"Foundations of the Economic Approach to Law" by Avery W. Katz
Foundations of the Economic Approach to Law

Foundations of the Economic Approach to Law


Publication Date



Including classic papers by six Nobel laureates, Foundations of the Economic Approach to Law is a comprehensive survey of essential articles on the application of economic methods and concepts in legal settings. Individual chapters address problems of incentives, strategic behavior, risk and insurance, imperfect information, and bounded rationality. Excerpted articles also discuss the underlying methodology of the economic approach while offering a variety of jurisprudential critiques of its use in law. Introductory essays, critical notes, and study questions all encourage readers to consider how economic analysis compares and contrasts with more traditional methods of legal reasoning.

The format of this annotated reader has been designed especially for an interdisciplinary audience. Its organization is intended to show how the categories of economic analysis cut across traditionally defined legal fields, and to emphasize the distinctive contributions of economics as a way of thinking about law.


Economics | Law | Law and Economics




Foundation Press


New York, NY

Foundations of the Economic Approach to Law

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