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First came the insight that politics was not an outgrowth of organic hierarchy or divine ordination but instead an artifice – an architecture of power planned only by human beings. [...] was the recognition that economic order does not arise from providential design, natural rights to property and contract, or a grammar of cooperation inherent, like language, in the human mind. First is the Anthropocene condition: the massive increase in human impacts on everything from the upper atmosphere to the deep sea and the DNA of the world's species. [...] closely related, is the movement's interest not just in the quality of recreation that environmental policy makes possible but also in the kinds and quality of work through which people participate in and alter natural processes.
Environmental Law | Law
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Jedediah S. Purdy, Jo Guildi, Jairus Grove, Robert Paarlberg, Andreas Malm, David Keith, Anna Tsing, Ugo Mattei, Vandana Shiva, Paul Waldau & Roy Scranton,
The New Nature,
Boston Rev.
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