The Center for Contract and Economic Organization was created in 2006 to exploit the synergies between the University's leading scholars in contract theory and the economics of information and the faculty at the Law School, who are among the nation's most prominent legal scholars in the law and economics of contracts, commercial transactions, and business organizations.

The singular focus that links these various scholars is the study of the mechanisms of contracting both inside and outside the firm: Why do economic actors write the contracts that they do? How are these choices affected by variations in economic organization? And, how can (and do) lawyers (and the law) facilitate efforts to develop more efficient mechanisms for contract and transactional design? While several other universities have centers that focus more specifically on corporate structure and governance, the Center for Contract and Economic Organization is both unique and uniquely placed to make major contributions to existing knowledge.


Publications from 2009


Article: An Aggregate Approach to Antitrust: Using New Data and Rulemaking to Preserve Drug Competition, C. Scott Hemphill


Article: Contracting for Innovation: Vertical Disintegration and Interfirm Collaboration, Ronald J. Gilson, Charles F. Sabel, and Robert E. Scott


Article: Globalization and the Provision of Incentives Inside the Firm: The Effect of Foreign Competition, Vincente Cuñat and Maria Guadalupe


Article: In (Partial) Defense of Strict Liability in Contract, Robert E. Scott


Article: The Law, Culture, and Economics of Fashion, C. Scott Hemphill and Jeannie Suk

Publications from 2008


Article: Cleaning Up Lake River, Victor P. Goldberg


Article: Just One Click: The Reality of Internet Retail Contracting, Ronald J. Mann and Travis Siebeneicher


Article: Market Damages, Efficient Contracting, and the Economic Waste Fallacy, Alan Schwartz and Robert E. Scott


Article: Network Neutrality and the False Promise of Zero-Price Regulation, C. Scott Hemphill


Article: Public Symbol in Private Contract: A Case Study, Anna Gelpern and Mitu Gulati

Publications from 2007


Article: Hoffman v. Red Owl Stores and the Myth of Precontractual Reliance, Robert E. Scott


Article: Odious Debts or Odious Regimes?, Patrick Bolton and David Skeel


Article: Precontractual Liability and Preliminary Agreements, Alan Schwartz and Robert E. Scott


Article: Structuring and Restructuring Sovereign Debt: The Role of Seniority, Patrick Bolton and Olivier Jeanne


Article: The Dilemma of Odious Debts, Lee C. Buchheit, G. Mitu Gulati, and Robert B. Thompson


Book Chapter: Corporate Law and Governance, Marco Becht, Patrick Bolton, and Ailsa Röell


Working Paper: Lawyers Asleep at the Wheel? The GM-Fisher Body Contract, Victor P. Goldberg

Publications from 2006


Article: An Introduction to the Governance and Taxation of Not-For-Profit Organizations, Patrick Bolton and Hamid Mehran


Article: Paying for Delay: Pharmaceutical Patent Settlement as a Regulatory Design Problem, C. Scott Hemphill

Book: Framing Contract Law: An Economic Perspective, Victor P. Goldberg

Publications from 2005


Article: Pay for Short-Term Performance: Executive Compensation in Speculative Markets, Patrick Bolton, José Scheinkman, and Wei Xiong


Article: Redesigning the International Lender of Last Resort, Patrick Bolton and David A. Skeel Jr.