The Sabin Center for Climate Change Law develops legal techniques to fight climate change, trains law students and lawyers in their use, and provides the public with up-to-date resources on key topics in climate law and regulation. The center works closely with Columbia University's Earth Institute and with governmental, nongovernmental and academic organizations.
Publications from 2024
Article: Annual SEQRA Review: Project Applicants Winning More Cases, Michael B. Gerrard
Article: California and Europe Require Scope 3 Climate Disclosures Despite SEC Retreat, Michael B. Gerrard
Article: Executive Actions to Ensure Safe and Responsible Ocean Carbon Dioxide Removal Research in the United States, Romany M. Webb and Korey Silverman-Roati
Article: It Is (Finally) Time for and Advisory Opinion on Climate Change: Challenges and Opportunities on a Trio of Initiatives, Maria Antonia Tigre
Article: New York City Relaxing Environmental Review Rules for Housing Construction, Michael B. Gerrard
Article: New York Environmental Legislation in 2023, Michael B. Gerrard
Article: The Private Litigation Impact of New York’s Green Amendment, Evan Bianchi, Sean Di Luccio, Martin Lockman, and Vincent Nolette
Book Chapter: Common but Differentiated Constitutionalisms: Does ‘Environmental Constitutionalism’ Offer Realistic Policy Options for Improving UN Environmental Law and Governance? US and Latin American Perspectives, Erin Daly, Maria Antonia Tigre, and Natalia Urzola
Book Chapter: The Right to a Healthy Environment in Latin America and the Caribbean: Compliance through the Inter-American System and the Escazú Agreement, Maria Antonia Tigre
Paper: Implementing the Inflation Reduction Act: Progress to Date and Risks from a Future Hostile Administration, Romany M. Webb, Martin Lockman, and Emma Shumway
Paper: Shocking Financed Emissions: The Effect of Economic Volatility on the Portfolio Footprinting of Financial Institutions, Ilmi Granoff and Tonya Lee
Report: Advisory Opinion on Climate Change: Summary of Written Observations Submitted to the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (Part 1), Maria Antonia Tigre
Report: Building a Cleaner, More Resilient Energy System in Cuba: Opportunities and Challenges, Korey Silverman-Roati, Daniel Whittle, Romany M. Webb, Jeffrey P. Fralick, and Lila Harmar
Report: Cities, E-Commerce & Public Health: 3 Legal Pathways to Limiting Freight Vehicle Emissions, Amy E. Turner
Report: Climate Change and Human Health: A Synthesis of Scientific Research and State Obligations Under International Law, Jessica A. Wentz
Report: Climate Litigation in the Global South: Mapping Report, Maria Antonia Tigre
Report: International Governance of Ocean-Based Carbon Dioxide Removal: Recent Developments and Future Directions, Romany M. Webb
Report: Legal Issues in Oceanic Transport of Carbon Dioxide for Sequestration, Carolina Arlota, Michael B. Gerrard, and Pria Deanna Mahadevan
Report: Opposition to Renewable Energy Facilities in the United States: June 2024 Edition, Matthew Eisenson, Jacob Elkin, Harmukh Singh, and Noah Schaffir
Report: Permit Proposals: Summary of Recommendations, Luis Pablo Alvarez
Report: Public Health and Human Health Implications of Climate Mobility, Julia Neusner and Ama Francis
Report: Rebutting 33 False Claims About Solar, Wind, and Electric Vehicles, Matthew Eisenson, Jacob Elkin, Andy Fitch, Matthew Ard, Kaya Sittinger, and Samuel Lavine
Report: Recommendations to Update the FTC & DOJ’s Guidelines for Collaborations Among Competitors, Cynthia Hanawalt, Denise Hearn, and Chloe Field
Report: Removing Methane via Atmospheric Oxidation Enhancement: The Legal Framework, Romany M. Webb, Martin Lockman, and Korey Silverman-Roati
Report: Sabin Center for Climate Change Law Annual Report 2023, Sabin Center for Climate Change Law
Publications from 2023
Article: Beyond the North–South Divide: Litigation's Role in Resolving Climate Change Loss and Damage Claims, Maria Antonia Tigre and Margaretha Wewerinke-Singh
Article: Developing Model Federal Legislation to Advance Safe and Responsible Ocean Carbon Dioxide Removal Research in the United States, Romany M. Webb and Korey Silverman-Roati
Article: Human Rights and Climate Change for Climate Litigation in Brazil and Beyond: An Analysis of the Climate Fund Decision, Maria Antonia Tigre and Joana Setzer
Article: In California and Europe, a New Dawn for Corporate Climate Disclosure, Magali Delmas, Michael B. Gerrard, and Eric Orts
Article: International Recognition of the Right to a Healthy Environment: What Is the Added Value for Latin America and the Caribbean?, Maria Antonia Tigre
