Publications from 2000
Optimal Standardization in the Law of Property: The Numerus Clausus Principle, Thomas W. Merrill and Henry E. Smith
Making History: Israeli Law and Historical Reconstruction, Eben Moglen
A Legal Giant Is Dead, Henry Paul Monaghan
Of Prosecutors and Special Prosecutors: An Organizational Perspective, H. Geoffrey Moulton Jr. and Daniel Richman
Patterns of Legal Change: Shareholder and Creditor Rights in Transition Economies, Katharina Pistor
On the Socratic Maxim, Joseph Raz
Ratcheting Labor Standards: Regulation for Continuous Improvement in the Global Workplace, Charles F. Sabel, Dara O'Rourke, and Archon Fung
(Baby) M Is for the Many Things: Why I Start with Baby M, Carol Sanger
Executives and Hedging: The Fragile Legal Foundation of Incentive Compatibility, David M. Schizer
Sticks and Snakes: Derivatives and Curtailing Aggressive Tax Planning, David M. Schizer
Social Norms and the Legal Regulation of Marriage, Elizabeth S. Scott
The Legal Construction of Adolescence, Elizabeth S. Scott
The Case for Formalism in Relational Contract, Robert E. Scott
The Limits of Behavioral Theories of Law and Social Norms, Robert E. Scott
William H. Simon: Thinking like a Lawyer – About Ethics, William H. Simon, Robert D. Taylor, Bruce S. Ledewitz, Margaret K. Krasik, and Sean P. Kealy
The Role of Strategic Management Planning in Improving the Representation of Clients: A Child Advocacy Example, Jane M. Spinak
Judicial Auditing, Matthew L. Spitzer and Eric L. Talley
The Challenges of Globally Accessible Process, Peter L. Strauss
The President and Choices Not to Enforce, Peter L. Strauss
Publications from 1999
Optimal Timing and Legal Decisionmaking: The Case of the Liquidation Decision in Bankruptcy, Douglas G. Baird and Edward R. Morrison
Why Start-ups?, Joseph Bankman and Ronald J. Gilson
Constitutional Constraints on Redistribution through Class Power, Mark Barenberg
Introduction to the Special Issue, George A. Bermann
A Note on Presumptions with Sequential Litigation, Antonio E. Bernardo and Eric L. Talley
Teaching Reasoning, Vincent A. Blasi
Law and the Ideal Citizen, Lee C. Bollinger
A Government for Our Time? Business Improvement Districts and Urban Governance, Richard Briffault
Issue Advocacy: Redrawing the Elections/Politics Line, Richard Briffault
Public Funding and Democratic Elections, Richard Briffault
The Plenary Power Background of Curtiss-Wright, Sarah H. Cleveland
Privatization and Corporate Governance: The Lessons from Securities Market Failure, John C. Coffee Jr.
The Future as History: The Prospects for Global Convergence in Corporate Governance and Its Implications, John C. Coffee Jr.
Impeachment as a Technique of Parliamentary Control over Foreign Affairs in a Presidential System, Lori Fisler Damrosch
Sanctions Against Perpetrators of Terrorism, Lori Fisler Damrosch
Drug Treatment Courts and Emergent Experimentalist Government, Michael C. Dorf and Charles F. Sabel
Context and Culpability in Adolescent Crime, Jeffrey A. Fagan
Punishment or Treatment for Adolescent Offenders: Therapeutic Integrity and the Paradoxical Effects of Punishment, Jeffrey A. Fagan
Crime and Work, Jeffrey Fagan and Richard B. Freeman
Disenfranchisement as Punishment: Reflections on the Racial Uses of Infamia, George P. Fletcher
In God's Image: The Religious Imperative of Equality Under Law, George P. Fletcher
The Place of Victims in the Theory of Retribution, George P. Fletcher
Required Disclosure and Corporate Governance, Merritt B. Fox
Retaining Mandatory Securities Disclosure: Why Issuer Choice is Not Investor Empowerment, Merritt B. Fox
Lessons from Fiascos in Russian Corporate Governance, Merritt B. Fox and Michael Heller
Becoming a Citizen: Reconstruction Era Regulation of African American Marriages, Katherine M. Franke
The Limits of Discipline: Ownership and Hard Budget Constraints in the Transition Economies, Roman Frydman, Cheryl W. Gray, Marek P. Hessel, and Andrzej Rapaczynski
Beyond Backyard Environmentalism, Archon Fung, Charles F. Sabel, and Bradley C. Karkkainen
How SEQRA Cases Fared in 1998, Michael B. Gerrard
The Benefits and Risks of Going It Alone, Michael B. Gerrard
The Past, Present and Future of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act as a Tool of Environmental Justice, Michael B. Gerrard, Nicholas Johnson, Peggy Shepard, Melva J. Hayden, Sheila Foster, and Elizabeth Georges
