The Sabin Center for Climate Change Law develops legal techniques to fight climate change, trains law students and lawyers in their use, and provides the public with up-to-date resources on key topics in climate law and regulation. The center works closely with Columbia University's Earth Institute and with governmental, nongovernmental and academic organizations.
Publications from 2013
Paper: NEPA and Downstream Greenhouse Gas Emissions of U.S. Coal Exports, Elizabeth Sheargold and Smita Walavalkar
Paper: Technology Transfer and Dissemination Under the UNFCCC: Achievements and New Perspectives, Stéphanie Chuffart
Report: Discussion of Climate Change-Related Water Impacts in Federal Environmental Impact Statements (EISs), January-September 2012, Cathy Li
Report: Managed Coastal Retreat: A Legal Handbook on Shifting Development Away from Vulnerable Areas, Anne Siders
Report: Regulating Electricity Imports into RGGI: Toward a Legal, Workable Solution, Shelley Welton, Michael Gerrard, and Jason Munster
Report: State Hazard Mitigation Plans and Climate Change: Rating the States, Matthew Babcock
Report: The Opportunities for and Hurdles to Combined Heat and Power in New York City, Alexis Saba, Bianca Howard, Michael Gerrard, and Vijay Modi
Working Paper: Red China Going Green: The Emergence and Current Development of Carbon Emissions Trading in the World's Largest Carbon Emitter, Xiaotang Wang
Publications from 2012
Article: At Issue: Energy Efficiency, Michael B. Gerrard
Article: DC Circuit Clears Path for GHG Rules, but Politics Remain, Michael B. Gerrard
Article: FERC Order 1000 as a New Tool for Promoting Energy Efficiency and Demand Response, Shelley Welton and Michael B. Gerrard
Article: Hurricane Katrina Decision Highlights Liability for Decaying Infrastructure, Michael B. Gerrard
Article: Mexico's General Climate Change Law, Michael B. Gerrard and Anne Siders
Article: Obama Reelection Clears Path for Numerous New EPA Regulations, Michael B. Gerrard
Article: Recent Developments Under State Environmental Quality Review Act, Michael B. Gerrard
Article: Reverse Environmental Impact Analysis: Effect of Climate Change on Projects, Michael B. Gerrard
Article: Science Heads List of Candidate Debate Queries, Michael B. Gerrard
Article: State Dynamism, Federal Constraints: Possible Constitutional Hurdles to Cross-Border Cap-and-Trade, Shelley Welton
Article: State Public Utility Commissions' Powers to Advance Energy Efficiency, Michael B. Gerrard
Article: The Environment in New York State, Michael B. Gerrard and Claire H. Woods
Article: The Law on What Documents Scientists Must Keep and Disclose, Michael B. Gerrard and Elizabeth Sheargold
Article: What Litigation of a Climate Nuisance Suit Might Look Like, Michael B. Gerrard
Book: The Law of Adaptation to Climate Change: U.S. and International Aspects, Michael B. Gerrard and Katrina Fischer Kuh
Paper: Analysis of California, Washington, and New York Insurer Climate Risk Surveys for the 2011 Reporting Year, Irene Shulman
Paper: Encouraging Energy Efficiency through NEPA Comments, Adam Reidel
Paper: Legal Issues in Regulating Imports in State and Regional Cap and Trade Programs, Erin Parlar, Michael Babakitis, and Shelley Welton
Paper: Livestock and Climate Change – Annotated Bibliography, Julia Christian, Andrew Kirchner, Derek Nelson, and Jessica A. Wentz
Report: Consideration of Climate Change in Federal EISs, 2009-2011, Patrick Woolsey
Report: Court Ruling Gives Green Light to EPA GHG Regulations – Positive for Natural Gas, Renewables, and Efficient Vehicles, Mark Fulton, Michael B. Gerrard, Jake Baker, and Lucy Cotter
Report: Public Utilities Commissions & Energy Efficiency: A Handbook of Legal and Regulatory Tools for Commissioners & Advocates, Shelley Welton, Chen Xu, Brian Troxler, Chao Huang, Andrew Kirchner, Krista Yacovone, and Maria Hristova
