The Sabin Center for Climate Change Law develops legal techniques to fight climate change, trains law students and lawyers in their use, and provides the public with up-to-date resources on key topics in climate law and regulation. The center works closely with Columbia University's Earth Institute and with governmental, nongovernmental and academic organizations.
Publications from 2017
Paper: Act Locally, Reflect Globally: a Checklist of Options for U.S. Cities and States to Engage Internationally in Climate Action, Susan Biniaz
Paper: Appliance and Equipment Efficiency Standards: A Roadmap for State and Local Action, Peter Ross
Paper: Carbon Pricing in New York ISO Markets: Federal and State Issues, Justin Gundlach and Romany M. Webb
Paper: Climate Legislation and Litigation in Brazil, Gabriel Wedy
Paper: How Did Federal Environmental Impact Statements Address Climate Change in 2016?, Saloni Jain, Omri Klagsbald, Giovanna Leigh Crozier-Fitzgerald, Taylor Quinn, and Elana Sulakshana
Paper: How Existing Environmental Laws Respond to Climate Change and Its Mitigation, Justin Gundlach
Paper: I Beg to Differ: Taking Account of National Circumstances under the Paris Agreement, the ICAO Market-Based Measure, and the Montreal Protocol’s HFC Amendment, Susan Biniaz
Paper: Increasing Gasoline Octane Levels to Reduce Vehicle Emissions: A Review of Federal and State Authority, Romany M. Webb
Paper: Putting Green Infrastructure on Private Property in New York City, Justin Gundlach
Paper: The Price of Climate Deregulation: Adding Up the Costs and Benefits of Federal Greenhouse Gas Emission Standards, Nadra Rahman and Jessica A. Wentz
Paper: To Negotiate a Carbon Tax: A Rough Map of Policy Interactions, Tradeoffs, and Risks, Justin Gundlach
Paper: Transparency and ICAO's Aviation Offsetting Scheme: Two Separate Concepts?, Aoife O'Leary
Report: Policy Readiness for Offshore Carbon Dioxide Storage in the Northeast, Romany Webb and Michael Gerrard
Report: The Status of Climate Change Litigation: A Global Review, Michael Burger and Justin Gundlach
Publications from 2016
Article: Climate Change and Sustainable Development in Brazilian Law, Gabriel Wedy
Article: Climate Litigation Scores Successes in the Netherlands and Pakistan, Michael B. Gerrard
Article: Comma But Differentiated Responsibilities: Punctuation and 30 Other Ways Negotiators Have Resolved Issues in the International Climate Change Regime, Susan Biniaz
Article: Effect of the Paris Climate Agreement on U.S. Businesses, Michael B. Gerrard and Edward McTiernan
Article: Federal Implementation Plans and the Path to Clean Power, Daniel Selmi
Article: Forced Migration After Paris COP21: Evaluating the "Climate Change Displacement Coordination Facility", Phillip Dane Warren
Article: Integrating Climate Change Resilience Into HUD’s Disaster Recovery Program, Justin Gundlach and Channing R. Jones
Article: La Victoria de Urgenda: El Inicio de la Lucha Judicial Frente Al Cambio Climatico, Teresa Parejo Navajas
Article: Legal Pathways to Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions Under Section 115 of the Clean Air Act, Michael Burger, Ann E. Carlson, Michael B. Gerrard, Jayni Foley Hein, Jason A. Schwartz, and Keith J. Benes
Article: Preparing Clients for Climate Change, Michael B. Gerrard
Article: Sadly, the Paris Agreement Isn't Nearly Enough, Michael B. Gerrard
Article: Three Major Developments in International Climate Change Law, Michael B. Gerrard and Edward McTiernan
Paper: A Mitigation Based Rationale for Incorporating a Climate Change Impacts Fee into the Federal Coal Leasing Program, Michael Burger
Paper: Considering the Effects of Climate Change on Natural Resources in Environmental Review and Planning Documents: Guidelines for Agencies and Practitioners, Jessica A. Wentz
Paper: HUD Doesn't Need New Legislative Authority to Better Integrate Climate Change Resilience into Its Disaster Recovery Program, Justin Gundlach and Channing R. Jones
