Submit Your Research

Current full-time faculty members of Columbia Law School may submit the final published versions of their scholarship for publication in the Scholarship Archive. Please make sure to:

  • Retain copyright on your scholarship. If you are not sure of the copyright status, the Scholarship Archive has obtained permission to post from numerous academic and student law journals – please enquire by email to learn if your work can promptly be added to the archive.
  • Submit your scholarship as a PDF. Microsoft Office files, as well as audio, video, and other media files are also supported. If there are any supplementary or related files (i.e., appendices, tables, translations, etc.), please be sure to include them with your submission. Additionally, streaming media from third-party services, such as a YouTube or Vimeo video, may be added to the metadata of your submission.
  • Include an abstract and keywords with your scholarship. The abstract and keywords will be searchable by Google, Google Scholar, and other search services and will increase the discoverability of your research.

Please email your abstract, scholarship and questions to the Scholarship Archive administrators.