Working Paper: Bundling Solutions for Financing Building Energy Efficiency Retrofit Projects in Residential and Commercial Buildings, Michael Kerstetter
Publications from 2011
Article: 2010 Developments Under State Environmental Quality Review Act, Michael B. Gerrard
Article: 'American Electric Power’ Leaves Open Many Questions for Climate Litigation, Michael B. Gerrard
Article: Climate Change and the WTO: Expected Battlegrounds, Surprising Battles, Daniel M. Firger and Michael B. Gerrard
Article: Domestic Mitigation of Black Carbon from Diesel Emissions, Hannah Chang
Article: Environmental and Energy Legislation in the 112th Congress, Michael B. Gerrard
Article: Governmental and Private Liability for Flooding, Michael B. Gerrard
Article: Increasing Use of Renewable Energy: Legal Techniques and Impediments, Michael B. Gerrard
Article: Model Municipal Ordinance Project Designed to Facilitate Wind and Solar Projects and Green Buildings, Michael B. Gerrard and Danielle Sugarman
Article: New York's Revived Power Plant Siting Law Preempts Local Control, Michael B. Gerrard
Article: Teaching Intrapersonal Intelligence as a Lawyering Skill: Introducing Values Systems into the Environmental Law Syllabus, Michael Burger
Book: The Law of Clean Energy: Efficiency and Renewables, Michael B. Gerrard
Book Chapter: Harmonizing Climate Change Policy and International Investment Law: Threats, Challenges and Opportunities, Daniel M. Firger and Michael Gerrard
Book Chapter: United States of America, Michael B. Gerrard and Gregory E. Wannier
Note: Shopping for State Constitutions: Unequal Gift Clauses as Obstacles to Optimal State Encouragement of Carbon Sequestration, Nicholas Houpt
Paper: Legal Implications for the U.S. in Transferring CCS Technology to China, Amy Ward
Paper: Memorandum on China’s Measures for Addressing Sea Level Change, Zhang Zhongmin
Report: Carbon Offshoring: the Legal and Regulatory Framework for Coal Exports, Daniel M. Firger, Robert Denicola, Katherine English, Daniel Raichel, Ross Wolfarth, and Kennan Zhong
Report: Climate Change Litigation After Supreme Court Ruling in American Electric Power v. Connecticut, Mark Fulton and Michael B. Gerrard
Report: What’s Ahead for Power Plants and Industry? Using the Clean Air Act to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Building on Existing Regional Programs, Franz T. Litz, Nicholas Bianco, Michael B. Gerrard, and Gregory E. Wannier
Working Paper: Assisted Migration: A Viable Conservation Strategy to Preserve the Biodiversity of Threatened Island Nations?, Jessica A. Wentz
Working Paper: Measurement, Reporting & Verification of Chinese Mitigation Commitments, Quiyan Zhao
Publications from 2010
Article: Climate Regulation Without Congressional Action, Michael B. Gerrard
Article: Defining the Challenge in Implementing Climate Change Policy, Michael B. Gerrard
Article: Greenhouse Gas Disclosure Requirements are Proliferating, Michael B. Gerrard
Article: "It's Not Easy Being Green": Local Initiatives, Preemption Problems, and the Market Participant Exception, Michael Burger
Article: Litigation Under SEQRA Declining, Exemption Use Is Rising, Michael B. Gerrard
Article: Model Green Building Ordinance for Municipalities Open for Comment, Michael B. Gerrard
Article: Model Green Building Ordinance Proposed for Adoption by New York Municipalities, Michael B. Gerrard and Jason James
Book: The Law of Green Buildings: Regulatory and Legal Issues in Design, Construction, Operations, and Financing, J. Cullen Howe and Michael B. Gerrard
Paper: EPA's Impending Greenhouse Gas Regulations: Digging through the Morass of Litigation, Gregory E. Wannier
Paper: Preemption and Alteration of EPA and State Authority to Regulate Greenhouse Gases in the Kerry-Lieberman Bill, Bradford McCormick and Hannah Chang
Working Paper: Cap-and-Trade Under The Clean Air Act?: Rethinking Section 115, Hannah Chang
