The Health Care Case: The Supreme Court's Decision and Its Implications
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The Supreme Court's decision in the Health Care Case, NFIB v. Sebelius, gripped the nation's attention during the spring of 2012. No one could have predicted the strange coalition of justices and arguments that would eventually lead the Court to uphold the Affordable Care Act's principal provisions. The constitutional case against the ACA was originally written off as frivolous, but after oral argument at the Court, many predicted that the unthinkable had now become likely. When the Supreme Court delivered its complicated and fractured decision, it offered new interpretations to four different clauses in the Constitution. This volume gathers together reactions to the decision from an ideologically diverse selection of the nation's leading scholars of constitutional, administrative, and health law. They offer novel insights into the meaning of the health care decision for President Obama, the Roberts Court, and the debate over constitutional interpretation.
Administrative Law | Constitutional Law | Epidemiology | Law | Law and Society | Political Science | Public Affairs, Public Policy and Public Administration | Public Health | Public Policy
Oxford University Press
Oxford, UK
"Truly one-stop shopping for anyone interested in understanding the meaning and significance of the historic health care cases of 2012. With contributions by some of the most insightful and influential thinkers in the field, this volume clarifies and expands upon what the ACA litigation did and did not signify, what it says about the legacy of the Roberts Court, and where we go from here. An invaluable read."
—Dahlia Lithwick, Senior Editor, Slate
"This is a wonderful collection of essays about "the case of the century" by the nation's leading scholars. Each page yields new and valuable insight."
—Barry Friedman, Jacob D. Fuchsberg Professor of Law, New York University School of Law
"This remarkable book shows beyond doubt that, contrary to Justice Robert Jackson's famous quip, the Supreme Court is neither infallible nor final. The health care case is over, but the argument over what it will mean has just begun. Anyone who seeks an appreciation of the stakes of that debate will find this diverse set of provocative essays indispensable reading."
—Michael C. Dorf, Robert S. Stevens Professor, Cornell University Law School
Recommended Citation
Persily, Nathaniel; Metzger, Gillian E.; and Morrison, Trevor W., "The Health Care Case: The Supreme Court's Decision and Its Implications" (2013). Faculty Books. 154.
Also available as an eBook through the Columbia University Libraries.