The WTO Case Law of 2001-2011
Henrik Horn and Petros C. Mavroidis 2001The American Law Institute project on WTO Law undertakes yearly analysis of the case law from the adjudicating bodies of the WTO. Reporters' Studies for each year cover a wide range of WTO... (read more)
Foreign in a Domestic Sense: Puerto Rico, American Expansion, and the Constitution
Christina Duffy Ponsa-Kraus and Burke Marshall 2001In this groundbreaking study of American imperialism, leading legal scholars address the problem of the U.S. territories. Foreign in a Domestic Sense will redefine the boundaries of constitutional scholarship.
More than four million... (read more)
The Community Economic Development Movement: Law, Business, and the New Social Policy
William H. Simon 2001While traditional welfare efforts have waned, a new style of social policy implementation has emerged dramatically in recent decades. The new style is reflected in a panoply of Community Economic Development (ced) initiatives... (read more)
What's Left of Theory?: New Work on the Politics of Literary Theory
Judith Butler, John Guillory, and Kendall Thomas 2000“For several years,” write the editors of What’s Left of Theory, “a debate on the politics of theory has been conducted energetically within literary studies. The terms of the debate, however, are far... (read more)
Regulatory Barriers and the Principle of Non-discrimination in World Trade Law: Past, Present, and Future: The World Trade Forum, Vol. 2
Thomas Cottier and Petros C. Mavroidis 2000The University of Michigan Press is pleased to announce the second volume in an annual series, the World Trade Forum. The Forum's members include scholars, lawyers, and government and business practitioners working in... (read more)
The Changing Borders of Juvenile Justice: Transfer of Adolescents to the Criminal Court
Jeffrey A. Fagan and Franklin E. Zimring 2000Since the 1960s, recurring cycles of political activism over youth crime have motivated efforts to remove adolescents from the juvenile court. Periodic surges of crime – youth violence in the 1970s, the spread... (read more)
Rethinking Criminal Law
George P. Fletcher 2000This is a reprint of a book first published by Little, Brown in 1978. George Fletcher is working on a new edition, which will be published by Oxford in three volumes, the first... (read more)
The Jurisprudential Foundations of Corporate and Commercial Law
Jody S. Kraus and Steven D. Walt 2000This collection, first published in 2000, brings together essays by some of the most prominent scholars currently writing in commercial law theory. The essays address the foundations of efficiency analysis as the dominant... (read more)
Intellectual Property Rights in Emerging Markets
Clarisa Long 2000The debate over international intellectual property rights has become an important foreign policy issue for many industrialized countries, and particularly for the United States. US companies complain that they have suffered greatly from... (read more)
Workin' Hard for the Money: The Social and Economic Lives of Women Drug Sellers
Ira Sommers, Deborah Baskin, and Jeffrey A. Fagan 2000This book examines women's participation in the cocaine/crack economy of New York City. All the women are or were long-term drug dealers, not those who casually dealt drugs. In order to be included... (read more)
Trading Blocs: Alternative Approaches to Analyzing Preferential Trade Agreements
Jagdish Bhagwati, Pravin Krishna, and Arvind Panagariya 1999This volume will enable graduate students, scholars of PTAs, and policymakers concerned with trade liberalization to grasp the analytical relationships among the sometimes disparate contributions of nearly a half century of theoretical research... (read more)
Air Power as a Coercive Instrument
Daniel L. Byman, Matthew C. Waxman, and Eric V. Larsen 1999Coercion – the use of threatened force to induce an adversary to change its behavior – is a critical function of the U.S. military. U.S. forces have recently fought in the Balkans, the... (read more)
The U.S. Income Tax: What It Is, How It Got That Way, and Where We Go From Here
Michael J. Graetz 1999A lively history of the American income tax system and the recent revulsion it has spurred in the American public reveals how the tax evolved, how it became a political tool, what the... (read more)
True Security: Rethinking American Social Insurance
Michael J. Graetz and Jerry L. Mashaw 1999Social insurance in the United States – including the Social Security Act of 1935 and the Medicare, Medicaid, and disability insurance programs that were added later – may be the greatest triumph of... (read more)
Legislation: Statutory Interpretation: 20 Questions
Kent Greenawalt 1999This book gives an overview of the field of statutory interpretation for the law student. It examines the subject through questions that help show how Legislation is crafted. Part of the University Casebook... (read more)
The Role of Law and Legal Institutions in Asian Economic Development, 1960-1995
Katharina Pistor and Philip A. Wellons 1999This book explores the role of law and legal institutions in economic development. It investigates the period from 1960 to 1995, an era of rapid growth and socio-economic transformation. The study draws on... (read more)
For Common Things: Irony, Trust, and Commitment in America Today
Jedediah S. Purdy 1999Jedediah Purdy calls For Common Things his “letter of love for the world’s possibilities.” Indeed, these pages – which garnered a flurry of attention among readers and in the media – constitute a... (read more)
Engaging Reason: On the Theory of Value and Action
Joseph Raz 1999Joseph Raz presents a penetrating exploration of the interdependence of value, reason, and the will. The essays illuminate a wide range of questions concerning fundamental aspects of human thought and action. The book... (read more)
Practical Reason and Norms
Joseph Raz 1999This book focuses on three problems: In what way are rules normative, and how do they differ from ordinary reasons? What makes normative systems systematic? What distinguishes legal systems, and in what consists... (read more)
Peacemaking and Peacekeeping for the New Century
Olara A. Otunnu and Michael W. Doyle 1998The UN's record in peace operations is long, various, distinguished by both accomplishments and failures, and most importantly, innovative. Unfulfilled expectations and escalating violence in Somalia, Rwanda, and Bosnia forced retrenchment upon UN... (read more)
A Stream of Windows: Unsettling Reflections on Trade, Immigration, and Democracy
Jagdish Bhagwati 1998Jagdish Bhagwati firmly believes that those who work at the frontiers of economics should also get down into the trenches of public policy in the only way they can: through advocacy. His frequent... (read more)
The Uruguay Round and Beyond: Essays in Honor of Arthur Dunkel
Jagdish Bhagwati and Mathias Hirsch 1998Greatly admired by the world community of policymakers and scholars of international trade, Arthur Dunkel is credited with having saved the Uruguay Round from failure. This volume--whose authors include the most distinguished trade... (read more)
State Trading in the Twenty-First Century: The World Trade Forum, Vol. 1
Thomas Cottier and Petros C. Mavroidis 1998The University of Michigan Press is pleased to announce the first volume in an annual series, The World Trade Forum. The Forum's members include scholars, lawyers, and government and business practitioners working in... (read more)
Basic Concepts of Criminal Law
George P. Fletcher 1998In the United States today criminal justice can vary from state to state, as various states alter the Modern Penal Code to suit their own local preferences and concerns. In Eastern Europe, the... (read more)
Capitalism with a Comrade's Face
Roman Frydman, Kenneth Murphy, and Andrzej Rapaczynski 1998Are nations that are journeying away from communism succeeding in becoming free-market democracies? In what ways do decades of totalitarian rule continue to distort the institutional shape of these societies? Which of communism's... (read more)
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