Paper: Legal Tools For Climate Adaptation Advocacy: The Electric Grid and Its Regulators – FERC and State Public Utility Commissions, Payal Nanavati and Justin Gundlach
Paper: Local Law Provisions for Climate Change Adaptation, Justin Gundlach and P. Dane Warren
Paper: Ontario’s Climate Change Mitigation and Low Carbon Economy Act: Pious Aspirations or New Dawn?, Damilola Olawuyi
Paper: Research Governance, Michael Burger and Justin Gundlach
Paper: Sea-Level Rise and Changing Times for Florida Local Governments, David Markell
Paper: Survey of Climate Change Considerations in Federal Environmental Impact Statements, 2012-2014, Jessica A. Wentz, Grant Glovin, and Adrian Ang
Paper: Using Online Databasing to Unlock the Full Value of Environmental Impact Assessments, Jessica A. Wentz
Paper: Using Online Databasing to Unlock the Full Value of Environmental Impact Assessments, Jessica A. Wentz
Presentation: Designing and Maintaining an EIS Database: Lessons Learned in Developing Library-based Digital Repositories, Robert T. Cartolano
Presentation: Developing an Online Database of Environmental Impact Statements, Nilda Mesa
Presentation: EIS Database Design Considerations, Sritharan Vinayagamoorthy
Presentation: EIS Database Technical Considerations: Geospatial, Kytt MacManus
Presentation: EIS User Case Study: Legal Research and Advocacy, Jessica A. Wentz
Presentation: Environmental Law: Time to Reboot, James Gustave Speth
Presentation: Northwestern University Transportation Library EIS Collection – Our History, Roberto A. Sarmiento
Presentation: Use Cases for EIS Databases, Malanding S. Jaiteh
Report: Climate Change and Human Trafficking After the Paris Climate Agreement, Michael Gerrard
Report/Policy Paper: Conference Report: Climate Change and Sustainable Investment in Natural Resources: From Consensus to Action, Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment, Sustainable Development Solutions Network, and Sabin Center for Climate Change Law
Publications from 2015
Article: A Legal Approach to the Improvement of Energy Efficiency Measures for the Existing Building Stock in the United States Based on European Experience, Teresa Parejo-Navajas
Article: America’s Forgotten Nuclear Waste Dump in the Pacific, Michael B. Gerrard
Article: An Analysis of Senator McConnell's Letter Urging States Not to Comply with EPA's Clean Power Plan, Daniel Selmi
Article: Assessing the Impacts of Climate Change on the Built Environment under NEPA and State EIA Laws: A Survey of Current Practices and Recommendations for Model Protocols, Jessica A. Wentz
Article: Draft NEPA Guidance Requires Agencies to Consider Both GHG Emissions and the Impacts of Climate Change on Proposed Actions, Jessica A. Wentz
Article: Reconciling International Investment Law and Climate Change Policy: Potential Liability for Climate Measures Under the Trans-Pacific Partnership, Meredith Wilensky
Article: Save Birds Now or Birds Later, Michael B. Gerrard
Article: Sustainable Development and the Brazilian Judge, Gabriel Wedy
Note: Designing a Climate Change Displacement Coordination Facility: Key Issues for COP 21, Jessica A. Wentz and Michael Burger
Paper: Climate Change and International Peace and Security: Possible Roles for the U.N. Security Council in Addressing Climate Change, Dane Warren
Paper: Climate Change in the Courts: An Assessment of Non-U.S. Climate Litigation, Meredith Wilensky
Paper: Electricity Sector Adaptation to Heat Waves, Sofia Aivalioti
Paper: Federal Implementation Plans for Controlling Carbon Emissions from Existing Power Plants: A Primer Exploring the Issues, Daniel Selmi
Paper: Heat in US Prisons and Jails: Corrections and the Challenge of Climate Change, Daniel W.E. Holt
Paper: How Much Does the Existing Regulatory Patchwork Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions?, Justin Gundlach
