The Wolf at the Door: The Menace of Economic Insecurity and How to Fight It
Michael J. Graetz and Ian Shapiro 2020This is an age of crisis. That much we can agree on. But a crisis of what? And how do we get out of it? Many on the right call for tax cuts... (read more)
India's Founding Moment: The Constitution of a Most Surprising Democracy
Madhav Khosla 2020Britain’s justification for colonial rule in India stressed the impossibility of Indian self-government. And the empire did its best to ensure this was the case, impoverishing Indian subjects and doing little to improve... (read more)
Alston and Heyns on Unlawful Killings: A Compendium of the Jurisprudence of the United Nations Special Rapporteurs on Extrajudicial, Summary or Arbitrary Executions from 2004-2016
Philip G. Alston, Christof Heyns, Sarah Knuckey, and Thomas Probert 2020This book provides a detailed overview of the law and policy related to unlawful killings and the right to life. It is organized into the key thematic issues and types of killings that... (read more)
Legal Methods: Case Analysis and Statutory Interpretation
Jane C. Ginsburg and David S. Louk 2020This updated casebook serves a course in introduction to legal reasoning. It is designed to initiate students in the legal methods of case law analysis and statutory interpretation. In a course of this... (read more)
The Free Speech Century
Lee C. Bollinger and Geoffrey R. Stone 2019The Supreme Court's 1919 decision in Schenck vs. the United States is one of the most important free speech cases in American history. Written by Oliver Wendell Holmes, it is most famous for... (read more)
Rethinking the Law of Contract Damages
Victor P. Goldberg 2019In this series of chapters on contract damages issues, Victor P. Goldberg provides a framework for analyzing the problems that arise when determining damages, and applies it to case law in both the... (read more)
The Grammar of Criminal Law, Vol. 2: International Criminal Law
George P. Fletcher 2019To understand the international legal order in the field of criminal law, we need to ask three elementary questions. What is international law? What is criminal law? And what happens to these two... (read more)
A Time for Critique
Didier Fassin and Bernard E. Harcourt 2019In a world of political upheaval, rising inequality, catastrophic climate change, and widespread doubt of even the most authoritative sources of information, is there a place for critique? This book calls for a... (read more)
This Land Is Our Land: The Struggle for a New Commonwealth
Jedediah S. Purdy 2019Today, we are at a turning point as we face ecological and political crises that are rooted in conflicts over the land itself. But these problems can be solved if we draw on... (read more)
International Law: Cases and Materials
Lori Fisler Damrosch and Sean D. Murphy 2019This classic international law casebook is updated to cover recent case law, including the arbitral decision in the "South China Sea Arbitration" (Philippines v. China), the International Court of Justice’s "Certain Activities carried... (read more)
Repair: Redeeming the Promise of Abolition
Katherine M. Franke 2019Katherine Franke makes a powerful case for reparations for Black Americans by amplifying the stories of formerly enslaved people and calling for repair of the damage caused by the legacy of American slavery.... (read more)
The Code of Capital: How the Law Creates Wealth and Inequality
Katharina Pistor 2019Capital is the defining feature of modern economies, yet most people have no idea where it actually comes from. What is it, exactly, that transforms mere wealth into an asset that automatically creates... (read more)
Regulation in India: Design, Capacity, Performance
Devesh Kapur and Madhav Khosla 2019The rise of the regulatory state has been a major feature of modern constitutional democracies. India, the world's largest democracy, is no exception to this trend. This book is the first major study... (read more)
Policing the Open Road: How Cars Transformed American Freedom
Sarah Seo 2019When Americans think of freedom, they often picture the open road. Yet nowhere are we more likely to encounter the long arm of the law than in our cars. Sarah Seo reveals how... (read more)
Legal Pathways to Deep Decarbonization in the United States
Michael B. Gerrard and John C. Dernbach 2019Legal Pathways to Deep Decarbonization in the United States provides a “legal playbook” for deep decarbonization in the United States, identifying well over 1,000 legal options for enabling the United States to address... (read more)
Seeing Race Again: Countering Colorblindness Across the Disciplines
Kimberlé W. Crenshaw 2019Every academic discipline has an origin story complicit with white supremacy. Racial hierarchy and colonialism structured the very foundations of most disciplines’ research and teaching paradigms. In the early twentieth century, the academy... (read more)
The New Preemption Reader: Legislation, Cases, and Commentary on State and Local Government Law
Richard Briffault, Laurie Reynolds, and Nestor M. Davidson 2019The hottest issue in state and local government today is preemption – the conflict between states and cities over authority in a wide range of sharply-contested areas, including gun control, minimum wages and... (read more)
Life Admin: How I Learned to Do Less, Do Better, and Live More
Elizabeth F. Emens 2019Reading this book should be at the top of your To Do list. Life Admin will give you many hours of your life back.
Every day an unseen form of labor creeps into... (read more)
The New Stock Market: Law, Economics, and Policy
Merritt B. Fox, Lawrence R. Glosten, and Gabriel V. Rauterberg 2019The U.S. stock market has been transformed over the last twenty-five years. Once a market in which human beings traded at human speeds, it is now an electronic market pervaded by algorithmic trading,... (read more)
Defining Federal Crimes
Daniel C. Richman, Kate Stith, and William J. Stuntz 2019Defining Federal Crimes, Second Edition frames federal criminal law as a distinctive world created and shaped by the interplay between the three branches of the federal government. It provides an overview of basic... (read more)
Impeachment: A Handbook
Charles F. Black Jr. and Philip Chase Bobbitt 2018Originally published at the height of the Watergate crisis, Charles Black’s classic Impeachment: A Handbook has long been the premier guide to the subject of presidential impeachment. Now thoroughly updated with new chapters... (read more)
Securities Market Issues for the 21st Century
Merritt B. Fox, Lawrence R. Glosten, Edward F. Greene, and Manesh S. Patel 2018As part of the first stage of the New Special Study, a multi-year program conducted by Columbia Law School and Columbia Business School, this... (read more)
Philosophical Foundations of Labour Law
Hugh Collins, Gillian L. Lester, and Virginia Mantouvalou 2018This collection of essays presents an interdisciplinary investigation by lawyers and philosophers into the philosophical ideas, concepts, and principles that provide the foundation for the field of labour law and employment law. The... (read more)
Climate Engineering and the Law: Regulation and Liability for Solar Radiation Management and Carbon Dioxide Removal
Michael B. Gerrard and Tracy Hester 2018Climate change is increasingly recognized as a global threat, and is already contributing to record-breaking hurricanes and heat waves. To prevent the worst impacts, attention is now turning to climate engineering - the... (read more)
The Oxford Handbook of Corporate Law and Governance
Jeffrey N. Gordon and Wolf-Georg Ringe 2018Corporate law and corporate governance have been at the forefront of regulatory activities across the world for several decades now, and are subject to increasing public attention following the Global Financial Crisis of... (read more)
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