Party Autonomy: Constitutional and International Law Limits in Comparative Perspective
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Through comparative law, this volume treats the question of the restrictions on private autonomy that increasingly flow from international treaties and national constitutions. While limitations on private autonomy traditionally found their basis in various doctrines in the relevant private law field (such as contracts, property or trusts and estates), it is "higher" law – notably constitutional and international law – that more and more often prescribe those limitations. This particular interface between "private" and "public" law has seldom been explored, least of all comparatively.
The subject of Party Autonomy: Constitutional and International Limits in Comparative Perspective was among the topics addressed at the latest (XVIth) international congress of comparative law, held in Brisbane, Australia, in July 2002. National reports from 12 countries were presented, as was a synthetic report by the general reporter of the congress for this topic. These general and national reports comprise the body of this new volume.
Comparative and Foreign Law | Constitutional Law | European Law | International Law | Law
Juris Publishing
New York, NY
Recommended Citation
Bermann, George A., "Party Autonomy: Constitutional and International Law Limits in Comparative Perspective" (2005). Faculty Books. 187.