Center for Law and Economic Studies | Research Centers & Programs | Columbia Law School

The Center for Law and Economic Studies’ basic mandate is to develop interdisciplinary research and teaching programs in order to shed new light on the “fundamental economic and legal problems of the modern industrial society.”

The center, founded in 1975, now sponsors an extensive program of research, teaching, and public discussion of law and economic issues. It has taken the lead in developing new interdisciplinary courses and seminars at Columbia. The center has supported many major research projects, which have included participants from law, economics, business, and other disciplines. In addition, the center provides regular support for research by Columbia faculty members. The first major project was on industrial concentration; subsequent projects have included corporate takeovers, regulation of electric power, and corporate governance.


Publications from 2020


Working Paper: Why the Fed Should Issue a Policy Framework for Credit Policy, Kathryn Judge

Publications from 2019


Working Paper: The Data Standardization Challenge, Kathryn Judge and Richard Berner

Publications from 2018


Working Paper: The Origins of a Capital Market Union in the United States, Jeffrey N. Gordon and Kathryn Judge

Publications from 2016


Working Paper: After The Golden Victory: Still Lost at Sea, Victor P. Goldberg

Publications from 2015


Working Paper: A Crib Sheet for Contracts Profs, Victor P. Goldberg


Working Paper: Licensing Commercial Value: From Copyright to Trademarks and Back, Jane C. Ginsburg

Publications from 2014


Working Paper: Asking the Right Questions in Copyright Cases: Lessons from Aereo and its International Brethren, Rebecca Giblin and Jane C. Ginsburg


Working Paper: A Turquoise Mess: Green Subsidies, Blue Industrial Policy and Renewable Energy: The Case for Redrafting the Subsidies Agreement of the WTO, Aaron Cosbey and Petros C. Mavroidis


Working Paper: Fee-Shifting Bylaw and Charter Provisions: Can They Apply in Federal Court? – The Case for Preemption, John C. Coffee Jr.


Working Paper: Letter from the U.S.: Exclusive Rights, Exceptions, and Uncertain Compliance with International Norms – Part II (Fair Use), Jane C. Ginsburg


Working Paper: Letter from the U.S.: Exclusive Rights, Exceptions, and Uncertain Compliance with International Norms – Part I (Making Available Right), Jane C. Ginsburg


Working Paper: Merger Control Procedures and Institutions: A Comparison of the EU and US Practice, William E. Kovacic, Petros C. Mavroidis, and Damien J. Neven


Working Paper: We Need to Talk About Aereo: Copyright-Avoiding Business Models, Cloud Storage and a Principled Reading of the "Transmit" Clause, Rebecca Giblin and Jane C. Ginsburg

Publications from 2013


Working Paper: Idiosyncratic Risk During Economic Downturns: Implications for the Use of Event Studies in Securities Litigation, Edward G. Fox, Merritt B. Fox, and Ronald J. Gilson


Working Paper: In the Shadow of the DSU: Addressing Specific Trade Concerns in the WTO SPS and TBT Committees, Henrik Horn, Petros C. Mavroidis, and Erik Wijkström


Working Paper: Multilateral Environmental Agreements in the WTO: Silence Speaks Volumes, Henrik Horn and Petros C. Mavroidis

Publications from 2012


Working Paper: Law by Non Sequitur: NorCon v. Niagara Mohawk, Victor P. Goldberg


Working Paper: The New Class Action Landscape: Trends and Developments in Class Certification and Related Topics, John C. Coffee Jr. and Alexandra D. Lahav

Publications from 2011


Article: Dodd-Frank for Bankruptcy Lawyers, Douglas G. Baird and Edward R. Morrison

Publications from 2010


Working Paper: Bail-Ins Versus Bail-Outs: Using Contingent Capital to Mitigate Systemic Risk, John C. Coffee Jr.

Publications from 2009


Working Paper: Chrysler, GM and the Future of Chapter 11, Edward R. Morrison


Working Paper: Enhancing Investor Protection and the Regulation of Securities Markets, John C. Coffee Jr.


Working Paper: Into the Void: Governing Finance in Central & Eastern Europe, Katharina Pistor

Publications from 2005


Working Paper: A Theory of Corporate Scandals: Why the U.S. and Europe Differ, John C. Coffee Jr.


Working Paper: Reading Wood v. Lucy, Lady Duff-Gordon with Help from the Kewpie Dolls, Victor P. Goldberg


Working Paper: Risk Management in Long-Term Contracts, Victor P. Goldberg

Publications from 2004


Working Paper: Choice as Regulatory Reform: The Case of Japanese Corporate Governance, Ronald J. Gilson and Curtis J. Milhaupt


Working Paper: The Efficient Design of Option Contracts: Principles and Applications, Avery W. Katz


Working Paper: Understanding Macs: Moral Hazard in Acquisitions, Ronald J. Gilson and Alan Schwartz

Publications from 2003


Working Paper: Innovation in Corporate Law, Katharina Pistor, Yoram Keinan, Jan Kleinheisterkamp, and Mark D. West

Publications from 2002


Working Paper: Free Riding on Hot Wheels, Victor P. Goldberg

Publications from 2001


Working Paper: Competition Among Securities Markets: A Path Dependent Perspective, John C. Coffee Jr.


Working Paper: The Acquiescent Gatekeeper: Reputational Intermediaries, Auditor Independence and the Governance of Accounting, John C. Coffee Jr.


Working Paper: Toward Supranational Copyright Law? The WTO Panel Decision and the "Three-Step Test" for Copyright Exceptions, Jane C. Ginsburg

Publications from 2000


Working Paper: Convergence and its Critics: What are the Preconditions to the Separation of Ownership and Control?, John C. Coffee Jr.


Working Paper: Economic Reasoning and the Framing of Contract Law: Sale of an Asset of Uncertain Value, Victor P. Goldberg

Publications from 1999


Working Paper: Does Venture Capital Require an Active Stock Market?, Ronald J. Gilson and Bernard S. Black

Publications from 1998


Working Paper: Why Ownership Matters? Entrepreneurship and the Restructuring of Enterprises in Central Europe, Roman Frydman, Marek P. Hessel, and Andrzej Rapaczynski