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New reporting requirements and data collection efforts by over four hundred law enforcement agencies across the country – including entire states such as Maryland, Missouri, and Washington – are producing a continuous flow of new evidence on highway police searches. For the most part, the data consistently show disproportionate searches of African-American and Hispanic motorists in relation to their estimated representation on the road. Economists, civil liberties advocates, legal and constitutional scholars, political scientists, lawyers, and judges are poring over the new data and reaching, in many cases, quite opposite conclusions about racial profiling.
Civil Rights and Discrimination | Law | Law and Race | Law Enforcement and Corrections | Science and Technology Law
Recommended Citation
Bernard Harcourt,
Rethinking Racial Profiling: A Critique of the Economics, Civil Liberties, and Constitutional Literature, and of Criminal Profiling More Generally,
U. Chi. L. Rev.
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Civil Rights and Discrimination Commons, Law and Race Commons, Law Enforcement and Corrections Commons, Science and Technology Law Commons