Foundations of Intellectual Property
Robert P. Merges and Jane C. Ginsburg 2004This book is meant to provide a ... collection of commentaries on the topic of intellectual property. [The] goal has been to bring together ... influential writings on patent, copyright, trademark and design... (read more)
Dispute Settlement in the World Trade Organization: Practice and Procedure
David Palmeter and Petros C. Mavroidis 2004David Palmeter and Petros Mavroidis review all WTO dispute settlement provisions and their interpretation in WTO jurisprudence in this extensively revised new edition. Carefully written for a wide readership, the volume is essential... (read more)
Democratic Vistas: Reflections on the Life of American Democracy
Jedediah S. Purdy 2004In this thought-provoking collection, leading scholars explore democracy in the United States from a sweeping variety of perspectives. A dozen contributors consider the nature and prospects of democracy as it relates to the... (read more)
The Practice of Value
Joseph Raz 2003The Practice of Value explores the nature of value and its relation to the social and historical conditions under which human agents live. At the core of the book are the Tanner Lectures... (read more)
Transnational Litigation in a Nutshell
George A. Bermann 2003This title identifies and explores recurring problems caused by private cross-border disputes, while presenting the solutions that appear to be emerging, whether in the form of legislation, case law, treaty or Restatement enumeration.... (read more)
Intellectual Property: Trade, Competition, and Sustainable Development: The World Trade Forum, Vol. 3
Thomas Cottier and Petros C. Mavroidis 2003The incorporation of intellectual property protection into the WTO international trading system has been a milestone in international economic law and has added a new dimension to trade regulation – new rights and... (read more)
The Role of the Judge in International Trade Regulation: Experience and Lessons for the WTO: The World Trade Forum, Vol. 4
Thomas Cottier and Petros C. Mavroidis 2003The WTO is generally seen as a key actor of globalization and, as such, has been the point of convergence of popular irritation worldwide. Many of the reproaches addressed to the WTO show... (read more)
Foundations of International Income Taxation
Michael J. Graetz 2003This law school casebook extracts materials from scholarly literature on international income tax law and provides context for these materials, to enhance an understanding of the institutions that shape this area of law... (read more)
Guns, Crime, and Punishment in America
Bernard E. Harcourt 2003Guns, Crime, and Punishment in America assembles a diverse group of the nation's leading authorities on guns and gun violence to present the most up-to-date research currently available. Exploring such controversial issues as... (read more)
Being America: Liberty, Commerce, and Violence in an American World
Jedediah S. Purdy 2003Having risen to national attention with his first book, For Common Things, Jedediah Purdy now cements his claim to being one of the most arresting public intellectuals of his generation. In Being America,... (read more)
Going Alone: The Case for Relaxed Reciprocity in Freeing Trade
Jagdish N. Bhagwati 2002An analytic and empirical study of unilateral trade liberalization agreements, from the nineteenth century to the present.
Since the end of World War II, the freeing of trade has been most visible in... (read more)
Free Trade Today
Jagdish N. Bhagwati 2002Free trade, indeed economic globalization generally, is under siege. The conventional arguments for protectionism have been discredited but not banished. And free trade faces strong new challenges from a variety of groups, including... (read more)
The Shield of Achilles: War, Peace, and the Course of History
Philip Chase Bobbitt 2002The Shield of Achilles is a classic inquiry into the nature of the State, its origin in war, and its drive for peace and legitimacy. Philip Bobbitt, a professor of constitutional law and... (read more)
Eternally Vigilant: Free Speech in the Modern Era
Lee C. Bollinger and Geoffrey R. Stone 2002While freedom of speech has been guaranteed us for centuries, the First Amendment as we know it today is largely a creation of the past eighty years. Eternally Vigilant brings together a group... (read more)
The Dynamics of Coercion: American Foreign Policy and the Limits of Military Might
Daniel L. Byman and Matthew C. Waxman 2002This book examines how the United States uses limited military force and other means to influence adversaries and potential adversaries. It reviews when limited force can and cannot work and examines a range... (read more)
Romantics at War: Glory and Guilt in the Age of Terrorism
George P. Fletcher 2002America is at war with terrorism. Terrorists must be brought to justice.
We hear these phrases together so often that we rarely pause to reflect on the dramatic differences between the demands of... (read more)
Separation of Church and State
Philip A. Hamburger 2002In a powerful challenge to conventional wisdom, Philip Hamburger argues that the separation of church and state has no historical foundation in the First Amendment. The detailed evidence assembled here shows that eighteenth-century... (read more)
Adjuncts and Alternatives to Copyright: ALAI Congress, June 13-17, 2001, New York, U.S.A.
International Literary and Artistic Association, Jane C. Ginsburg, and June M. Besek 2002 -
European Integration and International Co-ordination: Studies in Transnational Economic Law in Honour of Claus-Dieter Ehlermann
Armin Von Bogdandy, Petros C. Mavroidis, and Yves Mény 2002Claus-Dieter Ehlermann is widely regarded as among the most knowledgeable, far-sighted, and creative shapers, practitioners, and scholars of European law. Among the prominent legal roles he has played in his influential career, his... (read more)
Value, Respect, and Attachment
Joseph Raz 2001Joseph Raz is one of the world's leading philosophers of law, and in his Seeley Lectures he reflects critically on one of the central tenets of ethical thought, the view that values are... (read more)
Transatlantic Regulatory Co-operation: Legal Problems and Political Prospects
George A. Bermann, Matthias Herdegen, and Peter L. Lindseth 2001This book offers a comprehensive account of the transatlantic regulatory cooperation phenomenon: its causes and political context in a globalizing economy, its theoretical understanding, its relationship to trade and competition, its implications for... (read more)
The Wind of the Hundred Days: How Washington Mismanaged Globalization
Jagdish Bhagwati 2001In The Wind of the Hundred Days, a new collection of public policy essays, Jagdish Bhagwati applies his characteristic wit and accessible style to the subject of globalization. Notably, he argues that the... (read more)
Our Secret Constitution: How Lincoln Redefined American Democracy
George P. Fletcher 2001Americans hate and distrust their government. At the same time, Americans love and trust their government. These contradictory attitudes are resolved by Fletcher's novel interpretation of constitutional history. He argues that we have... (read more)
Can We Put an End to Sweatshops?: A New Democracy Forum on Raising Global Labor Standard
Archon Fung, Dara O'Rourke, and Charles F. Sabel 2001The MIT scholar who broke the news about Nike's sweatshops argues, with two colleagues, that consumer choices can improve workers' lives globally Seventy-five percent of Americans say they would avoid retailers whom they... (read more)
Who's Qualified?
Lani Guinier and Susan P. Sturm 2001Affirmative action originated as a plan to correct the historical disadvantage of women and people of color-to make the system more fair. Yet, for over twenty years, it has been repeatedly attacked for... (read more)
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