Document Type
Book Chapter
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This chapter embraces the strategic use of the Internet for achieving new forms of transparency and participation in the regulatory cooperation process. It explores ‘the challenges of globally accessible process’ through the use of new information technologies. It holds that the incorporation of these technologies in agency processes at the US federal level has created possibilities for the most transparent, participatory, and broadly deliberative regulatory system in the world to become still more so. The Internet promises not merely to expand access to information about the substance and process of regulation, but also to ‘move the government closer to the citizen, by providing a framework that facilitates the active participation of citizen groups’.
International Law | International Relations | Law
Recommended Citation
Peter L. Strauss,
The Challenges of Globally Accessible Process,
Transatlantic Regulatory Cooperation: Legal Problems and Political Prospects, George A. Bermann, Matthias Herdegen & Peter L. Lindseth (Eds.), Oxford University Press
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