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The global financial crisis has exposed a raft of market weaknesses and failures The Center has concentrated on probing urgent, corporate governance-related issues where it identified apparent gaps in knowledge, insight and infrastructure. Policy Briefings have addressed the advisory vote on executive compensation; board-shareowner communications; proxy voting reform; independent board leadership; risk oversight; pay for performance; and shareowner stewardship. Using global perspectives, they address key concerns within the relevant subject areas and attempt to gather and present practical recommendations and ideas.
This report compiles summaries of the Center’s recommendations on these seven key areas from 2007 through mid-2009. The objective is simple: to present a one-stop, omnibus governance reference for private sector players to use when considering reforms to restore public and regulatory confidence in the capital market.
Recommended Citation
Millstein Center for Corporate Governance and Performance,
Agenda for Private Sector Reform: Omnibus Policy Recommendations for a Post-Crisis Market,
Available at:
Policy Briefing 6