Article: New York Adopts Nation’s Strongest Environmental Justice Law, Michael B. Gerrard and Edward McTiernan
Article: New York Environmental Legislation in 2022, Michael B. Gerrard and Edward McTiernan
Article: New York's Green Amendment: The First Decisions, Michael B. Gerrard and Edward McTiernan
Article: NY, New Jersey Adopt Laws Requiring Flood Risk Disclosure for Homebuyers, Tenants, Michael B. Gerrard and Edward McTiernan
Article: Research Priorities for Climate Litigation, Jessica A. Wentz, Delta Merner, Benjamin Franta, Alessandra Lehmen, and Peter C. Frumhoff
Article: Statehood and Sea-Level Rise: Scenarios and Options, Michael B. Gerrard
Article: Survey of 2022 Cases Under State Environmental Quality Review Act, Michael B. Gerrard and Edward McTiernan
Article: The Legal Case for Equity in Local Climate Action Planning, Amy E. Turner
Article: Transnational Insights for Climate Litigation at the European Court of Human Rights: A South-North Perspective in Pursuit of Climate Justice, Melanie Murcott, Maria Antonia Tigre, and Nesa Zimmermann
Article: Waste and Chemical Management in a 4°C World, Michael B. Gerrard
Book: Global Climate Change and U.S. Law, Michael B. Gerrard, Jody Freeman, and Michael Burger
Paper: Permitting CO2 Pipelines, Martin Lockman
Report: Climate Change in the Courts: A 2023 Retrospective, Maria Antonia Tigre and Margaret Barry
Report: Decommissioning Liability at the End of Offshore Oil and Gas: A Review of International Obligations, National Laws, and Contractual Approaches in Ten Jurisdictions, Martin Lockman, Martin Dietrich Brauch, Esteban F. Fresno Rodríguez, and José Luis Gallardo Torres
Report: Energy Insecurity Mitigation: The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program and Other Low-Income Relief Programs in the US, Andrea Nishi, Diana Hernández, and Michael B. Gerrard
Report: Expert Insights on Best Practices for Community Benefits Agreements, Matthew Eisenson and Romany M. Webb
Report: Global Climate Litigation Report: 2023 Status Review, Michael Burger and Maria Antonia Tigre
Report: ITLOS Advisory Opinion on Climate Change: Summary of Briefs and Statements Submitted to the Tribunal, Maria Antonia Tigre and Korey Silverman-Roati
Report: Just Transition Litigation in Latin America: An Initial Categorization of Climate Litigation Cases Amid the Energy Transition, Maria Antonia Tigre, Lorena Zenteno, Marlies Hesselman, Natalia Urzola, Pedro Cisterna-Gaete, and Riccardo Luporini
Report: Modelling Climate Litigation Risk for (Re)Insurers, Martin Lockman
Report: Opposition to Renewable Energy Facilities in the United States: May 2023 Edition, Matthew Eisenson
Report: Status Report on Principles of International and Human Rights Law Relevant to Climate Change, Katelyn Horne, Maria Antonia Tigre, and Michael B. Gerrard
Report/Policy Paper: Antitrust and Sustainability: A Landscape Analysis, Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment and Sabin Center for Climate Change Law
Report/Policy Paper: Transferred Emissions Are Still Emissions: Why Fossil Fuel Asset Sales Need Enhanced Transparency and Carbon Accounting, Jack Arnold, Martin Lockman, Perrine Toledano, Martin Dietrich Brauch, Shraman Sen, and Michael Burger
Publications from 2022
Article: A Time for Triage, Michael B. Gerrard
Article: Climate Change and Indigenous Groups: The Rise of Indigenous Voices in Climate Litigation, Maria Antonia Tigre
Article: West Virginia v. Environmental Protection Agency: The Agency's Climate Authority, Michael B. Gerrard, Joanne Spalding, Jill Tauber, and Keith Matthews
Article: Exploring the Bedrock for Earth Jurisprudence, Maria Antonia Tigre
Article: Legislature Expands State’s Jurisdiction Over Freshwater Wetlands, Michael B. Gerrard and Edward McTiernan
Article: Liability for Public Deception: Linking Fossil Fuel Disinformation to Climate Damages, Jessica A. Wentz and Benjamin Franta
Article: New York Environmental Legislation in 2021, Michael B. Gerrard and Edward McTiernan
Article: Reframing Global Biodiversity Protection after COVID-19: Is International Environmental Law up to the Task?, Maria Antonia Tigre, Natalia Urzola, and Victoria Lichet
Article: Regulation of Polyfluoroalkyl Chemicals in New York, Michael B. Gerrard and Edward McTiernan
Article: Three New Federal Laws Aid New York’s Compliance With Climate Goals, Michael B. Gerrard and Edward McTiernan
Article: Who Decides Where the Renewables Should Go?: A Response to Danielle Stokes’ Renewable Energy Federalism, Michael B. Gerrard
