Copyright Law
Publication Date
This title provides a clear and thorough exploration of the doctrinal and policy issues in American copyright law. In a style accessible to both students and practitioners, it covers every major topic in basic copyright courses. This new edition, updated through mid-2024, will become an essential resource for students and practitioners.
Topics covered:
- History of the development of authors’ rights and of copyright
- Subject matter, including original works of authorship and artificial intelligence
- Ownership, including works made for hire, transfers of ownership and termination of transfers
- Duration and Formalities
- Exclusive rights, including their transposition to the digital environment
- Fair use, including the impact of the Supreme Court’s decision in Andy Warhol Foundation v. Goldsmith, and the operation of fair use in the digital and AI environments
- Secondary liability, both at common law and as developed through application of the DMCA to Internet service providers
- Enforcement, including “paracopyright” protections against circumvention of technological protection measures and for copyright management information
- Federal preemption of state law, including with respect to mass market “browsewrap” licenses
Intellectual Property Law | Law
West Academic Publishing
Eagan, MN
Recommended Citation
Ginsburg, Jane C. and Gorman, Robert A., "Copyright Law" (2024). Faculty Books. 93.