Working Paper: Colorado’s Clean Air-Clean Jobs Act: Encouraging Conversion of Coal Plants to Natural Gas, Jonathan Talamini
Working Paper: Municipal Green Building Ordinances in the U.S., Marne Sussman
Working Paper: The EPA’s Proposed Transport Rule: Implications for Climate Change Regulation, Jessica A. Wentz
Publications from 2009
Article: Access to Environmentally Sound Technology in the Developing World: A Proposed Alternative to Compulsory Licensing, Neel Maitra
Article: Cash-for-Clunkers Program: Better for Industry than Environment, Michael B. Gerrard
Article: Coal-Fired Powerplants Dominate Climate Change Litigation, Michael B. Gerrard
Article: Comment on Developing a Comprehensive Approach to Climate Change Mitigation Policy in the United States: Integrating Levels of Government and Economic Sectors, Michael B. Gerrard
Article: Confronting a Rising Tide: A Proposal for a Convention on Climate Change Refugees, Bonnie Docherty and Tyler Giannini
Article: Court of Appeals Expands SEQRA Standing After an 18-Year Detour, Michael B. Gerrard
Article: Environmental Law in 2049: A Look Back, Michael B. Gerrard
Article: Greenhouse Gases: Emerging Standards for Impact Review, Michael B. Gerrard
Article: State Bar Task Force: 22 New York Actions to Address Climate Change, Michael B. Gerrard
Article: The Effect of NEPA Outside the Courtroom, Michael B. Gerrard
Article: The Obama Administration's First Environmental Policy Changes, Michael B. Gerrard
Paper: Addressing the Energy Efficiency Financing Challenge: The Role and Limitations of a Green Bank, Christopher Angell
Paper: Cash for Clunky Appliances, Anna S. Fleder
Paper: Feeding Climate Change: Federal Food Procurement and Its Effects on Global Warming, Amanda Hungerford
Paper: Painting REDD Offsets Green: A Case for Statutory Deuteranopia, Rommel Casis
Paper: The Costs of Carbon: Examining the Competitiveness and International Trade Dimensions of the Waxman-Markey House Bill, Svetlana German
Report: Taking Action in New York on Climate Change, Michael B. Gerrard, David Driesen, Veronica Eady Famira, J. Kevin Healy, Katrina Kuh, Edward Lloyd, Eileen Millett, David Paget, Virginia Robbins, Patricia Salkin, James Sevinsky, and James Van Nostrand
Working Paper: Developing Municipal Wind Energy Ordinances in New York State, Jason James
Working Paper: International Executive Agreements on Climate Change, Hannah Chang
Publications from 2008
Article: Climate Change and the Environmental Impact Review Process, Michael B. Gerrard
Article: Financial Disclosure of Risks Related to Global Climate Change, Michael B. Gerrard and Christopher Anderson
Article: McCain vs. Obama on Environment, Energy, and Resources, Michael B. Gerrard
Article: SEQRA and Climate Change, Michael B. Gerrard
Article: Survey of SEQRA Cases from 2007, Michael B. Gerrard
Book: The Law of Environmental Justice: Theories and Procedures to Address Disproportionate Risks, Michael B. Gerrard and Sheila R. Foster
Publications from 2007
Article: Kyoto's Clean Development Mechanism in Action: India, China and Brazil, Michael B. Gerrard, Siddharth Sethy, Hui Xu, and Bruno Gagliardi
Article: Stricter Rules on Storm Water Discharges Taking Effect, Michael B. Gerrard
Article: Survey of Climate Change Litigation, Michael B. Gerrard
Publications from 2006
Article: Emergency Exemptions from Environmental Laws After Disasters, Michael B. Gerrard
Book: Amending CERCLA: The Post-SARA Amendments to the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act, Michael B. Gerrard and Joel M. Gross
Publications from 2003
Article: Bi-Polar and Polycentric Approaches to Human Rights and the Environment, Michael Burger
Publications from 2000
Article: Consultants' and Lawyers' Duties to Report Contamination, Michael B. Gerrard
Publications from 1999
Article: How SEQRA Cases Fared in 1998, Michael B. Gerrard
Book Review: Ecology and the Jewish Spirit: Where Nature and the Sacred Meet, Michael Burger