Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment Staff Publications | Columbia Law School


Publications from 2022


Roadmap to Zero-Carbon Electrification of Africa by 2050: The Green Energy Transition and the Role of the Natural Resource Sector (Minerals, Fossil Fuels, and Land), Jeffrey D. Sachs, Perrine Toledano, Martin Dietrich Brauch, Tehtena Mebratu-Tsegaye, Efosa Uwaifo, and Bryan Michael Sherrill


Allocation of Climate-Related Risks in Investor–State Mining Contracts, Martin Dietrich Brauch, Perrine Toledano, and Cody Aceveda


Legal Provisions on Shared Use of Mining Infrastructure: Rail, Port, and Power, Logan Hinderliter, Martin Dietrich Brauch, and Perrine Toledano


How Much Have the Oil Supermajors Contributed to Climate Change?, Jiarui Chen, Perrine Toledano, and Martin Dietrich Brauch


CCSI’s Consolidated Feedback on the WBA Draft Nature Benchmark Methodology, Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment


Climate Action Needs Investment Governance, Not Investment Protection and Arbitration, Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment


North Africa Can Reduce Europe's Dependence on Russian Gas by Transporting Wasted Gas Through Existing Infrastructure, Mark Davis, Perrine Toledano, and Thomas Schorr


Business Guide: Respecting the Human Rights of Communities in Wind and Solar Project Deployment, Sarah Dolton-Zborowski and Sam Szoke-Burke


Legal Primer: Respecting the Human Rights of Communities in Wind and Solar Project Deployment, Sarah Dolton-Zborowski and Sam Szoke-Burke


New Producer Contract Terms and Uncertainty: Lessons From the Recent Past, Patrick R.P. Heller, Perrine Toledano, David Mihalyi, and Tehtena Mebratu-Tsegaye


PLUS Politics: Tackling the EIA Impact Gap, Leila Kazemi, Perrine Toledano, and Tehtena Mebratu-Tsegaye


Unlocking the Power of Reformers to Achieve Better Progress on Extractives Governance, Leila Kazemi and Perrine Toledano

Publications from 2021


Investment Governance in Africa to Support Climate Resilience and Decarbonization, Martin Dietrich Brauch and Brenda Akankunda


Primer on International Investment Treaties and Investor-State Dispute Settlement, Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment


Handbook for SDG-Aligned Food Companies: Four Pillar Framework Standards, Nora Mardirossian, Gaëlle Espinosa, Rico Rincón, Diana Marcela, Erin O’Dwyer, Abrania Marrero, Regan Plekenpol, Claudia P. Baethgen, Urvi Agarwal, Lisa E. Sachs, and Jeffrey D. Sachs


Corporate Net-Zero Pledges: The Bad and the Ugly, Jack Arnold and Perrine Toledano


Decarbonization Pathways for Paraguay’s Energy Sector, Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment; Quadracci Sustainable Engineering Lab; and Centro de Recursos Naturales, Energía y Desarrollo (CRECE)


Advocates Say ISDS Is Necessary Because Domestic Courts Are ‘Inadequate,’ But Claims and Decisions Don’t Reveal Systemic Failings, Maria Rocha, Martin Dietrich Brauch, and Tehtena Mebratu-Tsegaye


Getting From Ideas to Reality: Building Political Support to Translate Good Ideas Into Actual Practice, Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment and Leila Kazemi


Investor-State Dispute Prevention: A Critical Reflection, Lise Johnson, Lisa E. Sachs, and Ella Merrill


Fixing the Business of Food: Aligning Food Company Practices with the SDGs, Sustainable Development Solutions Network, Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment, Sanda Chiara Lab, and Barilla Center for Food and Nutrition


Carbon Accounting by Public and Private Financial Institutions: Can We Be Sure Climate Finance Is Leading to Emissions Reductions?, Martin Dietrich Brauch and Emily Spittle


New Tech, New Deal: Mining Policy Options in the Face of New Technology, Isabelle Ramdoo, Aaron Cosbey, Jeff Geipel, and Perrine Toledano