Paper: A Pause on Proof-of-Work: The New York State Executive Branch's Authority to Enact a Moratorium on the Permitting of Consolidated Proof-of-Work Cryptocurrency Mining Facilities, Jacob Elkin
Paper: Climate Science in Adaptation Litigation in the U.S., Jacob Elkin
Paper: Helping New Jersey State Agencies and Departments Align Their Actions with GHG Reduction Mandates and Environmental Justice Principles, Jennifer Danis and Zoe Makoul
Paper: The Carbon Market and its Regulation in Brazil, Gabriel Wedy, Weber Amaral, and Cacia Pimentel
Report: Evaluating Climate Risk in NEPA Reviews: Current Practices and Recommendations for Reform, Romany M. Webb, Michael Panfil, Stephanie H. Jones, and Dena Adler
Report: Incorporating Climate Change in NEPA Reviews: Recommendations for Reform, Michael Burger, Romany M. Webb, and Jessica A. Wentz
Report: Opposition to Renewable Energy Facilities in the United States: March 2022 Edition, Hillary Aidun, Jacob Elkin, Radhika Goyal, Kate Marsh, Neely McKee, Maris Welch, Leah Adelman, and Shane Finn
Report: Permitting Seaweed Cultivation for Carbon Sequestration in California: Barriers and Recommendations, Korey Silverman-Roati, Romany M. Webb, and Michael B. Gerrard
Report: Removing Carbon Dioxide Through Artificial Upwelling and Downwelling: Legal Challenges and Opportunities, Romany M. Webb, Korey Silverman-Roati, and Michael B. Gerrard
Report: Removing Carbon Dioxide Through Ocean Fertilization: Legal Challenges and Opportunities, Korey Silverman-Roati, Romany M. Webb, and Michael Gerrard
Publications from 2021
Article: Emerging State-Level Environmental Justice Laws, Michael B. Gerrard and Edward McTiernan
Article: Global Southerners in the North, Ama Francis
Article: How Biden’s Environmental Policies Will Affect New York, Michael B. Gerrard and Edward McTiernan
Article: Legal Pathways to Biden's Climate Goals, Michael B. Gerrard
Article: Migrants Can Make International Law, Ama Francis
Article: Next Mayor Will Inherit Job of Implementing 2019 Law Setting Building Emissions Caps, Michael B. Gerrard and Edward McTiernan
Article: Potential Tensions Between New York’s Climate Change Laws and Historic Preservation Laws, Michael B. Gerrard and Edward McTiernan
Article: Presidential Progress on Climate Change: Will the Courts Interfere With What Needs to Be Done to Save Our Planet?, Michael B. Gerrard
Article: Review of 2020 Cases Under SEQRA, Michael B. Gerrard and Edward McTiernan
Article: Smart Surfaces, Smart Cities: Reducing Heat and Promoting Equity in Urban Areas, Hillary Aidun
Article: Taking from States: Sovereign Immunity's Preclusive Effect on Private Takings of State Land, Jennifer Danis and Michael Bloom
Article: The Law and Science of Climate Change Attribution, Michael Burger, Jessica A. Wentz, and Radley Horton
Paper: Attribution Science in Takings Litigation, Daniel J. Metzger
Paper: Climate Attribution Science and The Endangered Species Act, Jessica A. Wentz
Paper: Climate Change and Innovation in Brazil: Threats and Opportunities, Gabriel Wedy and Cacia Pimentel
Paper: Global Governance of Environmental Mobility: Latin America & the Caribbean, Ama Francis
Paper: The Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act’s Environmental Justice Promise, Hillary Aidun, Julia Li, and Antonia Pereira
Paper: The Law of Enhanced Weathering for Carbon Dioxide Removal: Volume 2 – Legal Issues Associated with Materials Sourcing, Romany M. Webb
Paper: U.S. Climate Litigation in the Age of Trump: Full Term, Korey Silverman-Roati
Report: Cities Climate Law: A Legal Framework for Local Action in the U.S., Amy E. Turner and Michael Burger
Report: Opposition to Renewable Energy Facilities in the United States, Hillary Aidun, Radhika Goyal, Kate Marsh, Neely McKee, and Maris Welch
Report: Principles of International Law and the Adoption of a Market-Based Mechanism for Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Shipping, Hillary Aidun, Daniel J. Metzger, and Michael B. Gerrard
Report: Removing Carbon Dioxide Through Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement and Seaweed Cultivation: Legal Challenges and Opportunities, Romany M. Webb, Korey Silverman-Roati, and Michael B. Gerrard
Report: Removing Carbon Dioxide Through Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement: Legal Challenges and Opportunities, Romany M. Webb, Korey Silverman-Roati, and Michael B. Gerrard
Report: Removing Carbon Dioxide Through Seaweed Cultivation: Legal Challenges and Opportunities, Korey Silverman-Roati, Michael B. Gerrard, and Romany M. Webb