Commercial Finance: A Transactional Approach
Publication Date
The Commercial Finance book is designed to update (and replace) the course on "Secured Credit" traditionally taught in law school. By shifting the focus to commercial finance from Article 9, and by shifting the materials to emphasize pro-active document design and analysis as opposed to re-active case analysis, the book supports a course that is at once more consonant with the likely career paths of our students and at the same time more experiential than the doctrinal materials that they replace. The course omits the coverage of consumer transactions, which fills a large part of the traditional Secured Credit course, and substitutes a discussion of mortgages parallel to its discussion of lending under Article 9. Within the curriculum, the course parallels the course on corporate finance — covering all of the major types of lending to businesses that do not involve the public securities markets — and provides an excellent foundation for a commercial bankruptcy course.
Banking and Finance Law | Business Organizations Law | Law
Foundation Press
St. Paul, MN
Recommended Citation
Mann, Ronald J., "Commercial Finance: A Transactional Approach" (2023). Faculty Books. 124.