Comparison Between the IPCC Reporting Framework and Country Practice, Jiarui Chen and Martin Dietrich Brauch


Responsible Coffee Sourcing: Towards a Living Income for Producers, Kaitlin Y. Cordes, Margaret Sagan, and Solina Kennedy


Five Years After the Adoption of the Paris Agreement, Are Climate Change Considerations Reflected in Mining Contracts?, Tehtena Mebratu-Tsegaye, Perrine Toledano, Martin Dietrich Brauch, and Mara Greenberg


Guide on Incentives for Responsible Investment in Agriculture and Food Systems, Anna Bulman, Kaitlin Y. Cordes, Ladan Mehranvar, Ella Merrill, and Yannick Fiedler


COVID-19 and Land-based Investment: Changing Landscapes, Tehtena Mebratu-Tsegaye, Nathaniah Jacobs, and Clarisse Marsac


The Case for a Climate-Smart Update of the Africa Mining Vision, Perrine Toledano, Martin Dietrich Brauch, Karan Bhulwaka, and Kojo Busia


Comments to the Draft Working Group III Workplan, Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment, International Institute for Environment and Development, and International Institute for Sustainable Development


Transparency for Whom? Grounding Land Investment Transparency in the Needs of Local Actors, Sam Szoke-Burke


Transparency of Land-based Investments: Cameroon Country Snapshot, Sam Szoke-Burke, Samuel Nguiffo, and Stella Tchoukep


Should the European Union Fix, Leave or Kill the Energy Charter Treaty?, Martin Dietrich Brauch


Nigeria’s Petroleum Industry Bill: A Missed Opportunity to Prepare for the Zero-Carbon Future, Solina Kennedy, Martin Dietrich Brauch, Perrine Toledano, and Tehtena Mebratu-Tsegaye

Publications from 2020


Draft Transparency Policy and DFC Board of Directors Public Engagement Policy, Kaitlin Y. Cordes


Briefing Note: Aligning International Investment Agreements with the Sustainable Development Goals, Lise Johnson, Lisa E. Sachs, and Nathan Lobel


The COMET Framework: Greenhouse Gas Data Transparency to Enable the Success of EU Climate Policy, Martin Dietrich Brauch and Solina Kennedy


Shared-Use Infrastructure Along the World’s Largest Iron Ore Operation: Lessons Learned from the Carajás Corridor, Martin Dietrich Brauch, Nicolas Maennling, Perrine Toledano, Edgar Santos Monteiro, and Felipe Botelho Tavares


Free, Prior and Informed Consent: Addressing Political Realities to Improve Impact, Tehtena Mebratu-Tsegaye and Leila Kazemi


Health Priorities for Sustainable Development, Lisa E. Sachs and Jeffrey D. Sachs


Getting the Most Out of Extractive Industries Transparency: How a More Explicit Treatment of Political Considerations Could Strengthen the Impact of Transparency Efforts, Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment


Mining and the SDGs: A 2020 Status Update, Responsible Mining Foundation and Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment


Equipping the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation for the Low-Carbon Transition: How Are Other National Oil Companies Adapting?, Perrine Toledano, Martin Dietrich Brauch, Tehtena Mebratu-Tsegaye, and Francisco Javier Pardinas Favela


Modern Provisions in Investment Treaties, Jesse Coleman


Incorporating Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) into Investment Approval Processes, Kelly Dudine and Sam Szoke-Burke


Investment Promotion and Facilitation for Sustainable Development, Brooke Guven


Submission to Bonsucro re Production Standard v5 (2019-21), Nami Patel and Sam Szoke-Burke


Don’t Throw Caution to the Wind: In the Green Energy Transition, Not All Critical Minerals Will Be Goldmines, Perrine Toledano, Martin Dietrich Brauch, Solina Kennedy, and Howard Mann


Best Practices in Data Driven Development Planning in Mining Regions, Nicolas Maennling and Josefina Correa