The Legal Infrastructure of High Technology Industrial Districts: Silicon Valley, Route 128, and Covenants Not to Compete, Ronald J. Gilson
Does Venture Capital Require an Active Stock Market?, Ronald J. Gilson and Bernard S. Black
Lifetime Employment: Labor Peace and the Evolution of Japanese Corporate Governance, Ronald J. Gilson and Mark J. Roe
Copyright and Intermediate Users' Rights, Jane C. Ginsburg
Copyright Legislation for the "Digital Millennium", Jane C. Ginsburg
The Cyberian Captivity of Copyright: Territoriality and Authors' Rights in a Networked World, Jane C. Ginsburg
Reforming Social Security: A Practical and Workable System of Personal Retirement Accounts, Fred T. Goldberg and Michael J. Graetz
Pathways to Corporate Convergence? Two Steps on the Road to Shareholder Capitalism in Germany, Jeffrey N. Gordon
Randolph W. Thrower Lecture: Your Tax Dollars at Work: Why U.S. Tax Law Needs to be Changed, Michael J. Graetz
Diverse Perspectives and the Religion Clauses: An Examination of Justifications and Qualifying Beliefs, Kent Greenawalt
Progressive Constitutionalism: Conceptions of Interpretation and the Religion Clauses, Kent Greenawalt
The Collapse of the Harm Principle, Bernard Harcourt
The Boundaries of Private Property, Michael A. Heller
The Cutting Edge of Poster Law, Michael A. Heller
Deterrence and Distribution in the Law of Takings, Michael A. Heller and James E. Krier
Making Something Out of Nothing: The Law of Takings and Phillips v. Washington Legal Foundation, Michael A. Heller and James E. Krier
Revaluing Restitution: From the Talmud to Postsocialism, Michael A. Heller and Christopher Serkin
An Economic Analysis of the Guaranty Contract, Avery W. Katz
In Defense of the Incorporation Strategy, Jody S. Kraus and Steven D. Walt
Legal Aid and Public Interest Law in China, Benjamin L. Liebman
Reforming Labor Law for the New Century, Lance Liebman
Police Reform and the Department of Justice: An Essay on Accountability, Debra A. Livingston
Secured Credit and Software Financing, Ronald J. Mann
Verification Institutions in Financing Transactions, Ronald J. Mann
Dispute Settlement Procedures and Mechanisms, Petros C. Mavroidis
Beyond the Independent Counsel: Evaluating the Options, Thomas W. Merrill
The Constitution and the Cathedral: Prohibiting, Purchasing, and Possibly Condemning Tobacco Advertising, Thomas W. Merrill
The Nuttiness of Divorce, Thomas W. Merrill
Japan's Experience with Deposit Insurance and Failing Banks: Implications for Financial Regulatory Design?, Curtis J. Milhaupt
So Much for Savages: Navajo 1, Government 0 in Final Moments of Play, Eben Moglen
Economic Development, Legality, and the Transplant Effect, Katharina Pistor, Daniel Berkowitz, and Jean-Francois Richard
Who's in Control? The Courts, the Legislature and the Public in Colorado's School Finance Debate, Christina D. Ponsa-Kraus and Drew Dunphy
Grand Jury Secrecy: Plugging the Leaks in an Empty Bucket, Daniel Richman
Foreword, Elizabeth S. Scott
Rethinking the Uniformity Norm in Commercial Law: Optimal Institutional Design for Regulating Incomplete Contracts, Robert E. Scott
Moral Icons: A Comment on Steven Lubet's Reconstructing Atticus Finch, William H. Simon
The Legal and the Ethical in Legal Ethics: A Brief Rejoinder to Comments on The Practice of Justice, William H. Simon
Three Limitations of Deliberative Democracy: Identity Politics, Bad Faith, and Indeterminancy, William H. Simon
Virtuous Lying: A Critique of Quasi-Categorical Moralism, William H. Simon
The Common Law and Statutes, Peter L. Strauss
Introduction: Reconnecting Labor and Civil Rights Advocacy, Susan P. Sturm
Precedential Cascades: An Appraisal, Eric Talley
Taking the "I" Out of "Team": Intra-Firm Monitoring and the Content of Fiduciary Duties, Eric L. Talley
The Political Economy of Recognition: Affirmative Action Discourse and Constitutional Equality in Germany and the U.S.A., Kendall Thomas
The Supreme Court, Sexual Citizenship and the Idea of Progress, Kendall Thomas
Siegecraft and Surrender: The Law and Strategy of Cities and Targets, Matthew C. Waxman
Application-Centered Internet Analysis, Tim Wu
Publications from 1998
Does the Constitution Require That We Kill the Competitive Goose? Pricing Local Phone Services to Rivals, William J. Baumol and Thomas W. Merrill
Comparative Law in the New European Community, George Bermann
Reflections on the Papers Presented by Weiler, Goebel, and Meyers & Levie, George A. Bermann