Document Type
Report/Policy Paper
Publication Date
This policy paper wishes to be a timely contribution towards a fruitful debate among stakeholders; it urges International Oil Companies (IOCs) to examine how the critical Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for Greece can be integrated into their core business so that the oil and gas industry can contribute to the country’s sustainable growth.
Environmental Law | International Law | Land Use Law | Law | Natural Resources Law | Oil, Gas, and Mineral Law | Transnational Law
Recommended Citation
Alexandra Sdoukou, Andreas Tornaritis & Perrine Toledano,
How International Oil Companies Could Assist Greece to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals: A Conversation Starter,
Available at:
Included in
Environmental Law Commons, International Law Commons, Land Use Law Commons, Natural Resources Law Commons, Oil, Gas, and Mineral Law Commons, Transnational Law Commons