, and manage their operations and engage internal and external stakeholders – in our language, new ways to govern2 their work. Cutting across these promising governance practices are adult and student learning systems that provide transparency into how school leaders actually lead, teachers actually teach, and students actually learn day to day, school by school, classroom by classroom, and lesson by lesson. This combination of transparency, experimentation, and broad participation and knowledge sharing reveals effective ways to serve individual and groups of students, severing deeply entrenched links between student background, access to opportunity, and learning outcomes.


Education | Law | Teacher Education and Professional Development

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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International License.


Center for Public Research and Leadership

CPRL-Toolkit-Case Study.pdf (2289 kB)
Leading Through Learning: One District’s Experience (Case Study)