Mechanisms for Consultation and Free, Prior and Informed Consent in the Negotiation of Investment Contracts, Sam Szoke-Burke and Kaitlin Y. Cordes


Comment on US Trade and Investment Agreements Submitted to USTR, Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment


A Review of Sierra Leone’s Mines and Minerals Act, Tehtena Mebratu-Tsegaye, Perrine Toledano, and Sophie Thomashausen


Preparing Legal Frameworks for Environmental Disasters: Practical Considerations for Host States, Brooke Guven, Perrine Toledano, and Lise Johnson


Electric Utility Alignment with the SDGs & the Paris Climate Agreement, Perrine Toledano, Aniket Shah, Nicolas Maennling, and Ryan J. Lasnick


Making Coffee Sustainable, Jeffrey D. Sachs and Kaitlin Y. Cordes


Executive Summary on Ensuring Economic Viability and Sustainability of Coffee Production, Jeffrey D. Sachs, Kaitlin Y. Cordes, James Rising, Perrine Toledano, and Nicolas Maennling


Environmental Injustice: How Treaties Undermine Human Rights Related to the Environment, Lisa E. Sachs, Lise Johnson, and Ella Merrill

Publications from 2019

A Model for “Smart” Mineral Enterprise Development for Spurring Investment in Climate Change Mitigation Technology, Saleem Ali, Robert K. Perrons, Perrine Toledano, and Nicolas Maennling


Aligning Investment Treaties with Sustainable Development Goals, Lise Johnson, Lisa E. Sachs, and Nathan Lobel


Legal Frameworks & Foreign Investment: A Primer on Governments’ Obligations, Kaitlin Y. Cordes, Lise Johnson, Sam Szoke-Burke, and Rumbidzaii Mawen


Securing Adequate Legal Defense in Proceedings under International Investment Agreements: A Scoping Study, Lise Johnson and Brooke Guven


Inconsistency's Many Forms in Investor-State Dispute Settlement and Implications for Reform, Lise Johnson and Lisa E. Sachs


Outcome Report on the Climate Crisis, Global Land Use and Human Rights Conference, Mateusz Kasprowicz, Sam Szoke-Burke, and Kaitlin Y. Cordes


Environmental Injustice: How Treaties Undermine the Right to a Healthy Environment, Lisa E. Sachs, Lise Johnson, and Ella Merrill


Linkages to the Mining Sector in Colombia, Nicolas Maennling and Perrine Toledano


Agricultural Investments: A Primer for Host Government Lawyers and Local Lawyers in Private Practice, Tehtena Mebratu-Tsegaye


Ensuring Economic Viability and Sustainability of Coffee Production, Jeffrey D. Sachs, Kaitlin Y. Cordes, James Rising, Perrine Toledano, and Nicolas Maennling


Fixing the Business of Food: The Food Industry and the SDG Challenge, Barilla Center for Food and Nutrition, Sustainable Development Solutions Network, Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment, and Sanda Chiara Lab


The Business and Human Rights Arbitration Rule Project: Falling Short of its Access to Justice Objectives, Lisa E. Sachs, Lise Johnson, Kaitlin Y. Cordes, Jesse Coleman, and Brooke Güven


Third-Party Rights in Investor-State Dispute Settlement: Options for Reform, Jesse Coleman, Lise Johnson, Brooke Güven, Lorenzo Cotula, and Thierry Berger


Briefing for Civil Society Organizations – Understanding Commercial Eucalyptus Plantations: How Do They Work and What Are Their Environmental Impacts?, Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment


UNCITRAL Working Group III on ISDS Reform: How Cross-Cutting Issues Reshape Reform Options, Lorenzo Cotula, Thierry Berger, Lise Johnson, Brooke Güven, and Jesse Coleman


Draft Treaty Language: Withdrawal of Consent to Arbitrate and Termination of International Investment Agreements, Brooke Güven and Lise Johnson


Draft Text Providing for Transparency and Prohibiting Certain Forms of Third-Party Funding in Investor–State Dispute Settlement, Brooke Güven, Lise Johnson, Nathalie Bernasconi-Osterwalder, Lorenzo Cotula, and Jane Kelsey


