Center for Institutional and Social Change | Research Centers & Programs | Columbia Law School

Founded in 2007, the Center for Institutional and Social Change undertakes multi-method, collaborative research projects with innovative institutions and individuals pursuing full participation and institutional citizenship goals, within and across specific institutional settings. Our research methodology includes qualitative and participatory action research, surveys, network and stakeholder mapping, and collaborative inquiry.

The Center facilitates strategic visioning and mapping work with groups, institutions and networks involved in advancing full participation and that seek to broaden their impact and build their capacity to participate in institutional and systems change. Strategic visioning provides a collaborative, multi-level systems framework for designing and assessing programs and initiatives, and produces collective vision, narratives, language, strategies, and metrics designed to enable lasting impact. The mapping process identifies strategic opportunities for institutional change by identifying the “action arenas” where the interest, need, collaborative leadership, and leverage points converge.


Publications from 2020


Article: Reframing Affirmative Action: From Diversity to Mobility and Full Participation, Susan P. Sturm


Book Chapter: Linked Fate: Justice and the Criminal Legal System During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Susan P. Sturm, Faiz Pirani, Hyun Kim, Natalie Behr, and Zachary D. Hardwick

Publications from 2017


Report: Leading with Conviction: The Transformative Role of Formerly Incarcerated Leaders in Reducing Mass Incarceration, Susan Sturm and Haran Tae

Publications from 2011


Article: The Fisk-Vanderbilt Master’s-to-Ph.D. Bridge Program: Recognizing, Enlisting, and Cultivating Unrealized or Unrecognized Potential in Underrepresented Minority Students, Keivan G. Stassun, Susan P. Sturm, Kelly Holley-Bockelmann, Arnold Burger, David J. Ernst, and Donna Webb


Paper: Full Participation: Building the Architecture for Diversity and Public Engagement in Higher Education, Susan P. Sturm, Timothy Eatman, John Saltmarsh, and Adam Bush


Report: Building Pathways of Possibility from Criminal Justice to College: College Initiative as a Catalyst Linking Individual and Systemic Change, Susan P. Sturm, Kate Skolnick, and Tina Wu

Publications from 2010


Article: Activating Systemic Change Toward Full Participation: The Pivotal Role of Boundary Spanning Institutional Intermediaries, Susan Sturm


Book Chapter: Scaling Up, Lourdes Hernández-Cordero, Susan P. Sturm, Kathleen Klink, and Allan J. Formicola


Report: The Future Scholars Program: Preparing Future Scholars for Rutgers & Readying Rutgers for Future Scholars, Katie Poynter and Susan P. Sturm