The Center for Constitutional Governance (CCG) at Columbia Law School is a nonpartisan legal and policy organization devoted to the study of constitutional structure and authority. CCG explores these issues in a range of policy areas, such as equality, elections, civil rights, health care, and administrative law. The Center for Constitutional Governance's work is especially timely now, when the contours of federal, state, and private sector authority, and the role of government itself, are at the forefront of national debate.
A central goal of CCG is to provide a forum where academics, government officials, practitioners, students, and others can engage with the major constitutional and governance issues of the day. To this end, CCG sponsors panels, conferences, workshops, and other public events that include a wide array of academics, current and former government officials, private practitioners, and nonprofit advocates. CCG’s home at Columbia Law School, one of the country’s premier academic institutions, allows CCG to bring together experts from across all sectors and all ideologies to engage in collaborative cross-disciplinary discussion and debate.
Publications from 2022
Article: Federalism and Equal Citizenship: The Constitutional Case for D.C. Statehood, Jessica Bulman-Pozen and Olatunde C.A. Johnson
Article: How Agencies Can Better Regulate for Racial Justice, Olatunde C.A. Johnson
Podcast: Through the Gale Ep1: Civil Rights Lawyering in the Age of Abolition, Olatunde C.A. Johnson, Andres Estevez, Theodore M. Shaw, Ashok Chandran, and Alexis J. Hoag-Fordjour
Podcast: Through the Gale Ep2: Can Big Law Be Anti-Racist?, Alexis Banks, Sneha Pandya, Marica L. Wright, Debo P. Adegbile, and Scott L. Cummings
Podcast: Through the Gale Ep3: Building Inclusive Law Schools, Alexis Banks, Sneha Pandya, Marica L. Wright, Meera E. Deo, Susan P. Sturm, and Kendall Thomas
Podcast: Through the Gale Ep4: Lawyering, Leadership, and Democracy – Public Service, Adaeze Eze, Andres Estevez, Dante Violette, Amanda Litman, and Sam Spital
Podcast: Through the Gale: Introduction – Why This Podcast?, Olatunde C.A. Johnson, Sneha Pandya, Dante Violette, and Marica L. Wright
Podcast: Through the Gale: Trailer, Olatunde C.A. Johnson
Publications from 2021
Article: Taking Appropriations Seriously, Gillian E. Metzger
Article: The Democracy Principle in State Constitutions, Jessica Bulman-Pozen and Miriam Seifter
Article: The Equity E.O.: Building a Regulatory Infrastructure of Inclusion, Olatunde C.A. Johnson
Article: Towards a Law of Inclusive Planning: A Response To “Fair Housing for a Non-Sexist City”, Olatunde C.A. Johnson
Article: Vaccination Equity by Design, Olatunde C.A. Johnson and Kristen Underhill
Report: Presidential Commission on the Supreme Court of the United States Final Report, Michelle Adams, Kate Andrias, Jack Balkin, William Baude, Bob Bauer, Elise Boddie, Guy-Uriel E. Charles, Andrew Manuel Crespo, Walter Dellinger, Justin Driver, Richard Fallon Jr., Caroline Fredrickson, Heather Gerken, Nancy Gertner, Thomas B. Griffith, Tara Leigh Grove, Bert I. Huang, Sherrilyn Ifill, Olatunde C.A. Johnson, Michael S. Kang, Alison L. LaCroix, Margaret H. Lemos, David F. Levi, Trevor W. Morrison, Richard H. Pildes, Michael D. Ramsey, Cristina M. Rodríguez, Kermit Roosevelt, Bertrall Ross, David A. Strauss, Laurence H. Tribe, Michael Waldman, Adam White, and Keith E. Whittington
Publications from 2020
Article: AFFH and the Challenge of Reparations in the Administrative State, Olatunde C.A. Johnson
Article: Memoriam: Justice John Paul Stevens, John G. Roberts Jr., David Barron, Alison J. Nathan, Christopher L. Eisgruber, Olatunde C.A. Johnson, and Eduardo M. Peñalver
Article: The Roberts Court and Administrative Law, Gillian E. Metzger
Book Chapter: The New "Essential": Rethinking Social Goods in the Age of Covid-19, Olatunde C.A. Johnson