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The American Society of International Law Committee recommended that the Manley 0. Hudson Medal be awarded to Professor Eric Stein for his lifetime of significant contributions to international and comparative law. Stein, the Hessel E. Yntema Professor of Law, Emeritus, at the University of Michigan Law School, had been an active supporter of ASIL as Honorary Vice President, Counsellor, and Honorary Editor of, and frequent contributor to, the American Journal of International Law. His many books and articles established him as a leading thinker and writer on European Community law and on what he described in a famous article as the "Uses, Misuses, and Nonuses of Comparative Law."
Law | Legal Biography
Recommended Citation
ASIL Newsletter, William J. Adams, Susam Baer, Lee C. Bollinger, Jacques Bourgeois, David D. Caron, Roger C. Cramton, Tomas Dumbrovsky, Claus-Dieter Ehlermann, Rosalyn Higgins, Nicholas Calcina Howson, Jon H. Kouba, Panos Koutrakos, Peter Kresák, Hans C. Krüger, Jeffrey S. Lehman, Pierre Mathijsen, William I. Miller, John A. Pottow, Li Qian, John Reitz, Gerald M. Rosberg, Joseph L. Sax, Detlev Vagts, Michel Waelbroeck & John M. Walker,
Mich. J. Int'l L.
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