Human Rights Law and the Investment Treaty Regime, Jesse Coleman, Kaitlin Y. Cordes, and Lise Johnson

African Mining and the SDGs: From Vision to Reality, Kathryn Sturman, Perrine Toledano, Charles F.A. Akayuli, and Mzamose Gondwe


CCSI Submits Written Views to US Department of State Regarding UNCITRAL’s Working Group III, Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment


Primer: International Investment Treaties and Investor-State Dispute Settlement, Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment


The Policy Implications of Third-Party Funding in Investor-State Dispute Settlement, Brooke Guven and Lise Johnson


Alternatives to Investor-State Dispute Settlement, Lise Johnson, Jesse Coleman, Brooke Güven, and Lisa E. Sachs


Investment Treaties, Investor-State Dispute Settlement and Inequality, Lisa E. Sachs and Lise Johnson


Innovative Financing Solutions for Community Support in the Context of Land Investments, Sam Szoke-Burke


Investment Treaties, Investor-State Dispute Settlement, and Inequality: How International Investment Treaties Exacerbate Domestic Disparities, Lise Johnson and Lisa E. Sachs


Reputational and Integrity Due Diligence on Investors, Kroll and Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment


How International Oil Companies Could Assist Greece to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals: A Conversation Starter, Alexandra Sdoukou, Andreas Tornaritis, and Perrine Toledano


Bridging the Information Gap: How Access to Land Contracts Can Serve Community Rights, Lara Wallis and Sam Szoke-Burke

Publications from 2018

Investments and Human Rights in the Agricultural Sector, Kaitlin Y. Cordes


Tying the Knot: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Understanding the Human Right to Adequate Nutrition, Jessica Fanzo, Kaitlin Y. Cordes, Elizabeth F. Fox, and Anna Bulman


The Renewable Power of the Mine, Nicolas Maennling and Perrine Toledano


Framing the Global Pact for the Environment: Why It’s Needed, What It Does, and How It Does It, Teresa Parejo Navajas and Nathan Lobel


Updates to the UNCITRAL Legislative Guide on Privately Financed Infrastructure Projects, Brooke Guven and Motoko Aizawa


Agricultural Investments under International Investment Law, Jesse Coleman, Sarah Brewin, and Thierry Berger


How International Oil Companies Could Assist the Republic of Cyprus to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals: A Conversation Starter, Andreas Tornaritis and Perrine Toledano


Outcome Report of Roundtable on International Investment Regime and Access to Justice, Michelle Chan, Kanika Gupta, Jesse Coleman, Kaitlin Y. Cordes, and Lise Johnson


Community-Investor Negotiation Guide 1: Preparing in Advance for Potential Investors, Rachael Knight, Kaitlin Y. Cordes, Sam Szoke-Burke, Tehtena Mebratu-Tsegaye, and Marena Brinkhurst


Community-Investor Negotiation Guide 2: Negotiating Contracts with Investors, Sam Szoke-Burke, Rachael Knight, Kaitlin Y. Cordes, Tehtena Mebratu-Tsegaye, and Marena Brinkhurst


Governing Land Investments: Do Governments Have Legal Support Gaps?, Sam Szoke-Burke and Kaitlin Y. Cordes


Implementing the Ahafo Benefit Agreements: Seeking Meaningful Community Participation at Newmont’s Ahafo Gold Mine in Ghana, Benjamin Boakye, Maggie M. Cascadden, Jordan Kuschminder, Sam Szoke-Burke, and Eric Werker


Tax Expenditure and the Treatment of Tax Incentives for Investment, Agustin Redonda, Santiago Diaz de Sarralde, Mark Hallerberg, Lise Johnson, Ariel Melamud, Ricardo Rozemberg, Jakob Schwab, and Christian von Haldenwang


Clearing the Path: Withdrawal of Consent and Termination as Next Steps for Reforming International Investment Law, Lise Johnson, Jesse Coleman, Brooke Güven, and Lisa E. Sachs