Small Privatization: The Transformation of Retail Trade and Consumer Services in the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Poland
John S. Earle, Roman Frydman, Andrzej Rapaczynski, and Joel Turkewitz 1994This third volume in the acclaimed series of CEU Privatization Reports deals with the transition to a free market in retail trade and consumer services in Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic. The... (read more)
Privatization in Eastern Europe: Is the State Withering Away?
Roman Frydman and Andrzej Rapaczynski 1994The creation of new economic and legal mechanisms to replace the fallen communist systems of Eastern Europe must surely count as one of the greatest organizational challenges of this century, and economists and... (read more)
Whose Backyard, Whose Risk: Fear and Fairness in Toxic and Nuclear Waste Siting
Michael B. Gerrard 1994In Whose Backyard, Whose Risk, environmental lawyer, professor, and commentator Michael B. Gerrard tackles the thorny issue of how and where to dispose of hazardous and radioactive waste. Gerrard, who has represented dozens... (read more)
Ethics in the Public Domain: Essays in the Morality of Law and Politics
Joseph Raz 1994In the past twenty years Joseph Raz has consolidated his reputation as one of the most acute, inventive, and energetic scholars currently at work in analytic moral and political theory. This new collection... (read more)
Of Boundless Domains
Michael I. Sovern 1994With a clear vision of the future and a lively, accessible style, Michael Sovern, former President of Columbia University, pays tribute to the great teachers who change their students forever, even as he... (read more)
India in Transition: Freeing the Economy
Jagdish N. Bhagwati 1993From gaining its independence in 1947 until only recently, India was a centrally planned economy, complete with five year plans. With the end of the Gandhi dynasty and the move to privatization of... (read more)
Words That Wound: Critical Race Theory, Assaultive Speech, and The First Amendment
Mari J. Matsuda, Charles R. Lawrence III, Richard Delgado, and Kimberlé W. Crenshaw 1993Words, like sticks and stones, can assault; they can injure; they can exclude. In this important book, four prominent legal scholars from the tradition of critical race theory draw on the experience of... (read more)
Enforcing Restraint: Collective Intervention in Internal Conflicts
Lori Fisler Damrosch 1993Despite the seemingly uncontrollable conflicts within the boundaries of many nation-states today, the end of the Cold War has provided new opportunities to mobilize the collective will of the international community to deal... (read more)
Privatization in the Transition to a Market Economy: Studies of Preconditions and Policies in Eastern Europe
John S. Earle, Roman Frydman, and Andrzej Rapaczynski 1993Privatization policies are the centrepiece of the historically unique transformation of the centrally planned, into market economies. Yet the peculiarities of the privatization process in Eastern Europe are little understood in the West... (read more)
Loyalty: An Essay on the Morality of Relationships
George P. Fletcher 1993At a time when age-old political structures are crumbling, civil strife abounds, and economic uncertainty permeates the air, loyalty offers us security in our relationships with associates, friends, and family. Yet loyalty is... (read more)
The Privatization Process in Central Europe: Economic Environment, Legal and Ownership Structure, Institutions for State Regulation, Overview of Privatization Programs, Initial Transformation of Enterprises
Roman Frydman, Andrzej Rapaczynski, and John S. Earle 1993In an era defined by economic and industrial competition rather than ideological warfare, the success of the privatization process in Central Europe, Russia, Ukraine, and the Baltics is crucial for the regions' political... (read more)
The Privatization Process in Russia, Ukraine, and the Baltic States: Economic Environment, Legal and Ownership Structure, Institutions for State Regulation, Overview of Privatization Programs, Initial Transformation of Enterprises
Roman Frydman, Andrzej Rapaczynski, and John S. Earle 1993Volume 2 of this unique series on privatization provides comprehensive comparative information on the privatization process in five former Soviet republics: Russia, Ukraine, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. Following an introduction to the economic... (read more)
(Some of) the Essentials of Finance and Investment
Ronald J. Gilson and Bernard S. Black 1993Gibson and Black's casebook provides detailed information on the essentials of finance and investment. The casebook provides the tools for fast, easy, on-point research. Part of the University Casebook Series, it includes selected... (read more)
The Limits of Hobbesian Contractarianism
Jody S. Kraus 1993This 1994 book constitutes a sustained, comprehensive, and rigorous critique of contemporary Hobbesian contractarianism as expounded in the work of Jean Hampton, Gregory Kavka, and David Gauthier. Professor Kraus argues that the attempts... (read more)
Environmental Law Practice Guide: State and Federal Law
Michael B. Gerrard 1992Comprehensive coverage of the entire spectrum of federal and state environmental law. Everything you need all in one place! Provides practical guidance that cuts across all substantive areas of environmental law. Written for... (read more)
Law and Objectivity
Kent Greenawalt 1992In modern times the idea of the objectivity of law has been undermined by skepticism about legal institutions, disbelief in ideals of unbiased evaluation, and a conviction that language is indeterminate. Greenawalt here... (read more)
Images of a Free Press
Lee C. Bollinger 1991Rich in historical detail, Images of a Free Press is an elegant, powerful guide to the evolution of our modern conception of freedom of the press, which finds expression in laws that protect... (read more)
Law and Liberalism in the 1980s: The Rubin Lectures at Columbia University
Vincent A. Blasi 1991 -
Constitutional Interpretation
Philip Chase Bobbitt 1991Constitutional interpretation is an issue which has come under considerable scrutiny in the USA, in the light of such happenings as the nomination of Robert Bork for the Supreme Court, and the Iran-Contra... (read more)
Law and Force in the New International Order
Lori Fisler Damrosch and David J. Scheffer 1991Momentous events of recent years have shown the tremendous potential for developing and applying international law, even in the area that has always presented the greatest challenge to the rule of law –... (read more)
Workers Compensation: Strengthening the Social Compact
Orin Kramer and Richard Briffault 1991Workers' compensation, the state-based system that compensates employees for the economic consequences of work-related injury, illness and disease without regard to the fault of the employer or employee, was and remains a truly... (read more)
Joseph Raz 1990Authority is one of the key issues in political studies, for the question of by what right one person or several persons govern others is at the very root of political activity. In... (read more)
Aggressive Unilateralism: Americas 301 Trade Policy and World Trading System
Jagdish N. Bhagwati and Hugh T. Patrick 1990A comprehensive analysis of aggressive unilateralism in trade policy. This volume grew out of an international conference entitled S̀uper 301 and the World Trading System,' held at Columbia University on December 1-2, 1989.
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Environmental Impact Review in New York
Michael B. Gerrard, Philip Weinberg, and Daniel A. Ruzow 1990An all-encompassing guide to New York's State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) and the environmental impact review process that SEQRA generated. This unique publication takes project applicants, opponents, and regulators through every stage... (read more)
US Nuclear Strategy: A Reader
Philip Chase Bobbitt, Lawrence Freedman, and Gregory F. Treverton 1989Setting the terms for an effective public debate on nuclear issues, this provides essays and excerpts from longer works that have charted the development of American nuclear strategy. Each section ends with questions... (read more)
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