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NOW Legal Defense and Education Fund ("NOW LDEF") is a leading national non-profit civil rights organization that performs abroad range of legal and educational services in support of efforts to eliminate sex-based discrimination" and secure equal rights. NOW LDEF was founded in 1970 by leaders of the National Organization for Women as a separate organization. NOW LDEF has appeared as amicus in numerous cases involving sex stereotyping as a form of sex discrimination, including Price Waterhouse v. Hopkins, and Fisher v. Vassar College.
Equal Rights Advocates ("ERA") is one of the oldest public interest law firms specializing in educational and litigation efforts to eliminate gender discrimination and secure equal rights. Begun in 1974 as a teaching law firm focused on sex-based discrimination, ERA has evolved into a legal organization with a multi-faceted approach to addressing issues of gender discrimination. Its current work includes impact litigation, advice and counseling, public education, and public policy initiatives. ERA's interest in this case is based on the organization's commitment to fighting discrimination on the basis of sex stereotyping. ERA's amicus work in the area of sex stereotyping discrimination includes Price Waterhouse v. Hopkins, and Fisher v. Vassar College.
Civil Rights and Discrimination | Law | Law and Gender
Recommended Citation
Katherine M. Franke,
Amicus Curiae Brief of NOW Legal Defense and Education Fund and Equal Rights Advocates in Support of Plaintiff-Appellant and in Support of Reversal,
Mich. J. Gender & L.
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