Esperimenti di Nuova Democrazia: Tra Globalizzazione e Localizzazione
Charles F. Sabel and Riccardo Prandini 2013Esperimenti di Nuova Democrazia: Tra Globalizzazione e Localizzazione
Come possiamo mantenere l’idea di democrazia, quando sta diventando la giustificazione per centri decisionali globali? Come possiamo uscire dal disagio della democrazia contemporanea che richiama... (read more)
The Regulatory Aftermath of the Global Financial Crisis
Eilís Ferran, Niamh Moloney, Jennifer G. Hill, and John C. Coffee Jr. 2012The EU and the US responded to the global financial crisis by changing the rules for the functioning of financial services and markets and by establishing new oversight bodies. With the US Dodd-Frank... (read more)
The Indian Constitution
Madhav Khosla 2012Part of the Oxford India Short Introductions series.
The Oxford India Short Introductions are concise, stimulating, and accessible guides to different aspects of India. Combining authoritative analysis, new ideas, and diverse perspectives, they... (read more)
India's Reforms: How they Produced Inclusive Growth
Jagdish N. Bhagwati and Arvind Panagariya 2012Part of the Studies in Indian Economic Policies series.
When India embraced systematic economic reforms in 1991 and began opening its economy to both domestic and foreign competition, critics argued that they had... (read more)
Reforms and Economic Transformation in India
Jagdish N. Bhagwati and Arvind Panagariya 2012Part of the Studies in Indian Economic Policies series.
Reforms and Economic Transformation in India is the second volume in the series Studies in Indian Economic Policies. The first volume, (read more)
India's Tryst with Destiny: Debunking Myths that Undermine Progress and Addressing New Challenges
Jagdish Bhagwati and Arvind Panagariya 2012Policy discourse in India tends to be dominated by assertions unsupported by facts, with the media indulging one and all without proper scrutiny. Often, the result is the creation and perpetuation of myths... (read more)
Ideas of the First Amendment
Vincent A. Blasi 2012This title is organized for a course centered on the leading thinkers in the tradition: John Milton, James Madison, John Stuart Mill, Learned Hand, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Louis Brandeis, and Alexander Meiklejohn. The... (read more)
Legal Origin Theory
Simon Deakin and Katharina Pistor 2012In this volume, Professor Deakin and Professor Pistor include those key articles which highlight the major contributions to, but also the inherent limits of, the legal origin literature. They consider the merits of... (read more)
Liberal Peace: Selected Essays
Michael W. Doyle 2012Comprising essays by Michael W. Doyle, Liberal Peace examines the special significance of liberalism for international relations.
The volume begins by outlining the two legacies of liberalism in international relations – how and... (read more)
The Law of Adaptation to Climate Change: U.S. and International Aspects
Michael B. Gerrard and Katrina Fischer Kuh 2012The laws that attempt to reduce climate change are well known. But what about laws to deal with the climate change that will occur regardless of these efforts? This book takes a sweeping... (read more)
The Three and a Half Minute Transaction: Boilerplate and the Limits of Contract Design
Mitu Gulati and Robert E. Scott 2012Boilerplate language in contracts tends to stick around long after its origins and purpose have been forgotten. Usually there are no serious repercussions, but sometimes it can cause unexpected problems. Such was the... (read more)
Legal and Economic Principles of World Trade Law: The Genesis of the GATT, the Economics of Trade Agreements, Border Instruments, and National Treatment
Henrik Horn and Petros C. Mavroidis 2012The World Trade Organization (WTO) Agreement covers the vast majority of international commerce in goods and services. The Agreement covers not only measures that directly affect trade, such as import tariffs and import... (read more)
Commercial Transactions: A Systems Approach
Lynn M. LoPucki, Elizabeth Warren, Daniel L. Keating, and Ronald J. Mann 2012Commercial Transactions: A Systems Approach explores the nuances of transaction law from a systems’ perspective, examining the infrastructure that supports commercial transactions and how lawyers apply the law in real-world situations. The outstanding... (read more)
Trade in Goods: The GATT and the Other WTO Agreements Regulating Trade in Goods
Petros C. Mavroidis 2012This new edition of Trade in Goods is an authoritative work on international trade by one of the most influential scholars in the field. It provides a comprehensive and detailed analysis of every... (read more)
Export Pioneers in Latin America
Charles F. Sabel, Eduardo Fernández-Arias, Ricardo Hausmann, Andrés Rodriguez-Clare, and Ernesto Stein 2012Why do some new export activities succeed while others do not? Why are some not even attempted? In this book, distinguished research teams analyze eleven cases of new export endeavors in six Latin... (read more)
Marriage at the Crossroads: Law, Policy, and the Brave New World of Twenty-First-Century Families
Elizabeth S. Scott and Marsha Garrison 2012The institution of marriage is at a crossroads. Across most of the industrialized world, unmarried cohabitation and nonmarital births have skyrocketed while marriage rates are at record lows. These trends mask a new,... (read more)
Preferential Trade Agreements: A Law and Economics Analysis
Kyle W. Bagwell and Petros C. Mavroidis 2011This volume assembles a stellar group of scholars and experts to examine preferential trade agreements (PTAs), a topic that has time and again attracted the interest of analysts. It presents a discussion of... (read more)
Mandatory Rules of Law in International Arbitration
George A. Bermann and Loukas A. Mistelis 2011The notion of mandatory rules of law has long been of interest in private international law. It is no wonder that the subject has also emerged as something of a preoccupation of those... (read more)
Controlling Crime: Strategies and Tradeoffs
Philip J. Cook, Jens Ludwig, and Justin McCrary 2011Criminal justice expenditures have more than doubled since the 1980s, dramatically increasing costs to the public. With state and local revenue shortfalls resulting from the recent recession, the question of whether crime control... (read more)
Bioethics Mediation: A Guide to Shaping Shared Solutions
Nancy Neveloff Dubler and Carol B. Liebman 2011Bioethics Mediation offers stories about patients, families, and health care providers enmeshed in conflict as they wrestle with decisions about life and death. It provides guidance for those charged with supporting the patient's... (read more)
My Life in Seven Languages: A Linguistic Memoir
George P. Fletcher 2011George P. Fletcher is considered to be one of today’s leading legal scholars in the fields of torts and criminal law, in particular, comparative and international criminal law. Reflecting on the events in... (read more)
The Law of Clean Energy: Efficiency and Renewables
Michael B. Gerrard 2011The framework of U.S. laws governing energy efficiency and renewable energy is one of fragmentation across levels of government, regions of the country, types of energy resources, regulatory techniques, and policy objectives. Those... (read more)
The End of Energy: The Unmaking of America's Environment, Security, and Independence
Michael J. Graetz 2011Americans take for granted that when we flip a switch the light will go on, when we turn up the thermostat the room will get warm, and when we pull up to the... (read more)
The Illusion of Free Markets: Punishment and the Myth of Natural Order
Bernard E. Harcourt 2011It is widely believed today that the free market is the best mechanism ever invented to efficiently allocate resources in society. Just as fundamental as faith in the free market is the belief... (read more)
Electronic Commerce
Ronald J. Mann 2011The only casebook dealing with e-commerce, Electronic Commerce, Fourth Edition, utilizes problems to expound a transactional approach to electronic commerce. Written by Ronald J. Mann, a preeminent and prolific Commercial Law scholar, this... (read more)
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