Contracts: Cases and Materials
Publication Date
This classic casebook offers first-year students a solid and inviting introduction to contract law, recognizing both the English and American common law traditions and bringing them into our age of statutes, most particularly the Uniform Commercial Code. This casebook features carefully-selected cases, well-tailored notes and problems, and authoritative textual discussions of major developments in current contract law. These include the meaning of assent and agreement (with particular focus on the online environment and in the context of mandatory arbitration clauses); attention to comparative and international approaches; and accessible discussion of theoretical underpinnings of contract doctrine, the importance of which remain a mainstay of this new edition. The casebook is ecumenical in its outlook, presenting a well-balanced approach that is usable by professors with a wide-range of theoretical outlooks and pedagogical styles. Cases are situated within a variety of disciplines – history, economics, philosophy, and ethics – and present the law in a variety of typical settings – commercial, familial, employment, consumer, real estate and so on.
Contracts | Law
Foundation Press
St. Paul, MN
Recommended Citation
Farnsworth, E. Allen; Sanger, Carol; Cohen, Neil B.; Brooks, Richard R.W.; and Garvin, Larry T., "Contracts: Cases and Materials" (2013). Faculty Books. 181.