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CRT can easily be presented as a practice of conflict. Contextualizing issues of race, law and policy can be very challenging for some and bring people to feel defensive, confused or upset. The guests on this Mini Feature continue the conversation on re-entry into community and family reunification, and help us learn how CRT can play out in our everyday relationships, between lawyers and clients and especially between mom and daughter. We speak with Shameeka France and her 11-year-old daughter, Empress, two powerful voices for resilience, healing and racial justice.
Law and Race | Race and Ethnicity | Race, Ethnicity and Post-Colonial Studies | Social Justice
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
Studio for Law and Culture
Recommended Citation
Flugelman, Shira; Gadea Hawkins, Jessica; and France, Shameeka, "CRT2 S1 Ep1: The Scarlet Letter of Incarceration: Special Mini Feature" (2022). CRT2 Season 1. 3.

Episode Details
Released: June 27, 2022
Length: 14:43
Shameeka France is an Advocate and founder of Success After Prison. Shameeka is joined by her daughter, Empress.
Mini Feature written, edited, and produced by Shira Flugelman and Jessica Gadea Hawkins.