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Women are the fastest growing prison population worldwide and there are over 1.9 million individuals leaving women’s prisons and jails every year in the United States. This process of going back into the community — of reuniting with family, finding housing, securing a job — is known as “re-entry.”
In this episode of Columbia Race Talks we ask: what does the reentry experience actually look like? We hear from three formerly incarcerated women, who share their stories: Harmony Hope, DeAnna Hoskins, and Vivian Nixon.
All three women have personally experienced coming home, rebuilding, and ultimately thriving professionally. Today, they are leaders in the re-entry field, but behind their success are quiet stories of pain and perseverance and stories of life after incarceration that often go untold.
Law and Race | Race and Ethnicity | Race, Ethnicity and Post-Colonial Studies | Social Justice
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
Studio for Law and Culture
Recommended Citation
Flugelman, Shira; Gadea Hawkins, Jessica; Hope, Harmony; Hoskins, DeAnna; Katz, Ailee; and Nixon, Vivian D., "CRT2 S1 Ep1: The Scarlet Letter of Incarceration: Barriers to Women’s Re-Entry" (2022). CRT2 Season 1. 2.

Episode Details
Released: June 27, 2022
Length: 29:39
Vivian Nixon is a Writer-in-Residence at the Square One Project and former Executive Director of the College and Community Fellowship.
DeAnna Hoskins is the CEO of JustLeadershipUSA and former Department of Justice Senior Policy Advisor.
Harmony Hope is an Advocate and Senior Producer and Host of WBAI Radio’s On the Count.
Main Feature written and produced by Shira Flugelman, Jessica Gadea Hawkins, and Ailee Katz.
Mini Feature written and produced by Shira Flugelman and Jessica Gadea Hawkins.
Sound Clips:
President Barack Obama, President Obama Addresses the NAACP’s 106th National Convention, (2015).
President Joe Biden, The Biden Plan for Strengthening America’s Commitment to Justice, (2019).
Protest, No Justice No Peace, Internet Archive (2020).
Derecka Purnell, Making the Argument for Abolishing the Police, The Daily Show (2021).
Correctional Association of New York, It Reminds Us How We Got Here: (Re)Producing Abuse, Neglect, and Trauma in New York’s Prisons for Women, (2020) (See report for qualitative research on trauma and incarceration in women’s prisons).
Vivian Nixon, Yolanda Johnson Peterkin, et al, Life Capacity Beyond Reentry: A Critical Examination of Racism and Prisoner Reentry and Reform in the U.S., 2 R./E. Mult. Glob. Cont. 1, 21-43 (2008) (Referencing the term “Reentry Mania”).
Wendy Sawyer, Who’s Helping the 1.9 Million Women Released from Prisons and Jails Each Year?, Prison Policy Initiative (2019) (Based on 2016 Bureau of Justice Statistics, 1.9 million women leave prisons and jail cells ever year, 81,000 from state prisons).