The Center for Law and Economic Studies’ basic mandate is to develop interdisciplinary research and teaching programs in order to shed new light on the “fundamental economic and legal problems of the modern industrial society.”

The center, founded in 1975, now sponsors an extensive program of research, teaching, and public discussion of law and economic issues. It has taken the lead in developing new interdisciplinary courses and seminars at Columbia. The center has supported many major research projects, which have included participants from law, economics, business, and other disciplines. In addition, the center provides regular support for research by Columbia faculty members. The first major project was on industrial concentration; subsequent projects have included corporate takeovers, regulation of electric power, and corporate governance.


Publications from 1996


Working Paper: Venture Capital and the Structure of Capital Markets: Banks Versus Stock Markets, Ronald J. Gilson and Bernard S. Black

Publications from 1993


Article: New Myths and Old Realities: The American Law Institute Faces the Derivative Action, John C. Coffee Jr.

Publications from 1992


Article: Hungarian Legal Reform for the Private Sector, Cheryl W. Gray, Rebecca J. Hanson, and Michael A. Heller


Article: Hungarian Legal Reform for the Private Sector, Cheryl W. Gray, Rebecca J. Hanson, and Michael A. Heller


Article: Paradigms Lost: The Blurring of the Criminal and Civil Law Models – And What Can Be Done About It, John C. Coffee Jr.


Essay: The Political Ecology of Takeovers: Thoughts on Harmonizing the European Corporate Governance Environment, Ronald J. Gilson

Publications from 1991


Article: Bondholder Coercion: The Problem of Constrained Choice in Debt Tender Offers and Recapitalizations, John C. Coffee Jr. and William A. Klein


Article: Liquidity Versus Control: The Institutional Investor as Corporate Monitor, John C. Coffee Jr.

Publications from 1990


Article: Just Say No to Whom?, Ronald J. Gilson


Article: What's Next?: The Future of RICO, G. Robert Blakey, John C. Coffee Jr., Paul E. Coffey, and L. Gordon Crovitz

Publications from 1985


Article: The Unfaithful Champion: The Plaintiff as Monitor in Shareholder Litigation, John C. Coffee Jr.

Publications from 1984


Article: Regulating the Market for Corporate Control: A Critical Assessment of the Tender Offer's Role in Corporate Governance, John C. Coffee Jr.


Article: The Free Rider Problem, Imperfect Pricing, and the Economics of Retailing Services, Victor P. Goldberg


Article: Value Creation by Business Lawyers: Legal Skills and Asset Pricing, Ronald J. Gilson

Publications from 1983


Article: Rescuing the Private Attorney General: Why the Model of the Lawyer as Bounty Hunter is Not Working, John C. Coffee Jr.

Publications from 1982


Article: Resale Price Maintenance and the FTC: The Magnavox Investigation, Victor P. Goldberg


Article: The Case Against Shark Repellent Amendments: Structural Limitations on the Enabling Concept, Ronald J. Gilson

Publications from 1978


Article: The Repressed Issues of Sentencing: Accountability, Predictability, and Equality in the Era of the Sentencing Commission, John C. Coffee Jr.