Trade and Human Health and Safety
Publication Date
Developing countries comprise the majority of the membership of the World Trade Organization. Many developing countries believe that the welfare gains that were supposed to ensue from the establishment of the WTO and the results of the Uruguay Round remain largely elusive. Though often aggregated under the ubiquitous banner developing countries, their multilateral trade objectives – like their underlying policy interests and the concerns – vary considerably from country to country and are by no means homogenous. Coming off the heels of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the ongoing Doha Development Round, launched in that Middle Eastern city in the fall of 2001 and now on life support so to speak, was inaugurated with much fanfare as a means of addressing the difficulties that developing countries face within the multilateral trading system. Special and differential treatment provisions in the WTO agreement in particular are the focus of much discussion in the ongoing round, and voices for change have been multiplying, due to widespread dissatisfaction with their effectiveness, enforceability, and implementation.
- Experts on various disciplines discuss trade and health policies as regards WTO Case law
- The first volume in the Columbia Law School series on The Law and Policy of the World Trade Organization
- A comprehensive discussion of the constraints that the WTO agreement imposes on national health policies
Health Law and Policy | International Law | International Trade Law | Law | Legislation
Cambridge University Press
New York, NY
Recommended Citation
Bermann, George A. and Mavroidis, Petros C., "Trade and Human Health and Safety" (2006). Faculty Books. 139.
Also available as an eBook through the Columbia University Libraries.