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Reproductive rights in the United States are being threatened more than ever. The enactment of state legislation curtailing the right to abortion – by imposing time limits, dictating mandatory waiting times, obligatory sonograms, and ever-stringent requirements for abortion clinics – is at an all-time high.
These statutes have set the scene for critical legal challenges, which will have far-reaching consequences and bring forth important questions regarding how these laws came to be, who are the individuals most affected by these provisions, how race factors into this equation, what the future holds for reproductive rights in the United States, and what we can do to better assist in the efforts to support the right to abortion.
This episode addresses some of these questions through a Critical Race Theory lens, giving special consideration to which communities are bearing the brunt of the impact of Texas and Mississippi’s efforts at limiting access to abortions. Joining us to discuss these issues is Professor Carol Sanger and Anna Rupani.
Law and Race | Race and Ethnicity | Race, Ethnicity and Post-Colonial Studies | Social Justice
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Studio for Law and Culture
Recommended Citation
Bopanna, Sruthi; Mitsinga, Lise; Rupani, Anna; Sanger, Carol; and Vásquez Ortiz, Sol A., "CRT2 S1 Ep5: Race and the Reality of Reproductive Rights in the United States" (2022). CRT2 Season 1. 7.

Episode Details
Released: August 22, 2022
Length: 44:58
Anna Rupani is a lawyer and Executive Director at Fund Texas Choice, an organization dedicated to providing equitable access to abortion through transportation and accommodation assistance.
Carol Sanger, Barbara Aronstein Black Professor of Law at Columbia Law School, is an award-winning teacher and influential scholar of reproductive rights who teaches courses on contracts, family law, the legal profession, and law and gender. Her most recent book, About Abortion: Terminating Pregnancy in the 21st Century, addresses the regulation of abortion and maternal conduct, surrogacy, and the law’s relation to culture.
Written, edited and produced by Sol A. Vásquez Ortiz, Lise Mitsinga and Sruthi Bopanna.
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