"A Framework to Approach Shared-Use of Mining Related Infrastructure" by Perrine Toledano, Sophie Thomashausen et al.

Document Type

Report/Policy Paper

Publication Date



In April 2013, CCSI was awarded a grant from the Australian Government to develop an economically, legally and operationally rational framework to enable shared use of mining-related infrastructure, including rail, ports, power, water, internet and telecommunications. The framework was obtained by distilling best practice principles from infrastructure developments around the world, guided by expert opinion. It has most recently been refined through in-depth case studies in Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Mozambique, although its principles aim to be of general relevance to all resource rich African countries. The report was finalized in March 2014.


International Law | Land Use Law | Law | Law and Economics | Natural Resources Law | Oil, Gas, and Mineral Law | Securities Law | Transnational Law

Case-Study_Liberia-March-2014.pdf (1974 kB)
Case Study: Liberia

Case-Study_Mozambique-March-2014.pdf (3136 kB)
Case Study: Mozambique

Case-Study_Sierra-Leone_March-2014.pdf (1969 kB)
Case Study: Sierra Leone