Paper: Legal Tools for Climate Adaptation Advocacy: Clean Water Act Permitting and Funding Programs, Channing R. Jones
Paper: Legal Tools for Climate Adaptation Advocacy: Flood Insurance, Matt Sienkiewicz
Paper: Legal Tools for Climate Adaptation Advocacy: NEPA, Jennier Klein and Ethan Strell
Paper: Legal Tools for Climate Adaptation Advocacy: Securities Law, Nina Hart
Paper: Potential Liability of Governments for Failure to Prepare for Climate Change, Jennier Klein
Paper: States Should Think Twice Before Refusing Any Response to EPA's Clean Power Rules, Daniel Selmi
Report: Climate Change and Human Rights, Michael Burger and Jessica A. Wentz
Publications from 2014
Article: Deluge of New York City Laws Guards Against Flooding, Protects Environment, Michael B. Gerrard
Article: Federalism Obstacles to Advancing Renewable Energy, Michael B. Gerrard
Article: Narratives in Conflicts: Alaska Natives and Offshore Drilling in the Arctic, Michael Burger
Article: New York Environmental Legislation and Regulations in 2013, Michael B. Gerrard
Article: New York State Leading on Utility Climate Change Adaptation, Ethan Strell and Christine Fazio
Article: Solving the CSO Conundrum: Green Infrastructure and the Unfulfilled Promise of Federal-Municipal Cooperation, Casswell F. Holloway, Carter H. Strickland Jr., Michael B. Gerrard, and Daniel M. Firger
Article: Survey of 2013 Cases Under State Quality Review Act, Michael B. Gerrard
Article: US Federal Climate Change Law in Obama’s Second Term, Michael B. Gerrard and Shelley Welton
Note: Climate Change and Forced Displacement, Jessica A. Wentz
Paper: Authority of Pacific Island States to Regulate Greenhouse Gases from the International Shipping Sector, Meredith Wilensky
Paper: Flag State Regulation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Regulatory Authority of Flags of Convenience and Franchised Registries, Alyssa Kutner and Meredith Wilensky
Paper: Moving at a Glacial Pace: What Can State Attorneys General Do about SEC Inattention to Nondisclosure of Financially Material Risks arising from Climate Change?, Nina Hart
Paper: Reverse Environmental Assessment Analysis for the Adaptation of Projects, Plans, and Programs to the Effects of Climate Change in the EU Evaluation of the Proposal for an EIA Directive, Teresa Parejo-Navajas
Paper: The Day After Tomorrow: A Survey Of How Gulf Coast State Utility Commissions and Utilities are Preparing for Future Storms, Katherine Carey
Working Paper: Climate Change Securities Disclosures in Australia, Amanda Liu
Publications from 2013
Article: Climate Change Action Without Congress, Michael B. Gerrard
Article: Courts Rulings Accept Climate Science, Michael Gerrard
Article: Environmental Law/Environmental Literature, Michael Burger
Article: Federal Executive Actions to Combat Climate Change, Michael B. Gerrard
Article: Fracking and Federalism Choice, Michael Burger
Article: Michael Bloomberg's Environmental Record, Bill de Blasio's Promises, Michael B. Gerrard
Article: Recovering from the Recovery Narrative: On Glocalism, Green Jobs and Cyborg Civilization, Michael Burger
Article: Reducing Legal Hurdles to Combined Heat and Power in New York, Michael B. Gerrard
Article: Survey of 2012 Cases Under State Environmental Quality Review Act, Michael B. Gerrard
Article: The (Re)Federalization of Fracking Regulation, Michael Burger
Article: Will Greenhouse Gas Rules Prohibit New Coal Power Plants?, Christine Fazio and Ethan Strell
Book: Threatened Island Nations: Legal Implications of Rising Seas and a Changing Climate, Michael B. Gerrard and Gregory E. Wannier
Paper: Carbon Capture and Storage Policy in China, Yan Gu
Paper: Compilation of International Authorities Supporting Specific Measures to Combat Climate Change, Fiona Kinniburgh
Paper: Digest of Hydraulic Fracturing Cases, Smita Walavalkar
Paper: Encouraging Energy Efficiency through the Clean Air Act, Moneen Nasmith